Things at home calmed down, and Lu Miao spent a few days making up the manuscript.

Initially, it was said that the deadline would be a few days late, but it ended up being delayed by ten days.

Lu Miao felt quite embarrassed when she took the manuscript to the publishing house this time.

Xu Hongmei finished scanning the manuscript and asked her: "Are you busy recently?"

Lu Miao was stunned for a moment, then straightened her back and asked:
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the manuscript?"


Xu Hongmei waved her hands and said with a smile:
"Don't be so nervous. I just saw that you don't look very good, so I just asked casually."

Although the handwriting in the manuscript is a bit more sloppy compared to the past, but a quick look at it shows that there isn't much of a problem for the time being.

Lu Miao breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s hard to talk about household matters outside, so I casually said:
"I used to go to school and didn't care much about my family affairs. I have been on vacation recently and have to take care of my children. I have been a bit noisy in my daily life... maybe I haven't had any rest."

Xu Hongmei's eyes widened and she glanced up and down at Lu Miao.

"Two are twins."

"The twins are great, Qiqi, I have never seen them around me before!"

Lu Miao took the bus back and stopped by the market to buy three kilograms of apples and pears.


The 20,000-word manuscript submitted in the last issue was settled at 5 per thousand words, so half of the manuscript was paid out, and the total was settled at 50 yuan.

Lu Miao smiled and said, "I also suffered when I was pregnant."

Xu Hongmei knew about Lu Miao's marriage.

He laughed and chatted for a while.

The mangoes this time were particularly good, but they were also the most expensive.

Lu Miao nodded and said with a smile: "There are three at home."

Lu Miao left the editorial department, went to get the manuscript of the previous issue and withheld the rest.

"I just said, how old are you? Can you give birth to three children?"

Lu Miao smiled helplessly and did not explain so deeply:

"This is indeed the case...but now I'm fine and I've given birth to a child. You, all the good luck is yet to come!"

Trying to find some "trace" that she had given birth to children, three children!

When the publishing house used Lu Miao, the personal information was verified in advance.

"Oh my god... I really didn't notice that you have children, or three!"

"Do you have children?"

But Xu Hongmei really didn't notice that she said she had a child.

When she heard that one of the pairs was twins, Xu Hongmei nodded, not so shocked, but she also envied Lu Miao's good fortune.

Apples and pears only cost 30 cents a pound, and mangoes cost 60 cents.

Just two of them would cost two or three kilograms, and it would be hard to divide them among the family if you take them back.

Lu Miao hesitated and didn't buy it.

Holding the remaining money, Lu Miao walked back with the fruit.

I plan to wait until I finish eating what I have before coming back.

When I went home and entered the yard, I saw a gay man coming out with a pen on his chest and a notebook in his hand.

Lu Miao looked up.

The gay man looked at her, nodded politely, smiled, and left quickly.


Lu Miao came into the room and put the fruit on the table, then asked.

Fu Jingyou glanced at the children and gave her a look.

The young couple entered the room and talked:

"What's wrong? What happened again?"


Fu Jingyou shook his head, lowered his voice and spoke truthfully:
"Isn't the back of the ice factory blown up? The electricity in this area is also paralyzed. Someone from the street office just came over to ask if our family still needs electricity."

"The two heads that were missing before have been unable to be confirmed. This time it is said to be repairing the circuit. If we still need electricity, we will make an exception and erect the electric poles together."

Lu Miao was speechless for a moment.

I had been looking forward to using electricity.

Who would have thought that electricity is actually used in this way now?
"Does it cost money to erect wire poles?" "No, you will have to pay some money to pull wires into the courtyard."

Lu Miao nodded and took out today's royalties.

For fifty yuan, I bought several kilograms of fruit, and I had exactly forty-nine yuan left.

She took five yuan and gave it to Fu Jingyou.

Fu Jingyou shook his head: "I eat at home during the holidays and don't go out much. I don't need money."

Lu Miao continued to stuff it into him, "Take it first, what if there is something urgent and you need to spend money? Why don't you come back to me?"

Fu Jingyou had no choice but to take it, turned around and hugged his wife deeply and kissed her.

Lu Miao knows.

He was comforting her, and he was also comforting himself.

Men, who are the breadwinners of the family, think more about supporting the family, which is understandable.

Lu Miao patted him with her backhand and comforted him with a smile:

"When we first came to Beijing, we had nothing. Now don't we have everything?"

"There are chickens, rabbits and vegetable fields in the yard. There is no shortage of meat and vegetables. We don't need any big expenses on a daily basis. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We are much better than others."

Fu Jingyou nodded dullly.

Fortunately, his wife is capable and reasonable, and she always comforts and encourages him.

Otherwise, for a moment, he really didn't know what to do.

"I am at home during this period, so I have time to tidy up the vegetable plot and spend more time with my children. I don't have much time to spend with them usually."

The man hugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Lu Miao inserted her fingers into the hair on the back of his head and stroked it gently.

"Shi'an doesn't have two decent clothes, so I'll make him one. If the weather improves in a few days, we can go to the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City to play."

"Take more photos then, develop them later and send a copy to my hometown, okay?"

Fu Jingyou nodded dullly: "Yes."

This time we didn't stay much when we went back, so the old couple probably didn't feel very comfortable either.

But what keeps Fu Jingyou depressed is not because of this, nor entirely because of livelihood issues.


It’s still about Zhou Hong.

If a person is unlucky, his teeth will be blocked even when he drinks water.

This is really unlucky.

Fu Jingyou couldn't help but think deeply about it.

If something happens to him one day, what will happen to his wife and children?
The daughter-in-law has the ability to earn money, so the children don’t have to worry.

But who will take care of the wife?
Fu Jingyou only dared to worry about these words in his heart and did not dare to say them verbally.

Otherwise, having his ears twisted and beaten violently would be a light punishment.

My daughter-in-law decided to give birth to a fresh baby.

After hugging his wife for a while, Fu Jingyou slowly removed his hand:
"Then you are busy, I will go out and look after the child."


The door "squeaked" shut.

Lu Miao straightened her back and stretched.

Putting the book bag away and putting it aside, Lu Miao dug out the fabric she bought a while ago.

One bundle of white cloth, one bundle of black cloth, both materials for making shirts.

Fu Jingyou thinks the shirt is too restrictive, so he usually wears a vest.

Lu Miao bought these materials with the intention of making clothes for Lu Yuanzheng.

The last time she saw Lu Yuanzheng's collar and cuffs were worn out, she kept it in her mind.

A few days ago, Fu Jingyou took him back to the compound rented by Zhou Hong to get some things, including only two or three sets of clothes.

Both patches are considered good.

Zhou Hong is a rough guy who doesn't care and doesn't notice these things, so it's hard to say anything about him.

Now Zhou Shi'an is settled in the Fu family and raising two children together.

Whether it’s food or clothing, everything must be the same.

All in good order. (End of chapter)

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