Although he thought clearly, Fu Jingyou still felt a little worried in his heart.

After eating with some senior chefs, he excused himself and went downstairs to pay for the meal.

Afterwards, we went back to the temporarily arranged staff dormitory together. On the way, several old masters helplessly complained to him about why he gave the money first.

Fu Jingyou smiled and casually chatted about something else to change the subject.

Accompanying several senior masters to the downstairs of the dormitory, Fu Jingyou watched them enter the corridor, then turned around and asked for directions to the communication room of the unit here.

He wanted to borrow the phone, and the young comrade in the communication room teased him:

"You also have a phone number there?"

All the staff in the unit knew that the dozens of people who came here were all from the countryside.

The call must have been to home.

It is not surprising that the county offices and post offices have telephones, but in the villages, I have never heard of any village having telephones installed.

Not to mention telephones, there are countless places without electricity.

Fu Jingyou smiled warmly and did not answer.

The young comrade glanced at Fu Jingyou and said nothing more.

Maybe it's something at work?

Who said you have to call home, right?

The little comrade turned the phone towards the door, lowered his head and went about his own business.

Fu Jingyou politely thanked him, thought for a moment, and dialed a number.

He held the phone and whispered a few words in a sincere tone, then nodded and hung up.

The little comrade who just lowered his head and was busy raised his head again:

"Is this the end?"

Fu Jingyou smiled and said, "I'll call you later, please, please take up a little more time."

The little comrade nodded and allowed him to continue using it.

Fu Jingyou always remembered the phone number Lu Miao made in Beijing Hutong.

Entrusting Hua'er Zuo's young apprentice to help find Tang Mei, Fu Jingyou hung up the phone, counting with his hands around his shoulders, and pacing back and forth.

As soon as I left, I couldn't help but walk to the door.

The season has entered the end of October, and the weather has cooled down again. Now I don’t feel hot even wearing a long-sleeved gown.

In a daze, it seems like this year has come to an end again...

It's been almost half a month since he came out. I don't know how his family is doing now?

tall and tall metasequoia trees can be seen everywhere in Han City, but a few trees in the courtyard look particularly tall.

The trees are nearly thirty or forty meters high, and the lush green leaves are like small brushes, shrouded in a comfortable halo by the sunset.

Fu Jingyou stood in a small halo of light at the door and was distracted. He didn't come back to his senses until the young comrade in the reception room behind him stretched out his head and called him.

"Hey! Comrade, your home phone number has been called back!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Fu Jingyou quickly entered the room and took the phone, "Thank you, thank you."

He leaned close to the microphone and said "hello", and then shouted:

"Little aunt, yes, it's me, Xiaoliu."

Fu Jingyou involved the Lu family in the turmoil outside.

Hearing the news brought by the old masters, he didn't dare to go back and tell Lu Miao rashly.

I just wanted to call Beijing City to confirm the current situation.

Tang Mei told her everything.

Jingli is now taking control of the guard organization, which is a bit turbulent.

But those things have nothing to do with the Lu family.

In addition to dealing with the affairs of those organizations, there are indeed other policies in Jingli that are being secretly and subtly promoted.

Lu Yuanzheng was suspended for several months and resumed his post half a month ago. But he was still given a wrongdoing for his previous actions.

Although he was re-employed, his position was not the previous principal of the Beijing North Military Region.

He is the president of another university that has been suspended and has been sealed for several years.

For Lu Yuanzheng, the difference between the front and back is not even a little bit different.

But Fu Jingyou got some information from it.

What does it mean that a closed school has a principal again?

Miaomiao's prediction was correct.

Universities will reopen, and so will the college entrance examination.

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple rolled, the hand holding the microphone trembled inexplicably, and he felt as if a fire had condensed in his chest.

Fu Jingyou didn't think about the changes in the college entrance examination or university. He didn't even think he could pass the exam.

But once the college entrance examination is restarted and universities open up, will it be far away from the time when other rules and regulations will usher in the opening up and collapse?

"I know, I am studying in Han City during this period, and I will go back in the next two days... um, um... I will, do you have enough money?"

"Okay, okay, I know. My aunt will take note of the phone number of the county office. If anything happens, call me. I usually go there when I go to work...Okay, okay."


After hanging up the phone, Fu Jingyou breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

After thanking several comrades in the reception room again, Fu Jingyou wiped his face and returned to the temporary dormitory happily.

On the way back, Fu Jingyou was thinking about it.

When he was in Jinmen before, he had some knowledge of the prices in big cities, which were much higher than those in their counties and towns.

The university is being reorganized and is expected to open up not too far away.

Lu Miao has a high level of education and will definitely be admitted to university.

From now on, his salary will be spent carefully.

He wants Lu Miao to go to and from school, and the extra money he saves can be used as Lu Miao's extra expenses for college...

Of course, there is no need to talk about food, clothing, and accommodation. What is it like for college students to attend classes?

Is it the same as middle school?

Want a schoolbag, stationery, or notebook?

Fu Jingyou didn't know, but after thinking about it deeply, he couldn't help but laugh and hit his head.

I am getting more and more stupid. Of course I need schoolbags and stationery for class.

Without a schoolbag, what should I use to pack my textbooks?

How can I write and take notes without stationery?

The refresher course is coming to an end, and the content of this period mainly involves new equipment components.

For example, the front of the Big Iron Ox can be equipped with a blade part, so that it can go to the fields to help harvest wheat during busy farming times.

An iron plow can also be attached to the back to serve as an agricultural machine to assist in plowing, etc.

These are more practical in the east, west and north, but seem a bit useless in the palm-sized fields in the south.

But knowledge knows no bounds, especially for technicians.

When we were having dinner earlier, the old master said that skilled workers in all walks of life are very scarce in the country.

When the professional knowledge is almost spread, the next step may be to implement the policy of relocation between the north and the south.

Fu Jingyou kept this in mind.

It would then depend on where Lu Miao got into the university. He would see if he could apply there and try his best to transfer to work there.

A family must stay together.

Thinking like this, Fu Jingyou couldn't help but feel worried again.

Mingyi is still young in the summer. He will have to work and Lu Miao will go to school. What will happen to the two children?

Let Tang Mei go take it with you?

Can Tang Mei be willing?

If you are willing, even though we are a family, you can't always have people help and work in vain...

How much is the appropriate monthly payment?

How can we get this money out?

Fu Jingyou fell asleep in a daze, and the next day, Fu Jingyou was woken up by Wang Xiaohu:

"Brother Fu? Get up, Brother Fu! If you don't wake up, you won't be able to catch up with the lecture! We will listen for a long time today, and we will clean up in the afternoon. We will see if we go back directly or wander around..." (End of this chapter)

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