"You are so young, bilingual, and have strong business skills. You are truly a treasure!"

He Huan really liked Lu Miao's frankness, so he smiled and said honestly:
"Usually, everyone is talking about it during lunch, hoping that you will come back!"

Others laughed and echoed:
"She's right."

Lu Miao chuckled and said:

"It will be soon. I'm about to give birth, and I'll be able to come back and help everyone then."

"It's not enough to just help out. Everyone is waiting for you to take the lead in the future, haha~"

The 6 groups of workers were laughing and joking in the workroom, creating a particularly relaxed and warm atmosphere.

The team was busy with work, so Lu Miao didn't bother them too much.

After staying for a while and chatting about daily life and listening to the latest situation of the British News Agency, I waved goodbye and left.

Chen Mei said she would wait for her to come back and have dinner together, so she didn't keep her.

The child's father was still waiting across the street, but Lu Miao didn't waste any time and just walked out with his empty handbag.

When I got to the stairs and was about to go down, I bumped into someone coming down from the third floor:

"Oh, who is this? I thought I was seeing things."

Lu Miao turned around and saw Chen Qinghai walking down the last step of the third floor holding a stack of paper documents and walking straight towards her.

"Comrade Xiao Lu."

Lu Miao nodded slightly, looked at his nose and his heart, then he took a step back and stood still.
"Team Leader Chen."

To be honest, Lu Miao doesn't like Chen Qinghai.

Dislike very much.

But the workplace has its own rules of survival.

As for Chen Qinghai, she chose to ignore him.

As long as everything looks good on paper, that's enough. As for the rest, it's up to you.

But Chen Qinghai did not take her arrogant and impetuous attitude seriously, and her calm and well-behaved attitude did not catch on.

Chen Qinghai didn't like her in the first place, and since she had asked for leave and didn't come, Group 6 had some peace for a while.

Now that he saw her again, Chen Qinghai was cunning and domineering. He looked at her with a sidelong glance and walked around her for a while, sneering and snorting:

"How come you're recovering from your illness? Oh, you're pregnant."

"I have told you many times about the strict rules of the British Society, right? The hierarchy and class division, you cannot skip levels!"

"Even if you are here to help out as an intern, shouldn't you ask me for leave? I will report to the relevant personnel. What do you mean by asking Director Tan to come and inform me?"

Lu Miao was feeling upset at the time, so he called Lu Yuanzheng to ask for leave.

Lu Yuanzheng didn't know much about the internal situation of the British Social Sciences Society, so he contacted Teacher Tan directly.

Lu Miao was brought into the IHS by Teacher Tan, and he told Teacher Tan that there was actually nothing wrong with him.

For Chen Qinghai, there is a difference between being a person who merely conveys messages, a comrade who answers calls in the message room, and a teacher.

It's really a very small thing.

Besides, Lu Miao has excellent abilities. Although she is called an intern, the work she does is comparable to that of a regular employee.

Besides, she is essentially a student. She comes when she is free and doesn’t come when she is not.

This was something we had agreed on early on.

Regarding leave
It's polite to invite someone, but it doesn't matter if you don't.

There is nothing we can do about it due to physical reasons during pregnancy.

There is nothing wrong with Chen Qinghai's pursuit of hierarchy and class division of labor.

But it was not reasonable for him to impose the same standards on Lu Miao as on regular employees.

Lu Miao originally wanted to explain in a friendly manner.

But Chen Qinghai kept talking, poking her with the paper document bag in his hand, forcing her to step back.

Next to him was a sloping staircase, and a slight breeze blew, causing Lu Miao to shiver.

A sidelong glance filled her with fear and she clutched the winding corner handrail.

Afraid of rolling and falling.

Her safety was threatened, and Lu Miao could no longer bear it. She pushed Chen Qinghai away with her belly bulging:
"Try pushing me again!"

Her voice was quite loud, and many people in the workrooms near the staircase looked in. Chen Qinghai's face changed, but he had to restrain himself a little and cursed in a low voice:

"What are you yelling about, you shrew! You're such a mad woman!"

Afraid that the matter would get out of hand and outsiders would think he was bullying a newcomer, Chen Qinghai avoided Lu Miao and walked back.

Lu Miao's chest rose and fell violently, and he cursed angrily:
"You are a shrew, your whole family is a shrew, you old man, you are an old fool!"


After hearing this, Chen Qinghai's feet slipped and his face turned green, but he didn't dare to turn around and confront Lu Miao.

Someone nearby was whispering:
"Why are you still arguing?"

"I do not know……"

Someone saw Lu Miao was pregnant, looked pale and uncomfortable, so he came over and asked:

"Comrade, do you need any help?"

Lu Miao nodded: "Please help me sit over there..."

Maybe it was too dangerous just now.

Or maybe it was because the experience of being pushed down and falling when I was pregnant with my first child was too profound.

Lu Miao's legs were a little weak, and he was helped by a colleague from another workroom to sit aside and rest. It took him a long while to recover and go downstairs.

She had been off the car for a while, and when she got back on, Fu Jingyou wanted to ask her how she was getting along with her colleagues and whether she was happy.

Seeing that she looked unhappy, Fu Jingyou immediately changed the subject.

He fastened her seat belt, cupped her face with his big hands, rubbed her cheek with his thumb and asked:

"What's wrong? You look so bad. Are you feeling unwell somewhere, huh?"

Lu Miao was so angry that he burst into tears when he was asked by him:
"That guy named Chen just can't stand me and always makes things difficult for me!"

"Before, he always pushed things to me until almost the end of the day, didn't let me eat on time, didn't let me leave early. After meeting for such a long time, he still finds fault with me..."

Lu Miao had not told anyone about it because he was afraid that his family would worry.

Being pregnant, she was very emotional and couldn't help herself, so she just spilled the beans.

How could Fu Jingyou know that his wife had suffered such a great injustice?
After wiping his wife's tears, he frowned and glanced at the majestic building of the British Society. He turned his gaze and asked:
"What's the full name of that guy named Chen?"

"Chen, Chen Qinghai..."

Lu Miao twitched and said:
"The temples are a little gray, and the face is square."

Fu Jingyou nodded and soothed her emotions in a gentle voice:

"Don't cry, okay? Bad people don't get rewarded. He's definitely going to have some bad luck soon."


Lu Miao's eyes were red and she nodded with a pout.

She just complained a bit but couldn't do anything concrete.

However, Chen Qinghai has some problems with his character.

Even if he could continue working in a serious department like the Kokuei Society, the best he could do is to hold on to his position as a team leader.

Just wait and see!

When the fourth child is born, she will squeeze him out sooner or later!
Fu Jingyou patted her, calmed her down, and drove her home.


Lu Miao thought that Fu Jingyou's words "Chen Qinghai will be unlucky" were just a curse to show his disdain for the situation, so he didn't take it to heart.

But how could she know that Fu Jingyou was not just talking, but taking actual action?

From Fu Jingyou's perspective, he obeys Lu Miao in everything and protects Lu Miao as if he were protecting his own eyes or his life.

Lu Miao was both angry and wronged, how could Fu Jingyou swallow this?
How could she be allowed to suffer this injustice in vain?

The author has something to say:
Talk nonsense again!
Thank you for your support, I read all your messages~

Special thanks to everyone for the helpful suggestions. I will continue to work hard and write 150w to 200w!

Finally, let me explain to those who think this is just empty words or watered-down text:
All the foreshadowing and writing are normal. If you feel bored here, you may need to stop loss in time and change books! Because you probably won't like the subsequent plots QAQ. Although I hope you can stay, I still give you some benign suggestions~!
Finally, writing is a hobby. Gaining readers is like gaining friends, which makes me very happy. I have persisted for five or six years and will persist for longer in the future. You are really my motivation. I love you~

By the way, you can see the illustrations on the first QQ reading! (End of this chapter)

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