Lu Miao may not be a good-tempered person, but she is very tolerant of Ma Tianzao, who has a shallow cultural foundation.

I talked about sentence patterns and wrote examples.

When Ma Tianzao completes his homework, no matter whether it is good or bad, he is always corrected and praised.

Different from the previous boring practice of silently reading Pinyin, recognizing characters, and memorizing radicals, the one-to-one small class atmosphere is always soothing.

Always being watched and encouraged, Ma Tianzao had the courage to speak and felt the new pleasure of knowledge.

Lu Miao is generous and often catches red dates and nuts for her to eat.

Ma Tianzao feels that in the past ten years of life, even if she ate large pieces of meat during the New Year, she was not as happy as during this period.

Ma Tianzao remembered Lu Miao's kindness and was grateful to Lu Miao.

She doesn't say much. Lu Miao loves to eat soft-shelled turtles. She is not afraid of the cold. Like last year, she rolled up her trouser legs and went to the fields to look for them with a shovel.

Lu Miao makes chrysanthemum tea and cannot go out because of her children.

It doesn't matter, Ma Tianzao will be given to her.

As time went by slowly, Lu Miao's chrysanthemum tea was dried. She soaked it and drank it for the first time. It tasted the same as before.

It almost means it's done.

Taking the time to brew it for Ma Tianzao and Fu Jingyou to drink, Lu Miao asked them how it tasted.

Fu Jingyou thought the taste was a bit strange and he couldn't accept it at first. After drinking it a few times, he felt it was quite good.

Usually when I go to work, I have to grab a can and make a cup of it to take with me to work.

Not to mention horse sweet dates.

She has been a die-hard fan of Lu Miao for a long time, and she thinks whatever Lu Miao does is good.

Seeing that she liked it, Lu Miao was not stingy. He dug out an empty small tin can of malted milk and filled a small can for her.

Afterwards, I collected the wild chrysanthemums that Ma Tianzao helped pick, steamed them again, and dried them in the sun.

If chrysanthemum tea can work, then honeysuckle and the like should also work.

It's a pity that it's out of season this year...

Lu Miao thought that she would have to give it a try tomorrow in early or midsummer.

The second batch of chrysanthemum tea is made.

Lu Miao filled two cans of malted milk in tin cans.

He also put a can of honey that Fu Jingyou brought back from the beehives in the mountains into a can.

Lu Miao wrote a letter about the effects and benefits of chrysanthemum tea, and Qianqian wrote a few words about the current situation, then tied up the package with three layers inside and three outside, and asked Fu Jingyou to send it to Beijing when he went to work.

The reply from Beijing City was very quick this time. After explaining the current situation, he also mentioned his love for chrysanthemum tea.

It is said that the smell of chrysanthemum suppresses the astringency in the water.

The water in the north of Beijing is astringent. In ancient times, there was a sea of ​​bitterness in Youzhou, and there were stories and sayings about evil dragons working there.

The Ministry of Water Resources' South-to-North Water Diversion Project only formally established a project plan in 1979-1980.

At this time, most people are still drinking water that takes away the astringency...

Lu Miao was thinking about the water, and wondered if she could get some scented tea this year when she had time to go out.

The weather suddenly became very cold, so Fu Jingyou bought the military coat that he had been thinking about in the past.

Because of Minjie's relationship, Fu Jingyou hadn't gone to the coal plant this year. Brother He had brought back several large baskets of briquettes early and told them to use them with confidence. This year's coal was designated to be enough.

Lu Miao inquired carefully and found out that Tian Guihua worked in the canteen of the coal factory and received coal subsidies every month in winter.

There was a fire to sleep at night, and a military coat was placed on the quilt. The Fu family was warm and cozy.

Fu Jingyou didn't have any trouble getting up at night to urinate the first and second babies.

When it first got cold, the adults were afraid that the two little ones would get sick from the cold when they peeed.

The two younger ones felt the cool breeze blowing on their buttocks after they took them out of the warm quilt. Not only did they kick their legs but refused to pee, they also cried every time.

Fu Jingyou was left in a hurry. I thought that if he got up at night to take care of the child, Lu Miao could sleep a little longer, but in the end, Lu Miao had to get up anyway.

The young couple holds one in each arms, and often sit back to back on the bed and take a nap.

Fortunately those are temporary.

The season has entered the twelfth lunar month and it is snowing outside.

The weather is getting colder. Gu Ying and the others know that Lu Miao has the habit of burning the stove, so they often come over to chat.

Every time I come here I'm always empty-handed.

Either bring the sweet potatoes or the pumpkin seeds that I saved in the autumn and summer and fry them in the Fu family kitchen.

While everyone was coaxing the children, they were eating melon seeds and chatting around the stove.

Minjie and Minmin were naturally there too.

Boys wake up late, and Minjie is just playing around.

Dabao and Erbao have big tongues and can’t even speak a few words, but he can play with them.

On the other hand, Minmin, who is almost one meter tall, is already very sensible.

When someone from the Fu family comes, she is always the first to pick up the kettle and pour water for them.

Lu Miao was scared to death at first, but later when she saw that her movements were so familiar, Lu Miao suddenly felt heavy in her heart.

Lu Miao treats Minmin equally and impartially, just like he takes care of Minjie, but to be honest, Lu Miao has always had a knot in his heart.

But after seeing the sensitive and sensible person, the pimple dissipated unknowingly.

Lu Miao felt more sorry for Minmin.

Just like the combination of Zaohua and Xu Yao, it is likely to be a tragedy of the times.

With a mother like Zhao Lanxiang who is sour and careless, plus the one Zhao Lanxiang is about to give birth to, if it is a boy, Minmin's situation can be imagined.

Such a young person but so sensible.

Maybe the unequal treatment has already started...

Lu Miao was a little more soft-hearted towards Minmin and often warned her that she was at the age where she should have fun and she didn't need her help at home.

At least that was how Fu was when he was in the Fu family.

Minmin couldn't understand, but couldn't stand Lu Miao talking too much.

Gradually, Minmin also listened.

But even after she sat in the pen, she was not as smart as Minjie. She would laugh happily when there was any movement.

Instead, she acted as the eldest sister, watching over her younger siblings.

She is sensible and obedient, making people want to hug her and feel pain when they see her.

Lu Miao was learning needlework from Ren Bingxin next to the stove.

The other female educated youths noticed Minmin's careful little moves and all of them praised her.

"Is this area different or something?"

Geng Xiaoyun looked at Minmin and said:

"Are the little girls we see here better than the other? The little girls we see over there are all like tigers."

Gu Ying asked: "It's just a little girl, what else can I do?"

Geng Xiaoyun immediately became energetic, straightened his back and looked at everyone in the room, extremely serious:

"I'm still a kid, and I haven't learned anything yet, but when I talk and do things, I just act like a fool. I really don't have anything to say!"

Geng Xiaoyun remembered one thing in his memory.

There was an older girl in their village. One day, when she came out from Bao Valley with a male educated youth who had gone to work in the countryside, someone in the village saw her and started gossiping about her.

The eldest girl was so shameless that she hid at home crying and did not dare to go out.

The six-year-old girl at home rushed out with a woodcutter, but the mother-in-law stopped her and asked where she was going.

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