Fu Jingyou previously introduced himself as a migrant worker from the south.

Zhou Hong felt extremely suspicious when he saw the condition of the two children.

Isn’t it really obvious that this is a child of peasant origin and brought from the village?

This looks more like a city kid than many city kids!
It looks like he was raised by a big leader, and his future is immeasurable!

In contrast, Zhou Hong looked at the little black child in his arms, feeling embarrassed and complicated.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

How can people raise their children so well?

In the past, he often sent money to his mother-in-law's house.

Why did his baby become like this?
He is dark and thin, and his arms and legs are as thin as vegetable stalks.

Zhou Hong was in a complicated mood. After praising the Fu family one by one, he did not forget about business.

He said what he said to Fu Jingyou before.

Zhou Hong quickly put down the boy in his arms, patted his son on the head to say hello, and said with a smile:
"Aunt, siblings... may be in trouble in the future!"

Zhou Hong didn't come to the door by himself.

Fu Jingyou went to the street to ask about the lines, and when he came back, he happened to go to work in the ice factory.

Zhou Hong came here with Fu Jingyou. In addition to bringing his children to find the way, Zhou Hong also brought something.

He held the child in his arms and held a bag of rations in his hand.

There was also a box of soda, peach cake, and brown sugar. Zhou Hong couldn't hold the child, so Fu Jingyou had to hold them.

The things were given to the Fu family as a favor.

"It's just to look at the child. I don't have anything else to do. I just look at the child together. Why do you bring so many things!"

Tang Mei looked at Fu Jingyou.

Fu Jingyou rubbed the back of his neck and said:
"I also said no, but Brother Zhou insisted on it and spent a long time talking at the entrance of the ice factory."

"Comrade Zhou, I have heard from the children that Xiaofu works with you, and you have been helping me a lot... Now when it comes to the children, everyone is helping each other!"

Tang Mei looked at Zhou Hong and said sincerely:
"You can send your child here safely, and you won't need anything!"

Zhou Hong waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, Auntie, that's not what you said. This thing is nothing. It just gives me peace of mind and peace of mind!"

Zhou Hong is not afraid of hard work, but he feels sorry for his children.

The baby has been without his mother since he was a child, and he spends less time together and more separation.

Now that we are finally together, he has to be busy with his livelihood and has no time to take care of her.

At a young age, I feel uneasy at home.

I take my child out in the car every day before dawn, and the child who is tossing around cannot get a good rest.

When I first came here from the Northeast, I felt a little energetic, but these days I have been feeling sluggish and my complexion has deteriorated.

Zhou Hong had no choice.

If it weren't for his contact with Fu Jingyou and knowing Fu Jingyou's character, Zhou Hong would not have dared to send the child over rashly.

Now that I have made up my mind to send it, I must make my attitude clear.

"Auntie, just accept the things and don't pull them, otherwise I would be embarrassed to send this child here!"

Tang Mei sighed and looked at the young couple at home.

The young couple looked at her, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Tang Mei looked at Zhou Hong again and understood that it was not easy for a rough man from the north to raise a child, so she had to relax:

"Okay, then, what's the child's name?"

Zhou Hong breathed a sigh of relief, showed a smile, and carried things into the house with Fu Jingyou.

"Shi'an, my name is Zhou Shi'an."

"Oh, this name has a good meaning!"

"Haha, yes."

Zhou Hong brought Zhou Shian's rations and also took several dollars worth of stuff.

Those things are considered decent if they are used by serious relatives.

After all, the Fu family and Zhou Hong didn't have that kind of relationship, and Tang Mei was a little embarrassed.

It happened to be lunch time, and Tang Mei invited Zhou Hong to have dinner at home.

"Haha, Auntie, I'll eat it later when I have a chance. I have a truckload of goods waiting to be delivered."

Zhou Hong waved his hand and declined, "I'm going to work first, Shi An, Shi An, I'll leave it to you first. I'll pick you up in the afternoon!" After agreeing with the Fu family, Zhou Hong waved his hand and left.

When I walked to the door of the yard, I turned around to take a look.

In the small courtyard, the Fu family was enjoying themselves happily, but the little black boy in his family was alone and looked very pitiful.

It is not easy to find reliable people to temporarily help look after the children.

Opportunities are hard to come by, so what else is there to be unhappy about?

Zhou Hong was cruel and left.

Zhou Shi'an frowned and stared at the courtyard door with his dark eyes.

Seeing that his father was really gone, he pouted and his eyes suddenly became red and full of tears, but the tears refused to fall.

Tang Mei coaxed him the same way she usually coaxes Dabao and Erbao:
"Shi'an, have you eaten when you came? Let's go into the house with grandma to eat."

Fu Jingyou and Zhou Hong are brothers, and the children are naturally of the same generation.

The second treasure of the Dabao is called Grandma Tang Mei.

Tang Mei subconsciously moved Zhou Shi'an and her two children back to the same generation.

If you call me grandma, just call me grandma, so as not to sound like a vegetable market.

Zhou Shian broke away his hand, unwilling to let Tang Mei touch it.

"This child..."

Tang Mei was a little helpless.

Lu Miao looked at it for a long time, then beckoned Dabao and Erbao to him and taught:
"This is brother Shi An. From now on, I will call you brother, do you know?"

Mingyi stared in confusion, trying his best to purse his lips and say:
"I, I am the elder brother, my sister's elder brother."

Ming Xia was not exclusive, she tilted her little head and thought about her mother's words carefully, then walked to Zhou Shi'an with small steps.


Xiao Mingxia's voice was soft, and her little hand clumsily held Zhou Shi'an's little hand.

"Brother, it's time to eat."

The three adults in the courtyard were a little nervous.

He was afraid that if Zhou Shian didn't adapt, he would throw away Erbao just like he did with Tang Mei.



Perhaps it is easier for children to accept each other.

Zhou Shi'an looked at Xiao Mingxia with a straight face for a while, then touched her and let her hold her hand.

Lu Miao saw this and clapped her hands quickly:
"Okay Xia Xia, let's take my brother inside and sit down first. Mom will serve you some food."

Ming Xia was very obedient, chewing her millet teeth, holding one of Zhou Shi'an's hands with both hands, and moved to the main room.

Next to the long table in the Fu family hall, there is one more chair with a backrest than usual.

Dabao and Dabao sat face to face, while Zhou Shian sat alone next to them.

Xiao Mingxia is very curious about her new brother.

Soft and blinking with dark eyes, he gave his favorite fried egg to his new brother:
"Brother eat eggs."

Zhou Shi'an squirmed his lips, but before he made any move, Mingyi started crying while holding a small bowl.

"My eggs, those are my eggs..."

Usually the two brothers and sisters eat separately.

If my sister doesn't like the food, she will give it to her brother directly.

Mingyi felt that Sister Egg should also be given to him.

As a result, my sister gave it to someone else and did not give it to him as before.

Mingyi is dying.

Mingyi broke his guard.

Fu Jingyou wanted to interfere, but Lu Miao shook her head gently to stop him.

Zhou Shi'an isn't just staying here today.

He will come over in the future.

The relationship between children also needs to be adjusted. (End of chapter)

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