Journey to the West: Yaoshou, this monkey is too peaceful

Chapter 18 When will the monkey come to seize the Poseidon Needle?

Chapter 18 When will the monkey come to seize the Poseidon Needle?
The Bull Demon King left Huaguo Mountain with a group of monsters. .
The One-Horned Demon King asked worriedly: "Brother, going to the Dragon King of the East China Sea to get weapons for Sun Wukong is not an easy task.

Moreover, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is quite repulsive to monsters like us. Do we have to force our way in? "

The Bull Demon King glanced at the One-Horned Demon King, pondered for a while, and said: "This matter must be considered in the long run. Since we have promised Sun Wukong, we must help. After all, as a friend, I, Old Niu, have nothing to say to you, just like you are me. Brothers, if you are in need, you will definitely not say anything..."

When the One-Horned Demon King heard this, he immediately became excited.

"Big brother treats brothers and friends so sincerely. Little brother, I admire you. How lucky you are to be your brother!"

Bull Demon King: "Second brother, you are flattering me, the old cow."

One-Horned Demon King: "No, I am speaking from the bottom of my heart..."

The Bull Demon King felt humble again.

After a while, the one-horned devil couldn't bear it anymore.

One-Horned Demon King: "Brother, since we have a long-term plan, what should we do?"

Bull Demon King: "We can't rush this at the moment. Our strength is not enough, otherwise we would be powerless, so next I have to go into seclusion and practice..."

The One-Horned Demon King responded: "In that case, I will train all my subordinates to increase their strength, so that I can go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace with my eldest brother to find weapons!"

The Bull Demon King nodded in agreement.

Seeing that there was no problem with the One-Horned Demon King, the Bull Demon King also breathed a sigh of relief.

As for finding weapons for Sun Wukong?

Hehe, don't even think about it.

Not to mention that the Dragon King of the East China Sea is not weak, but he will not fight.

Even if it's easy to fight, it's impossible to go.

If he was stabbed to heaven, heaven would be eager to have a reason to deal with him.

So, just go into seclusion and practice when you go back. After a while, everyone will forget to come out again, and you won't have anything to worry about.

As for Sun Wukong, after the Bull Demon King left with his men, the system rang again.

[Dip, congratulations to the host for staying safe and abiding by his duties. I will reward you: the most innate treasure, the Donghuang Bell! 】

Seeing the reward, Sun Wukong was a little excited.

Donghuang Bell has the power to suppress chaos, reverse time and space, refine yin and yang, and turn the world around.

This treasure is infinitely mysterious and has endless creations.It can imprison time and suppress space.One of the three great innate treasures.

After Pangu opened the sky, his left eye turned into a sun star, and Donghuang Taiyi embraced the Chaos Clock, conceived out of the sun star, and renamed it Donghuang Bell.

After the Lich War, both Taiyi and the Wu Clan fell, and the Donghuang Bell disappeared.

The Donghuang Bell is not only powerful, it can also suppress luck.

Luck is elusive and difficult to capture, but it is real.

During the Great Tribulation of the Journey to the West, Buddhism flourished, mainly because it gathered a large amount of luck in Buddhism. With the blessing of huge luck, Buddhism was able to do everything smoothly.

After all, the amount of luck represents the amount of blessings from heaven.

Moreover, Buddhism is so dedicated to an important part of Sun Wukong's plan to journey to the West, and it is also a particularly important part.

Otherwise, the plan would not have been started many years ago, and Sun Wukong would have been forcibly suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years.This shows the importance of Sun Wukong to the journey to the west.

It can also be seen that Sun Wukong has immeasurable merits and virtues in repairing the sky, and how powerful his luck is.

Only then would the Buddhists have been calculating for so long and gradually take away Sun Wukong's luck.

Now that the Donghuang Bell suppresses luck, it will not be so easy for Buddhism to intercept luck.

Why is it not that easy?Rather than being unable to intercept it?

Didn't the Heavenly Court established by Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun back then have the Donghuang Bell to suppress luck?
There is also the Tongtian Cult Leader of the Jie Sect, who is still a saint in his own right, and can be said to be the strongest among the Seven Saints.

In the end, their luck was intercepted by calculations.

As a result, the demon heaven was finally destroyed, and Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun also died.

Jiejiao was almost destroyed, and could barely survive.

Leader Tongtian is also forever imprisoned in Zixiao Palace and is not allowed to leave!

Sun Wukong is not stupid enough to be carefree just because the Donghuang Bell suppresses his luck.

"First practice the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques", then refine the essence and blood of the Chaos Demon Ape, and then refine the Donghuang Bell to suppress luck!"

After deciding on the target, Sun Wukong told the Brachiosaurus and the Red Horse Monkey not to disturb him unless Huaguo Mountain was facing life and death.

After the arrangements were made, Sun Wukong began to retreat.

"Although practicing the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques will slow down my cultivation level..."

Sun Wukong didn't think too much and had no intention of giving up practicing the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques".

This is a saint-level technique that can make you a saint.

Although no one has been able to succeed yet, it is not comparable to "Dapin Tianxian Jue".

Deep in the water curtain cave, Sun Wukong is practicing in seclusion.

It can be said that the East China Sea Dragon Palace has been busy for a long time, and it took action more than a year ago.

And he has already finished his work.

All the arrangements have been made long ago. It can be said that those who know the situation are highly concentrated at all times and want to get into the drama at any time.

But I waited and waited, but I didn’t wait until the monkey came down to grab the Poseidon Needle!

This wait is one year.

I have asked the Jade Emperor several times, "Why hasn't the monkey come down yet? Is the plan to travel to the West a failure?"

The Jade Emperor replied: "Wait a moment, it's almost over..."

"Brother, why is there still no movement? Didn't heaven send a message? It said that the monkey arrived at this moment, but the monkey..."

The other three dragon kings were impatient with waiting, so they came to Donghai again to ask.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked confused and wanted to say: "I also want to know..."

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(End of this chapter)

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