Chapter 491 Electrification
Fu Jingyou ignored them.

The two superiors in the room behind him lowered their voices and chatted.

Fu Jingyou heard Li Kaisheng praise him for being good and having a good foundation. It would be a pity not to be a soldier.

His father-in-law seemed to agree with Li Kaisheng's words, but he still said verbally:
"If he is willing, I will introduce him."

"But children also have children's ideas. He is interested in those airplanes. Tell me, what can I do about this?"

Li Kaisheng said "haha" twice and was amused.

"Old Li, this is your territory, you have the final say..."

Lu Yuanzheng added:
"If you think I still have some dignity in front of you, just let him take a closer look when you have time, so as not to worry about me every day and make your life uneasy when you go back."

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Lu Yuanzheng's rank is one level higher than Li Kaisheng's.

Regardless of just one level, the higher the level, the greater the level drawn by the middle level.

Lu Yuanzheng has already spoken, how can Li Kaisheng say anything else?

"If he wants to see it, ask him to go see it!"


Fu Jingyou looked forward, silently listening to the conversation in the room, feeling emotional in his heart.

My father-in-law is not his biological father, but the more we get along with him, the closer we get, and now he is almost his biological father.

He is really lucky.

I have a beautiful, capable, and highly educated daughter-in-law.

There are smart and lovely children.

There are also the father-in-law and aunt who always support and care for them.

All the good things really happened to him.

He has to live up to his expectations.

He cannot let down those who support him behind him.


Time passed slowly, and a wire pole was erected at the corner outside the door of Fu's courtyard.

The house is powered on and when I turn on the lights at night, the light is slightly brighter than two candles.

Not having much living money in hand, Lu Miao has been a little anxious.

I usually focus on translating manuscripts during the day. Sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I will read books and work overtime.

I also have people from my hometown taking care of me.

After the photos of the last outing were developed, Lu Miao packed up a thick stack and sent them back.

When the photos were being taken, Tang Mei was also there.

This Dabao was so well photographed that Tang Mei was reluctant to give it to her.

That photo of Erbao was a good one, and Tang Mei wanted to keep it.

In this picture, the whole family is neatly arranged, with smiling faces, and Tang Mei is even more reluctant to give it.

Lu Miao didn't obey her, so she put everything in an envelope, wrapped it in several layers, and sent it to the post office.

There are several children in front of me, and they can see them every day. If they want to take pictures, they just have a camera in their hands and can take pictures later.

Why can't you let go of this or that?
The old couple have not seen each other for many years!
This was indeed the truth, so Tang Mei didn't argue with her.


When she was in school, Lu Miao could translate 10,000 to 20,000 manuscripts a week in her spare time.

During the summer vacation, she did nothing else but devote herself to it. The children did not come to make noise, and sometimes she could produce a manuscript of 10,000 words in a single day.

Lu Miao maintained her form and when she produced over 70,000 words of content a week, she also had a certain understanding of her own potential.

It turns out that she could still be busy sitting at the table motionless for twelve to fourteen hours a day, except for drinking water, eating, and going to the toilet.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be related to the content of the manuscript.

In addition to the initial stage of translation, which needs to lay the background of the times, the later stages are mostly daily interactive plots, which are relatively easy to understand.

What needs attention is only a small number of professional terms, specific terms, etc.

For example, the protagonist recalls what firearms and equipment he used when he first participated in the war and served in the military.

Compared with the previous poems that required repeated consideration of "beautiful" writing, Lu Miao felt that a collection of novels was relatively easier to produce.

For long manuscripts, half of the manuscript fee will be paid for the first three issues.

It’s been done three times before.

After the manuscript is sent this time, as long as it passes the review, you can receive a large amount of royalties next time.

Roughly speaking, it’s 70,000 words, which means five yuan for one thousand words. Five-seven-thirty-five, that’s three hundred and fifty yuan.

There is only half of the book left.

There is still nearly a month left in the summer vacation, and Lu Miao wants to finish all the content as soon as possible in the remaining month.

Shi'an's household registration shows his birthday in July, and he is now five years old.

It's almost time for enlightenment and schooling.

Yuhongban still doesn't know the exact situation. In order to maintain stability, Lu Miao also wants to enter the Guoying Society as soon as possible.

When a child reaches the age, he should go to school.

Don't keep dragging your feet and stay at the starting line.

When my children are older and more sensible, they will feel stressed when they look at their classmates who are younger than themselves.

The more Lu Miao thought about it, the more her heart sank.

Don't know what's going on.

Although I gave birth to a second child, I always felt that I had not grown up yet and was still a child.

After having Zhou Shi'an, I suddenly felt like I was carrying a burden.

I always feel that I should provoke Liang Zi, a father and mother, to think more about Zhou Shi'an.

It seemed that it was also at this time that I suddenly realized that I was really no longer a little girl...


The mood is a bit hard to describe.

Lu Miao wiped her face, her back shoulders were loosely tied in a low ponytail, and her ears were loose on both sides.

She simply pulled out the hair rope, gathered her hair and braided it, then stood up and started to tidy up the manuscript.

The manuscript of more than 70,000 words spans more than 100 pages.

The document bag was so stuffed that the mouth of the bag could not be sealed.

Lu Miao pressed down, but if he couldn't do it, just forget it.

He lifted the canvas bag and put the document bag in, and then hung the canvas bag on his arm.

Lu Miao opened the door and walked out.

There were three little ones sitting and playing together in the main room, and two of them immediately ran over:

"Mommy mommy!"

"Mom hugs me!"

"Mom is going out, can I hug her when she comes back?"

Squatting down and touching the second treasure, Lu Miao waved and called Zhou Shi'an to him.

She stretched out her arms, hugged the three little ones in her arms, and kissed them one by one from the oldest to the smallest.

"What do you want to eat? Mom will come back to buy it."

Zhou Shian hid shyly and said nothing.

Dabao said: "Mom, old popsicle, grandpa bought it last time."

Erbao stood on tiptoes and said anxiously with unclear words:

"Old Freezer, Old Freezer, Mom, I want to eat Old Freezer too!"

"Okay, buy it."

Lu Miao laughed, turned to Shi An, and touched his head:
"Does Shi An also eat old popsicles? Or do you want to try other popsicles?"

Zhou Shian said restrainedly:

"Auntie, I'm fine."

"Okay, then Auntie will buy it for you."

"Thank you, aunt."

"So nice."

Lu Miao curled her lips and kissed Shi An more.

Obedient and sensible children have Xiangxiang.

The other two little ones saw it and said:

"Thank you mom, thank you mom!"

Lu Miao laughed and kissed each one again.

Pat the children on the head and tell them to listen to grandma at home.

Lu Miao said hello to Tang Mei and went out.

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