Journey to the West: Yaoshou, this monkey is too peaceful

Chapter 30 Tathagata: No, it’s not me

Chapter 30 Tathagata: No, it’s not me

Avalokitesvara: "Amitabha, Buddha, this is the plan for the journey to the west, it is of great importance!"

"It might be difficult for you to go alone, so I'll go with the Buddha and Bodhisattvas!"

"If Heavenly Court dares to do this, it must have decided to break up with our Buddhist sect."

"Otherwise, no matter what, you must ask my Buddha first!"

"I wish I could think twice!"

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also spoke one after another.


"Master Guanyin is right!"

"If heaven behaves like this, I, the Buddha, will definitely seek an explanation from heaven!"

"Otherwise, I would really be considered a Buddhist who is easy to bully!"

"If you ruin the plan of traveling to the West in this way, the Heavenly Court must give you an explanation. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"


The Tathagata nodded slightly: "Amitabha, good!"


Here in Heaven, follow the Jade Emperor’s order and go down!
It was supposed to cooperate with various matters of the Journey to the West plan.

They are being canceled one after another at the moment!

In Lingxiao Palace!
Taibai Jinxing looked worried!
"Your Majesty, do we really not need to say hello to Lingshan?"

"After all, this journey to the west is also a big disaster. If you don't get it right, there will be big problems!"

The Jade Emperor said domineeringly: "Humph, Buddhism is bullying me in heaven, but why don't you say hello to me first!"

"It was his Buddhist sect that was responsible for the great success of Journey to the West. I, the Heavenly Court, didn't say anything and cooperated wholeheartedly."

"He is a good Buddhist, but he is still plotting secretly. He is plotting to kill us in heaven."

"If that's the case, then it won't be easy for everyone. I really think I'm afraid of his Tathagata!"

"At worst, the plan of Journey to the West will turn into a catastrophe of Journey to the West!"

Taibai Jinxing: "Your Majesty, everything you said makes sense, but I am worried about the Buddhist saints!"

"If those two come forward..."

At this point, Taibai Jinxing stopped.

But everyone understands it.

The expressions of all the gods changed drastically.

The Jade Emperor's face suddenly darkened and he didn't speak again.

It was eerily quiet!
The Jade Emperor suddenly burst into flames.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if the Two Saints of the West come, they still have to explain themselves!"

"If you don't give me a way to survive in heaven, then what else do you have to be afraid of!"

"Even if I sue Dao Ancestor, I still have the same attitude. I have nothing to say!"

I'm talking!

The Jade Emperor suddenly looked towards the west!

Immediately afterwards, Taibai Jinxing and others also turned their eyes to the west one by one!

A sound like a loud bell seemed to come from Jiutian!
"Amitabha, Jade Emperor, we have already made plans for our journey to the west!"

"What do you mean by your sudden withdrawal from heaven?"

"Does your heavenly court plan to let the Journey to the West Catastrophe destroy this ancient world again?"

"If the great calamity of Journey to the West really occurs, you, the Jade Emperor, will be the sinner of this ancient world!"

Outside the Heavenly Court, in the void toward the west!

The Tathagata stood out of thin air with a group of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Just waiting there quietly!

But the atmosphere was very chilling!


A series of piercing sounds appeared from the heaven!

The Jade Emperor and others even appeared out of thin air, looking at the Buddhists from a distance!

The Jade Emperor sneered: "Thieves shout, catch thief! Do you really think I don't know about your Buddhist shamelessness?"

"Since the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West, you Buddhists are the sinners, and you, the Tathagata, are the first to bear the brunt!"

"You have the nerve to come and question my Heavenly Court. It was you who broke the rules first."

"You act and stand up, I'm really afraid that my Heavenly Court will be afraid of you and you won't be able to become a Buddhist!"

"You brought so many people here and you want to take action, right? Then clear a path, I don't mind if the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West starts right now!"

Erlang Shen, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, stepped forward!
"I am willing to be the vanguard and kill!" Nezha was not to be outdone, and said with fighting spirit: "If there is a fight, how can I be left out!"

In an instant!
This void is filled with murderous intent, breaking through the sky!

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Buddhist side are also full of fighting spirit!
Tathagata's face didn't change at all.

But I was already extremely angry!
The Jade Emperor is crazy!
The cause and effect is clearly on your side of heaven. Is your heaven really not afraid of being destroyed by the great catastrophe of Journey to the West?

The horror of heaven and earth catastrophe.

Tathagata is quite clear!
As far as the Lich Tribulation is concerned, the Witch Clan has defeated them all.

The Demon Clan Heavenly Court is gone.

But now the catastrophe of Journey to the West can be controlled.

This is a great opportunity for the great prosperity of Buddhism!
Everything has been discussed and arranged!

Just waiting for the journey to the west to start!

It’s time to receive the fruits.

But now there are variables!

Tathagata is not willing to fight.


The Tathagata pronounced the Buddha's name.

This is a secret technique that can soothe your emotions.

The people on both sides, who were originally full of fighting spirit, suddenly calmed down a lot.

Tathagata: "Jade Emperor, you said that I, the thief, shouted to catch the thief, please tell me the reason!"

"How could I, a Buddhist, break the rules in the first place!"

"If it is really my Buddhist problem, then I will definitely give you an explanation in heaven!"

"Go back to the Jade Emperor and put the overall situation first. With the catastrophe, you will no longer be able to control it!"

"I hope you, Jade Emperor, will think twice!"

Tathagata feels so aggrieved in his heart.

If it weren't for the plan of traveling to the west, this would be an opportunity for Buddhism to rise.

How could I need to be so humble?
The Jade Emperor sneered in his heart.

Are you afraid now?

But the Jade Emperor also knows that as long as a great disaster occurs.

It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong on either side.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor did not want to cause a catastrophe unless it was absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, we would not have to watch the rise of Buddhism, and our Heavenly Court would have to cooperate.

The Jade Emperor immediately recounted what he had learned from Taibai Jinxing.

of course!

The whole process is to blame Tathagata!
"I think your Guanyin Master has also told you about the situation, right?"

"No, it should be Master Guanyin who reported the news of your scheme to you, right?"

"Haha, Tathagata, Tathagata, this is the rise of your Buddhism, but unfortunately you are too greedy, then I will not accompany you in heaven!"

"The monkey obviously went to study for a long time and was not released for a long time. What more did you teach Buddhism?"

"Without any guidance, the monkey was so violent that the Demon King was beaten to death."

"Forget it, it's just a small problem, it won't have much impact!"

"But I want to know how that monkey learned the "Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques"! How come he has so many resources in his hand and can just give away ten of the Sixth Transformation Golden Pill!"

"That stone monkey has been under your Buddhist surveillance!"

"What on earth do you Buddhists want to do? Secretly make that monkey stronger so that you can attack my heaven?"

"Tathagata, your Buddhism goes too far! Come on, explain it to me!"

The gods in the heaven listened, and murderous intent emerged in their eyes.

How could I not be angry when I almost got sold and even helped count the money?

And all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the Buddhist side are confused!

They also knew these things.

But I really didn’t know it in advance.

Did the Buddha even hide the plan of traveling to the West from his own people?

Was he discovered by Heaven?
Although, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also expect these to be the Buddha’s calculations.

But now that Heaven knows about it, what should we do?
Master Guanyin also looked at Tathagata with a look on his face asking what he meant.

As the general manager of this journey to the west, don't you know the inside story?It’s so difficult!
Tathagata: "I said all this is a misunderstanding, and I don't know it either. Do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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