Chapter 498 I’ve seen it a long time ago

Lu Miao gave him a thumbs up and praised him without hesitation:
“It’s really awesome, and it has to be professional!”

He always praised the man until his eyebrows flew up.

Looking at the direction of the elder in the family, he sneaked up and kissed her again before giving up.

Things had to be prioritized, and university was about to start, so Zhou Shian's affairs couldn't be delayed.

Keep procrastinating until the university starts, and there will be no time to run away.

Fu Jingyou rested at home for a day and started going out to do this the next day.

Lu Miao was worried and couldn't do much to help.

She has run wherever she can.

It’s not that interpersonal relationships are useless, but they just don’t work.

She told Fu Jingyou everything, and Fu Jingyou insisted on giving it a try.

Lu Miao thought, let him try it.

But to be honest, she didn't hold out much hope for this matter.

But what is the reality?

Fu Jingyou ran for two days and came back to get some money.

I originally said I would try it, but it turned out to be true.

When he came back in the evening, he said that the matter was settled and Yuhong's class would start next week, so he could just send Zhou Shi'an there.

Lu Miao was completely shocked:
"How did you do it? Are you sure it's OK? Don't you need to sign up or something?"

"I've already signed up."

Fu Jingyou took her to sit at the table and explained the matter in detail:
"In school, don't I often go to the electrical machine factory? There is a unit over there to educate the red class."

"But you are not a worker in an electrical and mechanical factory..."

Are students considered workers?
Then there is no seniority...

"I know the director of the electromechanical factory and have lost his relationship. I have already paid Shi'an's tuition. I will go to school in the future. The examination results will be evaluated for further education. If you pass, you can go back to a regular primary school, and there is no need for anything else. The procedure is over.”

As he spoke, Fu Jingyou took out the remaining money in his pocket.

Lu Miao counted.

There are twenty dollars.

He came back yesterday and got one hundred.

"You spent eighty? You have some money on you, right?"

Fu Jingyou nodded,

"It cost a total of one hundred and twenty, and I got two sticks of Chinese cigarettes and two bottles of wine... The children of the employees of the unit only have to pay for food and not tuition fees. Shi An got them in as a bonus. Tuition fees and childcare fees are extra."

This is not just about gift giving.

It is also indirectly related to Fu Jingyou being a student at Renmin University.

These days, college students are rarely recruited, not to mention that Renmin University is not an ordinary university.

Fu Jingyou is diligent and studious, and is a leader in his professional class.

The director of the electromechanical factory also wanted to sell him some face.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to squeeze it in.

Lu Miao knows that Chinese cigarettes are the most expensive ones bought in department stores.

It costs one yuan a box in bulk and ten boxes in strips, which should be a few cents cheaper.

Fu Jingyou gave such a good cigarette, and the wine was probably not cheap either.

Gift-giving takes up at least thirty yuan, which is the monthly income of a working-class family.

The remaining ninety yuan, including food expenses, tuition fees, childcare fees, etc., is not cheap.

But the time period is special. Who told them that they were not serious and not employees of a state-owned factory?
"Just spend more money and we'll be done with it."

Knowing that Fu Jingyou's pocket was so empty, Lu Miao took out ten yuan and gave it to him, and put the remaining ten yuan into the small treasury at home.

Having been reprimanded several times for refusing, Fu Jingyou generously took the money this time.

He has room and board at home, and apart from buying some snacks for his wife and children, he has no additional expenses.

It's a good idea to take some money with you, as my wife said, just in case anything happens. The matter of the Yuhong class has come to an end.

Lu Miao picked up the schoolbag that had been cut in half a few days ago, pieced it together with a sewing machine, and slowly began to mend it.

Fu Jingyou was by her side.

She sighed and chattered:

"Because of this, my legs almost broke in the first few days. In a few days, I received more glares and bumped into more walls than in a lifetime."

Fu Jingyou grabbed the end of her ponytail and held it in his hand:
"Don't come forward for this kind of thing in the future. Wait until I come back to handle it."

Lu Miao was angry and funny after hearing this:
"You won't get looked down upon if you go? Aren't they all the same?"

"I'm thick-skinned, that's okay."

Lu Miao gave him an angry and squeamish look:
"Yes, you are thick-skinned, I have already seen it."

Fu Jingyou leaned on the kang, resting his hands behind his head and laughing.

In Fu's home, the mechanical and electrical plant is to the north, Renmin University is to the south, and the Military Region is to the east.

In the past, when going to school in the morning, Fu Jingyou would get up a few minutes early so that he could send Lu Miao to the Military Region University first, and then turn around and come back to catch the morning classes at Renmin University.

The Mechanical and Electrical Plant is the farthest away. After implementing the education of the red class, Fu Jingyou will take time out in the morning and evening to go to the family area of ​​the Mechanical and Electrical Plant to pick up Zhou Shi'an.

I can no longer pick up and drop off my wife as before.

But for lunch, I still ride over to eat with my wife.

The situation at home was before her eyes, and Lu Miao couldn't say anything.

The weather is hot, and people are gradually wearing sun hats with exaggerated brim on the streets.

Lu Miao didn't like the feeling of the sunhat surrounding her forehead, so she bought a small umbrella and used it on her way to and from school.

Speaking of which, there is one more thing worth mentioning.

In the past ten years, Beijing Military Region University was mainly open to the literacy of the troops, so it was named "Military Region University".

After a summer vacation, when Lu Miao returned to school, she found that the school's Chinese-style door plaque had been changed.

The original "Beijing Military Region University" was changed to "Beijing University".

When several schools have a social gathering, when students introduce themselves, they no longer mention that they are students of "Military Region University", but simply refer to them as "Beijing University".

Lu Miao couldn't help but be stunned.

The original positioning of this world is, after all, the world in a book.

Although most of the events are consistent with reality.

However, it seems that in order to avoid sensitivity and conflict, appropriate adjustments have been made in some places.

In Lu Miao's free time, he couldn't help but think more about it.

I don’t know if “Peking University” at this time is the same thing as “Peking University”, a famous school in later generations?

After signing up for the new semester's textbooks, Lu Miao was ready to go home.

She used to be known as a "talented girl" in the professional academy, and many people in the school were familiar with her.

Someone called to her and said:

"Student Lu, the teacher in the communication room said that there is your package there. It has been there for a long time. You should go and get it quickly. Don't let it be something that you can't bear to put away. It will break later."

"OK, thanks."

After politely thanking everyone, Lu Miao took her bag and went to the school communication room.

There is a telegraph machine and a telephone in the communication room. Teachers and students can come and send letters and make phone calls.

However, there is a charge for stamps and envelopes for sending letters, and of course there is a charge for making phone calls.

When I came to register today, Lu Miao happened to bring the student information page.

Show the information and get the letters and packages.

At first, she didn't expect who would send her something, but she saw the words "Lu Miao, Lu Xiaomao" on the envelope.

Memories came flooding back, it was a letter from Geng Xiaoyun!

After my hard work, I was able to kiss someone.

Rich in grain production! I am awesome!

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