Chapter 445 Teaching Textbook
"I will come again next weekend, and I will bring some manuscripts then. If you think my ability is good, I will continue."

If she feels that she is not capable, Xu Hongmei can make other plans.

Xu Hongmei nodded indifferently, with a flash of appreciation in her eyes, patted Lu Miao on the shoulder and said:
"Young people must have momentum and don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only by making mistakes can you grow."

Lu Miao nodded, knowing what he was thinking.

Translating poetry is different from translating regular book content.

Poetry not only requires accurate content, but also requires "beauty" in the text.

For Lu Miao, translation is the same.

It only takes a little more time to translate part of the poem to keep the text smooth and beautiful.

Lu Miao held the document bag, glanced at the two bundles of books in the frame with his peripheral vision, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Just spend some time!

Carrying so many books back and forth every day makes me exhausted.

If you think about it from another perspective, the level of work is actually about the same.

Poetry can also be said to be the content of a refined manuscript. As a translation manuscript, it can polish the foundation and is a good training opportunity.

Lu Miao thought and became more determined, "I will choose this."

Xu Hongmei nodded happily and led her through the process of placing an order.

During this period, Lu Miao thought of something and said awkwardly:
"Editor Xu, do you have any spare document bags here? Can you give me a few..."

Lu Miao was extremely embarrassed.

She knew the manuscript paper was sold in department stores.

She asked several places but couldn't find a paper document bag.

The one I am using today was brought from the study room at Chongwenmen before I moved.

He is also the last one in the family.

Xu Hongmei understood and said with a smile:
"Okay, I'll get you some later."

After opening a receipt for Lu Miao, Xu Hongmei went back to the office and took out a stack of paper document bags.

Xu Hongmei didn't even count, so she just counted them casually. Unexpectedly, by coincidence, there were exactly ten.

"Take it back and use it first, then tell me when you're done with it next time."

Lu Miao nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Xu Hongmei confirmed with Lu Miao the time to come next weekend.

After agreeing with Lu Miao that she would come over next week, Xu Hongmei waved her hand and let Lu Miao go back first.


During the weekend, the father of the family helps to take care of the children.

Lu Miao combined work and rest, slumped at the table in the main room and read a selection of "Leaves of Grass".

She used to hold the painful golden bump at home.

Tang Mei knew that her reading was related to her work, and she felt heartbroken.

She was pampered like a royal emperor. There was a water glass on her left hand side, and flowers, fruits, and snacks on her right hand side.

If it weren't for the fear of disturbing her, Tang Mei would have gone up and asked if he wanted to feed her.

Lu Miao was a lazy snake, flipping through the pages and reading.

He is generous and enjoys the "care" of his aunt and his father.

The good days lasted only three seconds, and before I had finished reading two chapters of the hand-bound "Leaves of Grass", there was a "bang bang" sound at the courtyard door.

The child's grandfather is here.

The two little ones in the yard screamed, one on the left and the other on the right holding their grandpa's thighs and howling.

The grandpa is older than the grandpa. It has been a long time since he saw his two grandsons. Lu Yuanzheng was very happy when he was called.

With a bow, Lu Yuanzheng picked up the two little cubs who were fat and plump.

"Do you still remember grandpa?"

Xiao Mingxia nodded softly and took a sweet sip on her grandfather's face:
"Xia Xia remembers grandpa~"

Xiao Mingyi followed his sister with a tiger head and a tiger head and expressed his position:
"The baby also remembers grandpa. Grandpa, grandpa is really good~"

After saying that, Xiao Mingyi also kissed his grandfather on the face.

Leave a big saliva mark.

Lu Yuanzheng was not annoyed. He softened his expression and laughed for a long time.

The second treasure, Dabao, was being held by Lu Yuanzheng, and Zhou Shi'an stood in the courtyard, looking particularly awkward. At first, Lu Yuanzheng thought he was a neighbor's child, so he nodded kindly and didn't pay much attention.

Zhou Shi'an was also sensible and obediently stepped forward, just like calling Tang Mei "Grandma", and followed Dabao and Erbao to call Lu Yuanzheng "Grandma".

Lu Yuanzheng was stunned for a while.

Lu Yuanzheng looked back at Fu Jingyou, who briefly explained the situation.

Lu Yuanzheng nodded, then put down the big and second treasures, leveled a bowl of water, lifted Zhou Shi'an up high, and gave him a hug.

After all, he is a child, and everything he does depends on the adults.

The adults of the Fu family and the Lu family were all kind, and Zhou Shi'an was relaxed. Like most ordinary children, he was made to scream and laugh by his new grandpa.

Lu Yuanzheng was eating here at noon, while Tang Mei was busy making arrangements.

Lu Miao was reading in the main room. She didn't get up when she saw him coming, so she called "Dad" as a greeting.

Lu Yuanzheng glanced at her and sat at the other end of the long table.

He beckoned the three children to him, took out the newly bought toys, and taught them how to play.

It's a small camera with a green plastic shell. It can't take pictures, but when you press the shutter button or something, you can switch to see different little people inside.

Most of them are characters in villain books sold outside.

Fu Jingyou poured water for his father-in-law.

The children were lying next to their grandfather, laughing and talking.

Even if the weather gets hotter and hotter in summer, looking at the picture will always make people feel a kind of quiet stability.

There is a feeling of peace and tranquility in the years.


Lu Miao held her chin up and breathed a sigh of relief as if she was enjoying life.

Looking at the small camera in Erbao's hand, I suddenly thought of the camera in the hands of the photographer when he first entered college.

Japanese brand, imported goods, not cheap.

But the shooting effect is not bad.

Compared with the large-headed old-fashioned photographic equipment commonly used in China at this stage, it is simply a leap forward in technology.

It would be great if there was one, so that family members and children's growth could be recorded.

Lu Miao held her chin in one hand and tapped her index finger on the table.

The bound pages of "Leaves of Grass" had already been closed by her and tucked into the book.

Lu Yuanzheng glanced sideways, feeling that his leaky little cotton-padded jacket must have failed to hold it in properly.

Normally, Lu Miao would definitely be unhappy if she knew what he was thinking, but today...

Lu Yuanzheng's intuition was good, but she just didn't hold it in well.


Lu Miao spoke.

Lu Yuanzheng held Erbao in his arms and looked up at her, "What's wrong, great writer?"

Lu Miao pretended not to understand what he meant and quickly dragged a chair to sit next to him.

"Dad, let me tell you something."


"There is a teacher in our school who is quite old. He has never been married, so he has no children."

"and then?"

"He had a camera and said that if I became his goddaughter, he would give it to me."




Lu Yuanzheng, Tang Mei and Fu Jingyou all turned back.

Three neat question marks popped up.

Tang Mei looked confused, took a few steps closer, and spoke in a suspicious tone with unclear meaning:
"Send you a camera?"

Lu Miao nodded: "Well, he said just let me be his goddaughter."

"You lack that camera? What do you need a camera for?"

Lu Yuanzheng said.

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