Journey to the West: Yaoshou, this monkey is too peaceful

Chapter 32 Monkey, do you want a golden cudgel?

Chapter 32 Monkey, do you want a golden cudgel?

Above Huaguo Mountain.

Taibai Jinxing and Master Guanyin are hidden!
Watching the people on Huaguo Mountain return to their previous lazy and monkey-like daily lives!
It's so free.

The weapons that were brought back from the front were also thrown away by these monkeys.

As far as I can see, they are all broken, or monkeys are using them to dig holes!

Taibai Jinxing and Master Guanyin looked at each other and fell silent.

This is such a paradise for nothing!
Why don’t these monkeys have any sense of advancement?

Then you should have some sense of crisis, right?

Taibai Jinxing: "Master Guanyin, we have a long and arduous journey to the west!"

Avalokitesvara: "It doesn't matter, it's just these monkeys. It doesn't matter. As long as Sun Wukong guides them well, there is no need to worry about these monkeys."

Taibai Jinxing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Master Guanyin, you still have an idea, then how should we guide Sun Wukong next?"

"According to the plan, Sun Wukong has already gone to get the golden cudgel, right? But there is still no movement yet!"

"Look at him, he seems to have no desires or demands, practicing silently without fighting or grabbing"!
"How can this be a trouble-making Lord! Did you, the Buddhists, make a mistake? This monkey is not the target of the destiny's journey to the west!"

With the help of magic, Sun Wukong is practicing in Shuiliandong.

They were all clearly seen by Taibai Jinxing and Guanyin Master.

Master Guanyin's eyes also wandered over Sun Wukong.

He was very sure: "This cannot be wrong. It was deduced by Buddha Tathagata himself and confirmed by two saints. How can it be wrong?"

Taibai Jinxing also knew this.

Moreover, this is an opportunity for Buddhism to prosper. How could Buddhism get it wrong on such a major event?
Taibai Jinxing: "Then what's going on now? If this continues, the journey to the west won't be able to advance at all!"

"Could it be Sun Wukong? You Buddhism can enlighten him and teach him right from wrong..."

Master Guanyin was silent for a while.

I was also hesitant in my heart. Could it be that Patriarch Bodhi taught too much and I didn’t know it?

But soon.

Master Guanyin rejected this idea and said:
"Everything is under control, it's not difficult!"

"The journey to the West is inherently difficult, and there must be various problems along the way!"

"If the entire process follows our preset procedures, there will be no need for our supervision and guidance!"

Taibai Jinxing was speechless.

Control, and everything is under control.

This happened so many times, but never once was it under control.

Taibai Jinxing: "So, what should we do next?"

Master Guanyin: "We should let the Bull Demon King put pressure on Sun Wukong and instigate Sun Wukong to go to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to get the golden cudgel!"

Taibai Jinxing rolled his eyes: "Master Guanyin, don't forget that the Bull Demon King was defeated by Sun Wukong! Or are you planning to open the seal for the Bull Demon King?"

Master Guanyin was silent again.

Unlocking the seal of the Bull Demon King is absolutely impossible.

Unless the Bull Demon King can surrender to Buddhism!
Master Guanyin: "Just follow the old rules and ask the Dragon King of the East China Sea to send you the golden cudgel!"

"Anyway, our goal is to let Sun Wukong get the golden cudgel!"

"Let's go, we can't delay!"

Taibai Jinxing nodded.

Then the two figures disappeared over Huaguo Mountain.

Sun Wukong, who was practicing, also opened his eyes slightly.

There was a feeling of helplessness in my heart!
Sure enough, what should come will still come!

It’s really hard for Master Guanyin and Taibaijinxing!
But well!
I am a monkey who keeps my peace!
But what the hell did the Dragon King of the East China Sea send here?

If I don't go over, the mountain will come over?
Sun Wukong shrugged, it was also difficult for Master Guanyin and Taibai Jinxing.Thinking that Master Guanyin had brought a bunch of weapons to the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong was relieved!


East China Sea Dragon Palace!

All the dragon kings from all over the world have arrived.

They are all extremely depressed.

I really don’t know what Heaven and Buddhism are doing!
As promised, Sun Wukong will come down to grab the equipment.

For the purpose of traveling to the west, the Dragon Clan is weak and can only obey the arrangements and cooperate.

But wait and wait, the wait is indeed here!

As a result, it was promised that Sun Wukong would make a fuss in the East China Sea Dragon Palace and snatch equipment, but it was not discovered.

Instead, a polite Sun Wukong came!
The Dragon King of the Four Seas felt cheated.

But there is no other way. The superiors have arranged it, so we can only cooperate.

Not long ago, he suddenly said that there was no need to proceed with the journey to the west, and there was no need to pretend or give face to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is here, you can kill him directly!
It directly confused the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Beat or kill Sun Wukong?
The Jade Emperor’s order!
But if you really want to kill Sun Wukong, then it will definitely offend Buddhism to death.

All the dragon kings in the four seas know that Buddhism is bound to win over Sun Wukong.

At that time, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was so frightened that he shivered.

While discussing countermeasures.

Suddenly, heaven issued another order, saying that the westward journey plan would continue.

It's like changing the order day and night.

Dragon King of the South China Sea: "Brother, are they playing tricks on us?"

Dragon King of the West Sea: "Just let us wait and wait. What kind of arrogant and domineering person is Sun Wukong? What will be the result? He knows right from wrong and knows etiquette."

Dragon King of the North Sea: "Now it's like this all the time, what's going to happen! In the end it's our fault, so it's better to do nothing. Anyway, we can't afford to offend Buddhism and Heaven."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at the three brothers and said with a helpless look on his face: "Stop complaining, stop saying a few words, and don't bring disaster to our dragon clan!"

After hearing this, the three dragon kings were silent.

Taibai Jinxing and Master Guanyin had already arrived.

After hearing the words of the four Dragon Kings, the two looked at each other with indifferent expressions on their faces.

Immediately, Taibai Jinxing and Master Guanyin appeared!
Seeing Taibai Jinxing and Master Guanyin appear, the Dragon King of the Four Seas hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"I've seen Supreme Immortal Taibai!"

"I have seen Venerable Guanyin!"

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were so nervous that cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. They were afraid that what they just said would be overheard by Taibai Jinxing and Guanyin Master. If they were blamed, it would be troublesome!

Taibai Jinxing nodded and said, "No need to give in!"

"The journey to the West requires the continued cooperation of the four of us. Are there any problems?"

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other and said in the affirmative:
"No problem, whatever the Immortal needs me to do, I'll do it!"

Taibai Jinxing was very satisfied, nodded, and then looked at Master Guanyin!
Master Guanyin: "According to the original plan, Sun Wukong came down to ask you for weapons and equipment."

"Now that the plan has changed, you can just bring the equipment up and give it to Sun Wukong!"

The four dragon kings all raised their eyebrows.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea said: "That's no problem, but according to the original plan, the purpose is to let Sun Wukong snatch the equipment and be contaminated with cause and effect."

"Sending it to Sun Wukong like this, will it affect the Westward Journey plan?"

"If it's affected, it's not my Sihai Dragon Clan's problem!"

"Please give me some instructions from Venerable Guanyin!"

(End of this chapter)

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