Chapter 506: Work hard here from now on

Teacher Tan raised his eyebrows:
"You mean, you were influenced by your father?"

Lu Miao nodded calmly.

Teacher Tan's expression became serious, he tapped the table and said:
"But as far as I know, your father is a people's teacher."

"He is a teacher now and was a people's soldier before. There is no conflict."


Probably also a kind of teacher.

Lu Miao was distracted and thought for a moment.

Teacher Tan noticed the subtle changes in her facial expression, and had a different idea in her mind, which caused a strong sense of doubt:
"Director Ma told me that your father also works at Peking University?"

She is also a teacher at Peking University.

If Lu Miao's father is a teacher at Peking University, then it is impossible for her not to know him.

Before you reuse a person, you must be sure.

Lu Miao nodded again.

Guoying News Agency is not an ordinary department, and necessary caution must always be maintained.

Lu Miao saw her shock and nodded to show that it was what she thought.

In an instant, the image was somewhat reversed.


Is this person one of our own, or is he an "outsider" inserted somewhere else?

Lu Miao nodded and said:
"It was before."

Putting down the unhappiness in his heart, Lu Miao refused the cross-examination and directly confessed:
"My father, Lu Yuanzheng, was a people's soldier and served as the president of Peking University. He is now the current president of the National People's Congress."

But considering that Guoying News Agency is a special department and it is very necessary to verify the details, she did not think too deeply about it.

"Classmate Lu, I ask you to face this conversation seriously!"

Lu Miao frowned.


I have always been a very capable and serious person, but this "what" suddenly popped up.

To be honest, this way of talking is actually very presumptuous.

Teacher Tan looked serious and tapped the table vigorously.

Teacher Tan sat at his desk, holding a few manuscripts, his eyes wandering, and he couldn't regain his senses for a long time.

Teacher Tan’s eyebrows furrowed deeper, and his emotions exceeded the doubts just now:

Teacher Tan was stunned for a moment.

"You don't want to tell me that your father used to be a soldier, then a teacher, and now he has retired and gone out of business, and is no longer in front of people, right?"

In the past, Teacher Tan only heard about Lu Miao's excellence from other people's mouths.

Today, when I saw Lu Miao independently completing the manuscript in front of me, Teacher Tan truly affirmed her ability.

However, Lu Miao is excellent, knows a lot, has quick reactions, etc.

The advantages are too concentrated.

Especially the fluent and standard spoken English.

It's hard not to make people wonder whether she was someone planted here.

But if...

If Lu Miao is Principal Lu's daughter, those suspicions and the explanations that she felt were reluctant at the beginning become more reasonable.

But Teacher Tan still didn't fully trust Lu Miao.

Locking the important manuscripts in a drawer, Teacher Tan asked bluntly:

"Do you mind if I call Principal Lu to check on the situation?"

Lu Miao shook his head and had no objection:
"It will be all right."

Teacher Tan nodded, got up and took Lu Miao downstairs.


Lu Miao was sitting and waiting in the lobby on the first floor.

Teacher Tan went to the communication room.

I waved my hand and asked the little comrade at the window bar to turn the phone over.

Teacher Tan dialed the phone number of the president’s office of Renmin University:

"Hey, is this Principal Lu? I'm Tan Yingmei, Xiao Tan..."

"I'm calling you to check something with you. Lu, a student majoring in English at Peking University... yes, that's Lu Miao..." Lu Yuanzheng still remembers the rumors about Peking University last time.

When I went there, Teacher Tan was not there, so I didn’t know the relationship between father and daughter.

When Teacher Tan called this time, he opened his mouth and mentioned Lu Miao.

Lu Yuanzheng thought something had happened to his daughter again, so he asked a few more questions.

After a conversation and explanation, Teacher Tan already understood everything without asking any more questions.


After exchanging a few hasty greetings, Teacher Tan hung up the phone and walked out of the communication room.

How do you describe your mood?

A brief moment of relief and the joy of having available talent, followed immediately by a feeling of heaviness.

Back in the hall, Teacher Tan waved.

When Lu Miao trotted closer, she took Lu Miao upstairs again.

This time there was a rare sad smile on his face:

"I have communicated with Principal Lu. From now on, you can work hard here."

Lu Miao was stunned and asked bluntly:
"Does the teacher recognize me because of my ability, or because of my father?"

"Of course it's ability. This is not a place where you can stay just by relying on the 'backstage'."

Teacher Tan generously affirmed Lu Miao's strength this time and said with some apology:

"Don't blame the teacher for being tricky to you before. You are excellent, so you are strict... It may sound strange, but there is a saying you must have heard."


"'Don't use it if you suspect it, don't doubt it if you employ it'. I want to use you, but I'm not familiar with you, so some verification links are very necessary."

Only by eliminating all her concerns about this person can she use this person with confidence.

Lu Miao nodded clearly, "Teacher Tan, don't you doubt me now?"

Teacher Tan smiled slightly, his aura of competence was not diminished, but he had an extra bit of kindness and kindness like a mother:
"Your father is a people's soldier, and you are a descendant of heroes. You once actively responded to the call and participated in rural construction."

"Miaomiao is extremely popular and extremely upright. If I can't trust you, then who can I trust?"

Actively respond to the construction of rural areas...

Lu Miao secretly wiped his sweat.

She didn't go to the countryside initially just to engage in construction.

At that time, her consciousness had not yet awakened, and she was influenced by the plot in the "book". She went to the countryside because of Xie Fei...

It makes me sad to think about those messy things.

Lu Miao pulled back from her thoughts, scratched her forehead with her index finger, and became unusually humble:
"Teacher, don't say that. The students deserve it."

"What are you ashamed of? I saw you were so generous before, why are you shrinking now?"

Teacher Tan patted Lu Miao, smiled and encouraged:
"A man of action is not afraid to show his ability. If you work hard, you will have a bright future. But..."

Teacher Tan suddenly changed his voice, and Lu Miao said "hmm" in confusion:
"What's wrong?"

Teacher Tan sighed slightly and patted her again:

"It is normal for the Guoying Society to work hard for those who are able... If possible, I hope you can adapt and gain a foothold here."

Lu Miaohong's plump lips pursed slightly, but she didn't answer the question yet.

Teacher Tan tilted his head and walked out of the stairs quickly:



"This is sent by the international news team. It needs to be completed before one o'clock, so hurry up!"

"Is the theme draft for the foreign guest meeting that you asked for sir ready? Hurry, I'm calling to remind you!"

"Hurry! It'll be ready soon!"


When I was doing a translation test just now, I was on the third floor.

This time, I stopped on the second floor.

The entire walkway on the second floor is about 50 meters long, and many people come and go.

Everyone was in a hurry, but they all restrained their voices and did not make too much noise.

All departments along the way are busy.

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