Lu Miao snorted lightly and ignored him, but thought in her heart:
They are still a little younger, and they don’t care about their feet when doing things.

If the old couple were around like Tang Mei and others, they could still take care of them filially.

Although they are far apart, they are two living people. When they get busy in daily life, they will forget about it.

"Didn't the ice factory say they would take half a month off? Please stay as long as you can this time to accompany your uncle and aunt. It's busy at work. Let's see what we can do to help... I'll have to come back next time. It’s Spring Festival.”

That being said, if I come back to clean up my troubles, it’s really not certain whether I’ll be back during the Spring Festival.

"it is good."

Fu Jingyou would definitely be willing to stay where he was born and raised, but he was worried that his wife would not be willing.

On the other hand, the two children have been raised delicately, and they are afraid that they will not be able to stay.

Now that his wife has spoken, Fu Jingyou feels more at ease.

I'm worried that we'll have to wait until we go back. How long we'll stay will depend on the situation.

"Are you thirsty? I'll get some hot water."

Lu Miao nodded, "Let's prepare some and let it dry for a while before the kids get up to drink it."



Times are progressing. This time, Beijing-North Railway Station has not only added more southbound trains, but the train speed has also obviously improved a lot.

The trip used to take 26 to 28 hours, but this time we arrived in the county in 22 hours.

I got on the bus in the afternoon the day before and arrived at noon the next day.

But here in Province H, it's not like there in Beijing City, where someone delivers the car.

There is no one to pick up the car here. It is really hard to carry two children and two boxes of luggage.

Fu Jingyou was carrying two boxes with one hand and a big treasure in his arms.

Erbao was hugged by Lu Miao and followed closely beside him.

The two of them alternated carrying boxes and rested while walking. After struggling for a while, they left the station.

This cannot continue.

There is no bus back to the village from the county. If we keep going like this, when will we get home?

After finding a shady place and temporarily settling his wife and children, Fu Jingyou thought about going to the county to find foreign aid.

Just after taking a few steps, by chance, I met a tractor from the county equipment group, and there were still familiar faces on the tractor.

Fu Jingyou waved to stop, and after a heated exchange of pleasantries, he ran back to the shady area under the eaves of the station to pick up the suitcase and hold the child.

"By the way."

Lu Miao understood and followed him with Erbao in his arms.


"Mama Birdie."


"Mom, there are so many, so many green ones."

"That's rice."

"What is rice?"

"The rice we usually eat is rice that has been hulled."

“Rice has been removed from its husks.”


Lu Miao was sitting on the open-top old-fashioned tractor, holding her two children in her arms.

Fu Jingyou was in front, chatting with his former colleagues while leaning sideways to grab Dabao's clothes.

Afraid that Lu Miao wouldn't be able to keep an eye on the two children by himself, he kept looking back.

"Brother Fu, how about a big city? I see you have become much fairer?"

"Classes are either in a classroom or in a factory. I cover my face so that I can't see the sun. Do you think it's okay?"

"Haha, yes! What are the schools in the capital like? Are they the same as when we had classes in Jinmen before?"


It was just a casual chat, Fu Jingyou didn't say it in detail.

Some things are actually not good if you talk about them carefully.

The distance has widened and we are not comfortable getting along with each other.

Fu Jingyou smiled, patted the tractor under him, and easily opened the topic:

"Why are these old guys used now? Where are those big iron oxen from before?" "Forget it! The county said that those big iron oxen with farming parts are no longer usable here, so they were all moved to the north. "

"The ones we are using now are said to be the leftovers from the frontier military reclamation in the past few years. They were brought to us after seeing that they were still usable. It took a lot of effort."

Fu Jingyou nodded and asked again:
"Is the county equipment team still running? Are they still the same people?"

"It's open, but Team Leader Wang and I are the only ones here. The others have been arranged to learn electrician skills. They say we plan to dig trenches and bury cables by the end of this year."

Several modernization policies are being planned and promoted, and changes are not only happening in the city, but also in the county.

But the power supply must be local.

Electricity is not completely popular in the capital, and small places in the countryside do not have the resources to do so.

After Fu Jingyou had a general understanding of the changes in the countryside over the past six months, he casually chatted about something else.

The tractor turned at a fork in the road, and Fu Jingyou stood up and politely thanked him.

I invited my wife and children to get out of the car after I invited them to sit down and have a meal together when time would be more convenient.

If we walk further, we will turn into a fork in the mountain road, and we are not far from home.

Fu Jingyou was still the same as before, with two boxes in one hand and a baby in the other.

But this time the eldest baby was replaced by the second baby.

It was too hot and Lu Miao felt dizzy and couldn't hold the child, so she held Dabao's hand and walked slowly.

Fu Jingyou followed behind, taking care not to let the two of them fall behind.

Normally I can get home in half an hour, but this time I was only halfway home.

Fortunately, there was a gentle breeze on the tree-lined path behind, so adults and children suffered less.

"Take a break."

Lu Miao couldn't walk anymore and squatted down to scratch his neck.

When Fu Jingyou saw her, he immediately put down his luggage and grabbed her scratching hand.

"Don't catch me!"

"what happened?"

Lu Miao touched his face, "Is it red? Or is the skin peeling?"

I had experienced sunburn before in the south. Now my face and neck are not only itchy, but also a little bit painful.

Lu Miao basically guessed what was going on.

Fu Jingyou grabbed her hand back and said, "The skin is peeling a bit. When you get back, I'll give you some water and apply it well. Just rest and you'll be fine."

"I didn't bring any cream when I came back this time. When you get home, you can ride over and buy me a box."

Lu Miao loves beauty, and she used to cry because of sunburn.

After all, she is a mother now. She is not as strong as before, but she is still delicate and beautiful at heart.

Sunburn is not a big deal, but if you don’t take good care of it, you can easily get sunburn later.

She was only twenty-two or twenty-three years old, and she didn't want to have those things on her face now.

Fu Jingyou smiled thoughtfully and responded to her requests:

"Okay, I'll buy it for you when I get back."

Lu Miao nodded.

After resting, he stood up again, shared a box with Fu Jingyou, and called the two children to follow him.

The family of four walked for a while, and gradually they could see the eaves of the production team's village.

Lu Miao felt that victory was in sight. After regaining her composure, she just wanted to hold her child and walk faster.

From the farmland under the slope on one side, a surprised voice suddenly sounded:

"Xiao Liu? Is it Xiao Liu?"

Fu Jingyou was stunned for a moment.

The name Fu Xiaoliu had not been called out for so long that Fu Jingyou couldn't react for a while.

He didn't answer, and another uncle's voice sounded from down the hillside:

"What kind of Xiaoliu is there? Xiaoliu is studying in the capital!"

"Who is that if it's not Xiaoliu? Isn't that Xiaoliu's wife next to her? Look, the baby has been brought back!"

"What? Where?"

The uncle who spoke before did not answer, but howled at the top of his lungs:

"Captain! Captain, are you all here together? Xiaoliu, Xiaoliu's wife is back!" (End of Chapter)

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