"No matter how tender it is, it will be nurtured. How can it be tender if you don't nurture it?"

"I used to be poor and couldn't afford to buy things for you and your children, but now I can get a lot of money every month. These things can be used for a long time...you should spend the money you deserve."

Wang Xiaohu took a breath and said:

"Don't feel too sorry for yourself."

Wang Xiaohu has a rough temper, which he never noticed before.

But after spending more time with Fu Jingyou, he had seen Fu Jingyou's Gu family, and he couldn't help but re-examine himself.

Thinking about the past, my family was miserable, my wife and children were all wronged.

Life is finally getting better now, and the standard of living must be improved. Otherwise, what are you running around for every day?


Yang Cuilan pursed her lips, her eyes burning.

Putting away her things, she pretended to be unhappy and hummed. Yang Cuilan turned around and wiped the corners of her eyes and said:

"I'm going to get water for you to wash your feet. You can wash your feet and lie down to sleep... It's disturbing the child and he can't even sleep well."

When Niuniu heard that her father was back, she had to get up and take a look.

Wang Xiaohu chuckled, "I know, okay, Niuniu, go to bed and wake up."

There are quarrels between husband and wife, but the family atmosphere is still warm and harmonious.

As for Fu Jingyou, after riding his bicycle for more than an hour and returning home, it was still dark outside.

Lu Miao and the child were both asleep. Chen Guifen heard the sound and opened the door:

"It's so late...why didn't you stay overnight at the county guest house before coming back? I'm not afraid of falling into a ditch."

"We're already at the door of our house. I won't be happy if I don't come back..."

Fu Jingyou laughed softly, picked up the big package on the bicycle and handed it to Chen Guifen.

"How are you doing at home these days? Is there anything going on? Are Miaomiao and the children okay?"

"Everything is fine. It's not even three o'clock... You should go back to the house and rest. We'll pack things tomorrow."

Afraid of disturbing Lu Miao and the children, Fu Jingyou lowered his voice:

"There is a several-layered oil paper bag in the bag, which contains duck goods. I will go and soak it up with water to prevent it from spoiling tomorrow."

"Auntie, go to bed. I'll have a rest after I'm done."

Chen Guifen nodded and let Fu Jingyou go to the backyard to wash up and get busy.

Before, Fu Jingyou was not at home, and Chen Guifen had always kept Lu Miao company.

Now that Fu Jingyou is back, the couple will definitely sleep together.

Chen Guifen gently took her cattail leaf fan and went to sleep in the hut on the right.

Fu Jingyou was rustling in the backyard.

Later, he vaguely heard a chicken crow from the production team, and then he entered the house covered in moisture.

Lu Miao lay on her side facing the wall and slept on the inside of the bed.

There was no light in the room, but in the hazy light, Fu Jingyou could see her slim figure and particularly curved waist.

He climbed onto the bed lightly, pressed his chest hard against Lu Miao's back, and grasped the soft material dishonestly with his rough hands.

The soft touch, the perfect size, and the full feeling of being hugged.

Fu Jingyou breathed a sigh of relief.

He had washed himself and there was no smell of sweat on his body. He had not had time to shave off the stubble he had grown during this period.

Smelling the faint fragrance of soap locust in Lu Miao's hair and neck, he couldn't help but lower his head, rub it, and kiss her again. He wanted to get close to her from the inside out.

Lu Miao was sleeping deeply, and in a daze she covered his hand that was holding her, tilted her head slightly and kissed him on the lips, then murmured in his arms:

"Give me something to eat..."

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple slid and his waist felt numb. Xiao Fu stood up immediately.

He asked seductively in a hoarse voice:

"What to eat?"

His hands moved erratically, and Lu Miao was disturbed. She frowned and hummed unhappily, muttering dimly:



Fu Jingyou was stunned for a moment, then laughed helplessly. Turning Lu Miao around, he held her in his arms like a child and promised softly:

"Okay, let's eat tomorrow."

It's better to be at home than outside, and Fu Jingyou fell asleep quickly.

The familiar environment, the familiar bed, the familiar softness and soapy smell enveloped him, and he fell into a deep sleep.

It was so heavy that he didn't even notice until Lu Miao woke up in the morning to urinate and feed the first and second babies.

On the other hand, Lu Miao opened her eyes and saw his strong profile. She sat up after briefly shaking her head.

Fu Jingyou is back?

Are you back?

When did this happen? ?

Lu Miao rubbed his face in confusion, not knowing whether the scene in front of him was true or false.

She shook the bed board so much that Fu Jingyou opened his eyelids, called "wife" and pulled her back into his arms.

Lu Miao let him hold her, raised her head and poked his stubble-scratched chin:

"When did you come back?"

"Last night, don't remember?"

Lu Miao shook her head honestly.

Fu Jingyou laughed and held her in his arms like a pillow.

Lu Miao pushed him gently: "I'm going to hold the baby to pee. I'll come back later and sleep with you for a while."

Fu Jingyou gave a deep "hmm" and briefly let go of his arms.

Lu Miao said it well, but she couldn't stand the baby's refusal to cooperate.

The baby who used to sleep for a while after peeing in the morning suddenly became abnormal today.

When he was being held to pee, he would pick his feet and look around with his dark eyes. He was very energetic.

Afraid of disturbing Fu Jingyou, Lu Miao packed up the brother and sister into the main room.

The two little ones were sitting on the mat in the fence, playing on their stomachs, while Lu Miao was combing her hair beside them.

She doesn't go out much now, and she doesn't bother to tie her hair in braids. She usually just combs her hair into a low ponytail.

When Fu Jingyou saw her carrying the two children out of the room, he knew she would not come back.

The body was still a little tired, so Fu Jingyou stretched and relaxed, then fumbled up and put on his shoes.

He opened the room and Lu Miao looked back at him:

"Why don't you sleep more?"

"Enough sleep."

His upper lips were slightly curved, with a gentle smile.

Lu Miao whispered "Humph", not believing him.

I originally thought of filling up the milk for Dabao Erbao and telling him to continue sleeping, but when I turned around, no one was there.

Erbao sat in the playpen and drank milk. Dabao wet his underpants and was held by Lu Miao while changing his underpants and wandering around the house.

Chen Guifen helped make breakfast. One look at her and you knew what she was doing:

"Are you looking for Jing You? Haha, I went out just now, and I still had a fish basket in my hand!"

"Have you just slept for a while since you came back? You don't have a good rest and are running around everywhere."

Lu Miao muttered softly.

She was so sleepy last night that she didn't even know when Fu Jingyou came back.

Naturally, he won't remember her shouting about eating crabs.

Fu Jingyou came back just before breakfast was served, and was just in time to catch up with He Hongjin to send Minjie over.

Minjie hugged Chen Guifen's thigh and cried heartbrokenly:

"Grandma, I'm still sleepy here at night. Grandpa's hand is on my butt, and he won't burp... I'm not sleepy with Grandpa!"

Minjie stomped his feet, "Oooh, po, I can't!"

Chen Guifen touched Minjie's head:

"Your uncle is back. My mother-in-law will go home to live tonight. I won't ask your father to wash your butt and balls anymore."

Just when Fu Jingyou entered the house, Chen Guifen shook her head and smiled helplessly.

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