Chapter 440 Why is he like this?
Lu Miao shook his head and smiled, poured three glasses of water and placed them on the chair, reminding the children to drink more water.

She went inside and sat down at the table.

After arranging the pen manuscript paper, she turned the pages with one hand and pressed the book. Holding the pen in the other hand, she lowered her head and started writing with a "whistle".

Time passed quietly in the small courtyard. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Hong ran to pick up the child, covered in sweat.

Seeing that Zhou Shi'an didn't cause any trouble, he got along well with the two children of the Fu family.

Zhou Hongxuan finally settled down after spending the whole afternoon and thanked him again and again.

Children do not understand the pleasantries between adults.

After an afternoon of getting used to each other, the three little ones got along well.

Although he didn't like anyone to distract his sister's attention, it was rare to see a third child in the courtyard.

Dabao is still very curious about this brother who is older than him.

Zhou Hong came to pick up Zhou Shi'an, and the Dabao and the two treasures surrounded Zhou Shi'an, each holding one of Zhou Shi'an's hands.

"Brother will come again tomorrow!"

"Are you coming tomorrow? If you come, I can share half of my sister's and my eggs with you..."

Xiao Mingyi scratched his head, cute and sincere:
"Forget it, if I don't give you my sister's, I'll give you all mine."

Zhou Shi'an didn't answer in a hurry and subconsciously turned to look at his father.

Zhou Hong smiled and nodded.

Zhou Shian confirmed that his father would come to pick him up.

His dad didn't want to leave him alone.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhou Shi'an looked at the two little beans in front of him who were shorter than himself and said seriously:


"Oh, that's great!"

Xiao Mingxia clapped her hands happily, "Brother, I'll wait for you tomorrow."

Xiao Mingyi quickly held his sister's little hand and expressed their stance together:
"I-I'm waiting for you too!"

Zhou Shi'an nodded and was carried away by Zhou Hong.

At night, two small basins were placed in the main room.

Tang Mei was washing up in the room, while Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou bathed the two children in the main room.

Lu Miao asked the two little ones: "Do you like the new brother?"


Dabao, who had a relatively neutral attitude, nodded decisively.

On the other hand, I spent the entire afternoon glued to Zhou Shian's second treasure. I tilted my head and thought for a long time before saying:

"Xia Xia likes the new brother, but why is the new brother always like this?"

Er Bao retracted his chin, frowned, and tried to imitate Zhou Shi'an during the day with a straight face.

Zhou Shi'an is dark and thin, even though he is more than four years old. He has a frown and a straight face, which makes him look a bit serious and impatient.

The second treasure is different.

Erbao's little face is plump, not fat, but a kind of baby fat that is common in children.

Her little face is white and tender. She can't imitate Zhou Shi'an's impatient feeling. Her facial features are so crowded that she is cute and funny.

The child's father, who usually doesn't talk much, was also made to laugh out loud.

"That's because Brother Shi'an has just arrived in the capital, and he feels reluctant to be separated from his friends back home..."

Lu Miao also wanted to laugh a little, but she tapped the tip of Xiao Mingxia's nose and said seriously:

"Baby and Xia Xia will get along well with Brother Shi An from now on, do you know?"

Xiao Mingxia nodded seriously, sat in the small basin, grabbed her toes and asked seriously:
"Have you and Brother Shi'an become good friends, but Brother Shi'an is no longer like this?"

She started to frown again.

Lu Miao nodded slightly and continued to give instructions:

"Yes, but you can't raise your eyebrows like this in front of Brother Shi An in the future, he will be unhappy."


Xiao Mingxia pursed her lips and nodded seriously.

Before going to bed, Fu Jingyou took a kerosene lamp and walked around the vegetable field again.

The sun is getting stronger and stronger during the day, and the tomatoes are fine. They can hang on the plants for two or three days when they turn red.

Cucumbers are not good, they will get old if they are not picked in time. Not only will there be seeds inside, but it will also taste sour.

More than a dozen cucumber plants set up several rows of shelves.

Fu Jingyou picked up two large pots and came in.

There are also some thumb-thick ones on the vine.

With the weather in this season, growing up only takes two days.

Fu Jingyou discussed with Lu Miao and said that he planned to pull out two cucumber vines and replant a few summer cucumber plants, as well as tomatoes.

Go back and wait for the seedlings planted in spring to reach their end. Those planted in summer can be replanted directly and can be eaten until autumn.

Lu Miao had no objection: "I can't do this either. You can take the time to watch and do it."


"Can we still eat the watermelons we grew this year? The few watermelon seedlings in the yard look very sick."

"It should be possible. I'll take a look tomorrow at noon when I have time. I need to pinch the tip of the watermelon."

Lu Miao didn't understand this, so she lay on the kang and asked about the follow-up to the electricity supply at the street level.

Fu Jingyou said that what they meant there was that at least ten households must agree to use electricity before the poles could be erected. Now there are eight households.

There are two other households, and the office has arranged for people to visit them.

He said he would have to wait for a while.

Lu Miao sighed: "It's really not easy to deal with this."

Fu Jingyou said: "It's only two households short of it, but it's still easy to get. We will definitely have electricity this summer at the latest."

Much better than their small mountain village over there.

Even in their county, there is no universal access to electricity, let alone in the countryside.

Lu Miao nodded.

I know that this matter cannot be done in a hurry.


"Well, I will bring you food at noon tomorrow."

"You still want to give it away? How about forget it? You are quite tired from working in the ice factory at noon. I want you to take a rest..."

"You're not tired. I'll bring you food tomorrow. I'll take you with me to eat together. We'll go straight back to school after eating. It's the same thing."

"OK then."

Lu Miao turned over, climbed onto his chest and kissed him, deliberately pouting into a coquettish tone:

"Brother You is so good, this is a reward~"

Fu Jingyou chuckled hoarsely and patted her butt with his big hand, "Sleep."


I actually slept this time.

The next day, Fu Jingyou got up early as usual and went to the ice factory to load two trucks of goods.

When he came back, he brought Zhou Shi'an with him.

I originally planned to take my wife to school after breakfast.

Lu Miao felt bad that he had to go back and forth several times every day, and he was very tired even with a bicycle.

I had already finished my breakfast and ran away by myself.

Fu Jingyou was helpless. After eating, he patted the three little ones in the yard.

After being told to be obedient and get along well with each other, he got on his bicycle and went out.

Zhou Shian was sure that his father didn't want to abandon him. When he came here today, his mentality was completely different.

In addition, we had spent the whole afternoon together yesterday, and when we entered the yard today, we shouted "Grandma" to Tang Mei, and she screamed loudly.

Tang Mei was stunned for a while, saying "Hey, hey, hey" several times in a row.

There is an older child in the small courtyard. The elder brother is older and the younger brother is shorter. The shouting is very lively.

It turned out that Tang Mei would help keep an eye on the child.

It's better now. Zhou Shi'an is like the leader, playing with the two little ones, which saves Tang Mei a lot of trouble.

Let’s talk about the other side, Monday, the beginning of the week.

Lu Miao arrived at school early.

"Classmate Lu, good morning."

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