"Yes, your uncle and aunt are back. Is your mother-in-law at home? Hurry up and call someone out!"

He Hongjin said with a smile.

Minjie nodded, dove into the house and ran quickly.

Chen Guifen was sifting bean seeds in the backyard. When she heard Minjie say "little uncle and little aunt," she put the bamboo sieve on the manhole cover and walked out quickly.

"Is it true?" Without asking, the main room was already bustling.

The voices of adults speaking were mixed with the voices of children calling "Mom", and Chen Guifen's eyes suddenly turned red.

Quickly walking into the main room, Chen Guifen grabbed Fu Jingyou's arm, looking up and down, looking back and forth.

Like He Hongjin, Chen Guifen didn't say anything except "Okay, okay, okay" when she opened her mouth.

After watching Fu Jingyou, I went to see Lu Miao.

After touching Lu Miao, he went to look at the two children.

Chen Guifen turned around and said:

"You said that you two children have been away from home for so long and still haven't received any news! What's wrong with you two?"

"There were a lot of things going on just now. I was busy for a while just settling in. Then I got into studying again, so I didn't take care of it for a while..."

Lu Miao wanted to say something, but Fu Jingyou spoke first.

Lu Miao smiled, did not interrupt, and beckoned Minjie to him.

Time flies so fast. When I first met Minjie when I was pregnant, the little guy was only over two or three years old.

Fast forward six years now.

Brother He and Tian Guihua work in the town and rarely come back. Minjie is studying in the Yuhong Class of the brigade. Now during the summer vacation, he can act like a little adult and help the family with work.

It's really amazing.

After touching Minjie's little head that exploded like a hedgehog, Lu Miao stood up, put down the box, and took out the things he brought back one by one.

On the other side, Fu Jingyou helped Chen Guifen weakly and continued:
"It will be fine in the future. Now everything is well settled at home and abroad. I can always send letters back from now on."

Chen Guifen nodded, looked at them and said:
"Where do you live now? At school or at Miao Yatou's house?"

"I live in my own house. I built a small courtyard there, and my aunt comes to live with me and help take care of the children."

Chen Guifen continued to nod and was surprised again:
"You bought a house in Beijing. Are you renting it or buying it?"

Beijing is the capital and a big city.

You can totally imagine that this is a place where every inch of land is at a premium.

Let alone buying a small courtyard, even renting a house will not be cheap.

Fu Jingyou said truthfully:


Chen Guifen's eyes widened.

How much does that cost?
Did you borrow it from your in-laws and father-in-law?

If it was borrowed, how much was borrowed?

Did you say when it would be returned?

And you still don’t have to pay it back?

Don't delay for too long, it's not good either...

Chen Guifen had a lot of questions, and He Hongjin said:

"If you have anything to say, please wait for a while. The children have just come back and haven't eaten yet. You can get something to eat first."

Chen Guifen also remembered it and nodded quickly:
"Yes, yes, yes, I'll go right away. You guys can sit down for a while first! If you're tired, go inside and take a nap first!"

Fu Jingyou nodded.

After Chen Guifen went to the kitchen, Fu Jingyou turned to He Hongjin:

"Uncle, give me the key to my house. I'll go over and open the window for ventilation."

He Hongjin made a "tsk" sound, then said "hey", and said in disapproval:

"There are so many empty rooms in our house, so we can just clean up one and live in it. You have covered all the stuff, and now that it's been uncovered, you'll have to worry about picking it up again later."

Fu Jingyou shook his head and still asked for the key.

There was a quarrel before because of living in this courtyard.

Fu Jingyou has a long memory, so he should go home and live.

If it's troublesome, it'll be a hassle-free stay.

His attitude was firm, so He Hongjin had no choice but to go into the house and take out the key tied with a hemp rope and hand it to him.

Let Lu Miao and the children stay here for a while while Fu Jingyou goes back to Fu's house to check on the situation. Lu Miao nodded and took out everything in the box.

The things I would unbox and take out here were basically made clear that they were brought back to them.

He Hongjin looked on.

Some fruit to eat, but that’s nothing.

Seeing Lu Miao take out a big radio, He Hongjin couldn't sit still:
"Why do you still buy this thing? How can this thing be used at home?"

He Hongjin waved his hand:
"No, no, no, take it back and retreat!"

Among the wedding gifts in the countryside, some good families ask for three turns and one ring.

Radios are one of them, and they are not cheap.

It's really strange that this thing can hear noises.

But He Hongjin was also afraid that Lu Miao and the others would spend money.

Originally, studying in the city required expenses and raising two children.

I usually have to go to school and have no time to find an additional job to support my family.

Thinking that his two children were having a hard time, He Hongjin couldn't tell them to spend more money, and felt sorry for them to spend more money.

"You need to have some money in your hands. Don't spend what you have, spend what you have...save more."

He Hongjin babbled and softened his tone, no less than an old lady:
"Isn't it stressful for you to go to school? The children also need to grow up, and save the money to buy more good food."

"Your father and aunt are also there, don't always point to them for support... We are both father and mother, and we have to express our gratitude during the holidays, which also costs money."

"Yeah, uh-huh, got it."

Lu Miao nodded while removing the battery and installing it in the radio.

Semiconductor radios can be recharged and have batteries.

Dahe Village has not yet installed circuits, so she bought a dozen large lithium batteries.

"Why did you deduct it? Can you refund it if you deduct it?"

"It was not refundable in the first place, but they said it could be refunded within fifteen days with the ticket. How many days have it been since I bought it?"

Lu Miao said angrily:

"What's wrong, the stools haven't warmed up when we got back, and uncle is going to drive us back now because of the radio?"


He Hongjin was choked to the point of speechlessness. He shook his head and sighed after a while:
"I just talked to you for a long time, but you didn't listen at all!"

The fragrance is far away and the smell is close, which was rare when I first came back.

After only being together for less than half a quarter of an hour, He Hongjin glared and fell in love with Lu Miao again.

Lu Miao looked amused.

After giving the small red flag, notebook and stationery to Minjie, Lu Miao took out a small package of rubber band head flowers from under the box:

"Where's Minmin? Why didn't you see Minmin?"

He Hongjin paused for a moment, then slowly said:
"Stop asking, ask her mother to pick up the child from the county."


Lu Miao's hand movements slowed down:

"Isn't my sister-in-law not at work? She can't take care of the children?"

He Hongjin looked unhappy:

"Who knows her."

Lu Miao hesitated for a moment and then asked:

"When did this happen?"

"Just April."


Lu Miao frowned, "Then Minmin won't go to school?"

Minmin's birthday at the end of the year.

He was just over nine years old now, not yet ten.

Although the school system has only resumed this year, according to age, the age of nine or ten is a bit late for enlightenment.

If we don’t supervise and encourage our children now, wouldn’t we be delaying our children?
"They have the right idea, they can't say it, they can't say it!" (End of Chapter)

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