Is my roommate still attractive with a thin waist and long legs?I chased first!

Chapter 301 I want to marry you, and I am serious about it.

Chapter 301 I want to marry you, and I am serious about it.

Zhou Yang saw the same emotion as his in Su Xiaoxiao's eyes.

He knew that Su Mu's words were probably more of a kind reminder.

In fact, Zhou Yang also knows that getting married is not simple or easy.

Even before, Zhou Yang had never thought about when he would get married or what his family would be like. He didn't think much about it.

But he met Su Xiaoxiao.

It seems that everything I have never thought about can be thought about.

Su Xiaoxiao fulfilled all his imagination.

The two people answered in unison, making both Su's father and Su's mother stunned.

It’s hard to say anything more in my heart.

The children have said this, and it would be inappropriate for me to say anything else.

The two sat in the apartment for a while, with Su Xiaoxiao coaxing her and reassuring herself that nothing serious was wrong.

Zhou Yang also promised that he would take good care of Su Xiaoxiao.

At this time, Su's father glanced at their bedroom strangely.

This is really good at taking care of you.

Although we know that young people may have some intimate behaviors when they fall in love, this is definitely unavoidable.

It's not like they're really old-fashioned and can't understand.

But is knowing it in your heart the same as actually seeing it?

Anyway, Su's father didn't know how his wife was feeling. His mood was really complicated.

But when I saw my daughter's beautiful and innocent face, I couldn't say anything more.

In the end, I was really a little frustrated. I could only look at Zhou Yang meaningfully and said, "Take care of Xiaoxiao and pay attention to safety."

Zhou Yang always feels that there is something in his words, right?

But he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only personally take the two of them to the elevator entrance. They were originally going to send them off, but they all said no, and they were really worried that Su Xiaoxiao was at home alone. In the end, he and Su Xiaoxiao could only watch them off at the elevator entrance. Go downstairs.

The elevator door closed, and you could still see her daughter saying something to Zhou Yang from the side.

Zhou Yang looked at her with gentle eyes.

Mother Su, who was feeling a little uncomfortable at first, suddenly felt relieved. She glanced at her husband beside her and asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Su's father glanced at her faintly, "Can this make you happy? My daughter is injured and still living with someone else!"

Living together in the same room, there is no reason to be happy, and it is completely impossible to laugh!

Mother Su blinked, it seemed like this.

But she still comforted her husband, "At least Zhou Yang is pretty good, isn't he?"

Father Su thought of Zhou Yang and his family, and had to admit that his wife was right.

Zhou Yang is indeed good.

Although he felt uncomfortable, he still sighed, "Indeed, otherwise I would have lost my temper just now."

Mother Su laughed at him, "You're just awkward. Just trust your daughter's vision. We're here."

Zhou Yang, who was upstairs, took Su Xiaoxiao back to the house and said, "I'm so nervous!"

Su Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and patted him gently, "You can't tell at all! Why did you suddenly tell my parents? I was not prepared at all!"

Zhou Yang closed the door casually, looked at her and said seriously, "It's not sudden, I wanted to say it before, but there was a lack of suitable opportunities. Since we all live together, we should let your parents know, girl If I suffer a disadvantage in this regard, if my parents know about it, they will beat me if I do anything wrong..."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at him speaking these words seriously, pursed her lips and whispered, "You're not bad at all!"

"That would be even better. Your parents can trust you and leave you to me in the future."

Zhou Yang said, taking her uninjured hand and bringing it to her lips for a kiss, "Although I have said it many times, I still want to say it once. I am serious about wanting to marry you."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled, "I have never doubted the authenticity of this sentence."

Because we have the same idea. I want to marry you, and I am serious about it.

Su Xiaoxiao was injured and temporarily took a week's leave from school.

The school also asked the counselor to ask what Su Xiaoxiao meant about this matter, which was the solution.

Su Xiaoxiao still said the same thing, "How to deal with it, how to deal with it, the family does not accept private reconciliation."

The counselor was silent for a moment, sighed to express understanding, and asked Su Xiaoxiao to have a good rest.

I guess the school definitely doesn't want the matter to get too big and have a bad impact on them.

But they also respected the injured classmates' thoughts.

Now we can only wait for the police to confirm and they will issue a statement.

As Zhou Yang expected, Ji Nan did find Su Xiaoxiao's parents.

But their attitude is also very tough and they do not accept reconciliation.

Only then did Ji Nan realize that his sister had really gotten him into big trouble this time.

It would be easy to solve it if it were just Su Xiaoxiao's family, and there are many solutions, but now there is Zhou Yang behind him, and behind Zhou Yang is Zhou Xiang...

This matter really gave Ji Nan a headache.

Zhou Yang still had to go to class. Su Xiaoxiao's injury made Chen Yao feel guilty. After all, he felt that Ji Meng had become so paranoid because of himself.

I have come here to apologize several times.

But both Zhou Yang and Su Xiaoxiao knew that strictly speaking, Chen Yao was also innocent.

Didn't blame him too much.

Several people were having dinner in the apartment that day. The injury on Su Xiaoxiao's hand was not serious, so she couldn't sit still and wanted to cook every day.

But Zhou Yang would not let her mess around. During the day, Uncle Liu would come over to cook and clean for her and watch Su Xiaoxiao.

Go back when Zhou Yang comes back.

They will also prepare dinner for them, so that Su Xiaoxiao will not have a chance to do anything.

Uncle Liu's cooking was also delicious, so Zhou Yang often brought Chen Yao and others back.

Today, the other two people went to the library, and only Chen Yao came over to apologize again.

Su Xiaoxiao and Zhou Yang were both afraid of him.

After finishing the meal, Chen Yao took the initiative to wash the dishes. Zhou Yang felt that if he didn't give him something to do, he would probably feel guilty.

He didn't stop him.

Ji Nan's call came to Su Xiaoxiao's mobile phone at this time.

Su Xiaoxiao originally did not intend to answer the unknown call.

But because Ji Nan called Zhou Yang, he remembered the number.

He said to Su Xiaoxiao, "It should be Ji Nan's call."

Su Xiaoxiao, who was about to hang up, glanced at Zhou Yang and said, "Do you want to pick up?"

Zhou Yang frowned slightly, "Take it, otherwise he will still fight."

The call was connected, hands-free.

Ji Nan's voice was gentle, "Hello, classmate Su, I am Ji Meng's brother, Ji Nan. Have I disturbed you?"

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Yang and said, "Hello, are you okay?"

Very direct, no polite words.

Ji Nan was silent for a few seconds before speaking, "It's like this. Ji Meng is crying every day because of the things that hurt you, and he wants to apologize to you in person, so are you free?"

"No, and isn't she in a detention center?" Su Xiaoxiao's voice was very calm, "How do you know she cries every day?"

Ji Nan: ...Is this the point? What's going on with this young couple?

(End of this chapter)

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