"My family said we should buy some gifts for the bride, but there's nothing good. My mom said you might have some, so she asked me to come and ask you."

Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou looked at each other.

"What do you want?" Lu Miao asked him.

"What do you have? It's what girls use anyway. You have good taste. If you can't find anything else, give me some of yours first. I'll ask Xiao Fu to buy some for you later."

Fu Jingyou glanced at him sideways when he heard that.

He is really not polite at all.

Lu Miao said: "I only have extra cloth here, I want to keep the rest for myself."

Ling Yuan nodded, "Cloth is fine too."

Lu Miao's eyes flickered, staring at him seriously:
"Since you can come here, you should know where all the things here come from. Have you thought it through? It's not good to tell others about it."

Not only does it sound unpleasant, but you may also be subject to disciplinary action.

"Look at what you said. This is not allowed, but didn't I come here quietly?"

Ling Yuan made a "tsk" sound and said anxiously:

"Besides, we are all family, there is nothing wrong with it."

After getting the things back, he could only thank Lu Miao. What else was there to say?
Speculation and profiteering are indeed not allowed on the surface, but as they are necessary for life, there is nothing we can do even if it is not allowed.

Not to mention that he's in a hurry to get it now.

Just let it go. Normally, many military wives in military compounds do the same thing in private.

Military families have a much better life than ordinary families, but no one doesn't want to live a better life.

This is a matter that everyone has always known tacitly, so there is really nothing to talk about.

When we compare people with each other, we can really see a lot.

Lu Miao gave him an approving look.

Not bad, can get along.

She asked Fu Jingyou to open the cabinet beside the kang and take out the several stacks of cloth she had left behind.

"I don't have much here. These fabrics are ten feet each. You can choose."

For girls' clothes, six feet of cloth is enough, and ten feet is completely sufficient.

The things that Lu Miao kept were, firstly, to her liking, and secondly, of good quality.

Ling Yuan touched it around and found that the fabrics were, as expected, of good quality and very thick.

As a result, he couldn't make up his mind.

"I don't know either, Xiaobao. You've met my girlfriend, so why don't you give me some advice? What kind of child do you think she might like to have?"


Lu Miao pursed her lips and looked at him with an indescribable look.

She is not a worm in Liu Wenpei's stomach, how can she know what Liu Wenpei likes? ?
Although he didn't know Liu Wenpei's preferences, Lu Miao still gave some suggestions from his own perspective:
"You can take a look at this one with a white background and small floral patterns."

There are many kinds of white powder, and the one left by Lu Miao has a creamy white feel.

It's the slightly yellowish one.

The last time I saw Liu Wenpei, she had yellow-dark skin. She wore a cream-white material with a hint of yellow, which overall highlighted the texture of her skin and made her complexion look healthier.

Moreover, this kind of material with white background and small floral patterns is in great demand on the market.

It’s just that the white underneath is not so particular, sometimes it has a warm yellow tone, and sometimes it has a cool blue tone…

Generally, people who are not picky or do not understand color tones cannot tell the difference.

In short, take this material back to Lingyuan and you will avoid any mishaps.

Ling Yuan scratched the back of his head, not understanding what skin texture and skin health meant, but when Lu Miao said it was good, he felt that there was no doubt about it, it was really good.

Otherwise, Lu Miao wouldn't have stayed on his own.

"Okay, that's it."

Ling Yuan directly held it in his arms: "How much is this?"

"It's your happy event in life, so don't talk about money. Just consider it our gift."

Fu Jingyou nodded beside him, agreeing with what Lu Miao said.

Ling Yuan waved his hand:
"That won't work, one code will be the same."

Fabric is not easy to handle.

Besides, Fu Jingyou was taking risks by bringing these things back. Ling Yuan did the math.

The price of this kind of cloth on the black market is about 70 cents a foot, so ten feet costs seven dollars.

Since he didn't have a cloth coupon, he couldn't calculate it based on 70 cents.

Ling Yuan put ten yuan on the kang, opened the door and ran away.

The young couple was caught off guard. By the time Fu Jingyou took out the money and went out to chase him, Ling Yuan had already ridden his bicycle into the alley.

Fu Jingyou had no choice but to go back to the house and give the money to Lu Miao.

Lu Miao said: "Then just keep it, and consider it as the tea money he usually pays for meals when he comes here."

Compared to Xie Fei, Lu Miao felt that Ling Yuan was more to her liking.

We can continue to get along and see.

Fu Jingyou nodded.


Except for a few relatives and friends who were brought by Lu Yuanzheng to meet the family.

Fu Jingyou also visited Director Ma of Chongwen Translation Institute, Xu Hongmei of People's Publishing House, and Teacher Tan.

Afterwards, several families gave their relatives back home. The people who came to Director Ma’s house were the younger generation, while Xu Hongmei and Teacher Tan came in person.

They are all women, and when they knew Lu Miao was pregnant, Teacher Tan came over to express her condolences.

At this time, there were many students who studied independently and those who were farmers or workers.

Most of them have families, so it is common to see female students going to school with bulging bellies.

Because talent is scarce or certain positions are in short supply.

In various state-owned industries, there are also many female comrades who stick to their posts even when they are pregnant.

Teacher Tan wanted Lu Miao to go back to work, but felt it was not a good idea to force him, so he did not mention the matter.

He just said that when the weather is good, Lu Miao will go back to the British Society to have a look, and after the baby is born, he will work steadily and earnestly.

Lu Miao agreed.

After Teacher Tan left in the afternoon, Lu Miao was still thinking about this.

She won't be able to return to work in the short term, but she should still visit the Guoyingshe Society occasionally.

After all, it is a special department, so it’s good to make its presence felt.

Otherwise, if you wait too long, you will have to start all your interpersonal relationships from scratch again...

If you go, it's not a good idea to go empty-handed.

Lu Miao was thinking about making something to bring over.

There is nothing else at home during this period of time.

There was still a small bunch of corn hanging under the eaves, which had been strung last fall. It had already dried up by now.

Lu Miao asked Fu Jingyou to take it down and peel the corn kernels.

Place a small pot on the chimney stove, add oil, two spoons of sugar, and then pour in half a bowl of dried corn kernels.

He flipped it over casually, and when the oil and sugar were hot and melted, Lu Miao took the lid of the pot and covered it, then gently shook it over the fire outlet of the chimney stove.

Soon, a muffled "thump thump" sound came from inside.

It shook for about two minutes, and when the explosion stopped, Lu Miao blocked the chimney and furnace damper.

When I opened the lid of the pot, I saw that a small bowl of dry corn kernels had been fried into a full pot of popcorn with a sweet aroma.

Lu Miao asked Fu Jingyou to bring a small sieve, poured the popcorn into the sieve, and called the children to come and eat.

The three children were so happy that they suddenly had snacks.

Lu Miao was very happy to see this and decided to make two pots of popcorn to bring to the Guoyingshe Publishing House after the weather got warmer in a couple of days.

It's not something that can be put on the table, but it's better than having nothing.

When the time comes, use oil paper and thin hemp rope to tie a nice-looking small package, which will look presentable in public.


The author says:

It's been so quiet lately, are you guys not reading anymore (crying, crying, crying), should I still write? (End of this chapter)

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