Chapter 11
Taibai Jinxing is not willing to show up!
But Master Guanyin said that he had informed Sun Wukong, otherwise why would Sun Wukong fly away suddenly.

But he, Taibai Jinxing, was able to act normally just now.

Taibai Jinxing was speechless about this, but Buddhists are thick-skinned.

If he doesn't go, he will definitely throw the blame over. If the Jade Emperor and Tathagata ask, then the problem will be big.

Taibai Jinxing didn't think he could explain it clearly.

So, I could only act reluctantly, but I already hated Master Guanyin in my heart. This Liangzi would not be easy to be kind.

"Who are you?" Sun Wukong pretended to ask.

Taibai Jinxing laughed and said: "I am Taibai Jinxing, the immortal who is beside the Jade Emperor of Heaven. You don't know me, but you know you. I am the Monkey King of Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, right?"

Sun Wukong complained in his heart: Who said he doesn’t know you?You old boy is not a good person.

"It's me, what's wrong with you?" Taibai Jinxing suddenly appeared. Sun Wukong didn't think it was a good thing, he must have some bad intentions.

Taibai Jinxing is smiling!

"It's nothing. I just passed by here and heard that the king on Huaguo Mountain has the power to reach heaven and earth, so I came here to pay a visit..."


Sun Wukong's response stunned Taibai Jinxing for a moment.

That's it?Can you cooperate with me? How can I continue with this old man?

But Sun Wukong just didn't speak, and just looked at Taibai Jinxing.

Taibai Jinxing was embarrassed, but he never forgot his mission.

"Monkey King, can we go down to your territory to talk?"

Sun Wukong suddenly understood that this was what he was trying to do.

It must have been because I ran up, and those monkeys controlled by Taibaijinxing or Guanyin were out of reach, so I came to let myself go down.

"This is my territory too. Down here is called territory, and here is called airspace!"

Taibaijinxing: "..."

Taibai Jinxing: "Oh, I didn't make it clear. Let's go to your territory to talk?"

Sun Wukong: "Is there something wrong with you? We can talk about it here!"

Taibaijinxing: "..."

Taibai Jinxing held his forehead for a while, suddenly feeling very tired.

"I'm thirsty and want to go down and ask for a drink of water. I don't know if I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Wukong waved, and wine, wine, and fruit appeared in front of Taibai Jinxing.

"Here, here you go, eat and drink as you like..."

Taibai Jinxing will be cured all of a sudden. Should he eat or not?To drink or not to drink?
In the end, I chose to eat and drink.

After a while, Taibai Jinxing stopped.

"Monkey King, I've been on my way here and I'm a little tired. I wonder if you can take me down to rest for a while?"

"Go down by yourself. My monkeys and monkey grandchildren are all very kind and friendly. I will pass the message to you..." So, you won't go down, right?

Taibai Jinxing made no move, and was looked at directly by Sun Wukong again.

Taibai Jinxing felt very aggrieved. Did she say that this hozen was easy to fool?Why do I feel so deceived?

Mad, this monkey has made it clear that he doesn't want to go down.

But Taibai Jinxing is not willing to just give up.

For the last time, let’s fool you again, and if it doesn’t work, withdraw.

"Well, Monkey King, I have something important to discuss with you. It is not easy for the two demon kings you killed to become sworn brothers!"

"Oh? I would like to hear the details..."

"It's not convenient to talk here, how about we go down and talk?"

"I'm not free. How about I finish my work?"

"Huh? What is the Monkey King busy with?"

"It's not a big deal. I learned a little trick from the Immortal. The master said not to waste it, let alone give up halfway, so I can't leave it for the time being."

"Oh? How long will that take?"

"This, your Majesty, has no way of knowing. Sometimes this method is learned quickly, sometimes it is learned slowly. It only takes a quick breath, while slow ones may take several years. It all depends on how you feel..."

"So, how do you feel now?"

"I'm afraid it won't be done in a short time..."

Taibai Jinxing suddenly fell silent, looked deeply at Sun Wukong, turned around and left after a while, and soon disappeared.

"Huh? Are you there? Didn't you say you want to go down and rest? You're hallucinating..."

Sun Wukong's voice came from behind, making Taibai Jinxing blush with anger.

Seeing Master Guanyin in front of him, Taibai Jinxing said helplessly: "You have seen and heard it, I tried my best..."

Master Guanyin didn't say anything, but stared at Sun Wukong for a while and then said: "Let's go, let's change our approach..."

"Huh? What do you mean? Where to go? How to change?" Taibai Jinxing couldn't understand!
Master Guanyin said: "Since Hozen can't deal with the weapon issue personally, it doesn't matter, as long as the result is the same..."

"So..." Taibai Jinxing still didn't understand.

The iconic compassionate smile on Master Guanyin’s face.

"So, let's go get some weapons and deliver them to Huaguo Mountain!"

Taibai Jinxing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Yes, the results are similar, so you don’t have to go through Sun Wukong to complete the process.

But when Taibai Jinxing looked at Master Guanyin, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Buddhist people are indeed very insidious. They look like Buddhas with a smile on the outside, but they are extremely vicious on the inside.

You have to be careful to avoid getting into trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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