Chapter 41 Zhou Yang!You gangster!Zhou Yang:? ? ?
Zhou Yang originally went to the amusement park with Chen Yao and the others to play amusement rides in the afternoon.

Anyway, now he can pretend to be young and integrate into the small group of high school students.

Originally, Zhou Yang himself was very lively and cheerful, and he could play well with boys.

A group of people even came back after playing the mobile games and having dinner together.

Well, please ask Zhou Yang. Now a group of male classmates have been playing together for a while, and they already have some vague intention of being led by Zhou Yang.

Two meals and one afternoon is basically a waste.

Of course not everyone who played together came.

Several people who like to study and Xu Zhe didn't come.

During dinner in the evening, I didn’t know who started the conversation first. The main targets of the complaint were Xu Zhe and Lin Qingyan.

Some people also asked what the relationship was between Zhou Yang and the two of them. This was quite complicated today.

Zhou Yang just laughed, "What does it have to do with it? Aren't we just ordinary classmates? They may have fun, but I don't want to participate."

It would be unlucky to feature someone who has absolutely nothing to do with Lin Qingyan.

The original owner is a bloody example.

After he said this, the other boys naturally changed the subject.

Zhou Yang came back after eating and went to see Mimi.

Now it was basically determined that he was definitely out of luck.

Now Mimi has a very high status in the community, and someone even built a big house for it in the garden, which looks quite luxurious.

Zhou Yang took out the canned cats he bought and watched the three cats, one big and three small, eating happily.

But it's not as urgent as before. I guess someone will feed it every day now.

Zhou Yang sighed, "Hey, your sister Xiaoxiao likes you very much. I would be disappointed if I knew I couldn't take you home, right?"

He also has one less excuse to let her come to the house to look after the cat.

Mimi didn't know if she understood, so she meowed at him a few times.

It just so happened that one of the aunties from last time came over to feed the cat.

I was stunned for a moment when I saw him, probably because I saw that he came here often and was familiar with Mimi.

So they also told him that they planned to separate Mimi's kittens tomorrow afternoon, and then Mimi would see if she would go home with them.

The aunt said, "There are indeed a lot of cat thieves here recently. We think the kitten is so small and has no ability to protect itself. It is too dangerous to follow Mimi outside all the time. Mimi still knows how to escape on her own."

That's right, kittens can't even run fast.

Auntie said they had told Mimi and she didn't seem to object.

Although I don’t know if I understand it.

Finally, I invited Zhou Yang to come with me tomorrow to see if we could part with a kitten?

Zhou Yang instantly felt that maybe it was true. He was going to a cram school tomorrow anyway, so he invited Su Xiaoxiao to come with him in the afternoon.
We can also go have a meal together.

Very good plan.

After returning home, Zhou Yang had just finished taking a shower. There was still a paper on his desk and he was about to send a message to Su Xiaoxiao.

As a result, such a message came in.

Zhou Yang opened it without any precaution.

Objectively speaking, my beautiful legs are long, straight, and quite white.

Of course, she was definitely not as white as his deskmate. At this moment, he was stepping on a doll. The black stockings were slightly see-through, making the skin inside appear even whiter.

A hand was gently placed on the thigh and they entered together.

It's quite tempting.

But Zhou Yang, a people's policeman in his previous life, his first reaction was not temptation. Isn't this the cover of a pornographic fishing website?
Isn't this a poisonous link?

This is not interesting.

He wondered why there were still such backward methods now?

As a result, I saw a line of text under the photo, [Zhou Yang, please check my WeChat. 】

Zhou Yang:? ? ?Coming for me?Information exposed?But he did click on WeChat out of curiosity.

There is indeed a new friend in the WeChat friend application.

Click in to see the result.
Shen Yao? ? ? ? ? ?
The reason why I was sure it was Shen Yao was because when Zhou Yang deleted her, her avatar was like this, and her WeChat ID was also like this.

Clicking into the friend circle is not blocked. Except for two new posts, the others are exactly the same as before.

Zhou Yang was speechless.

So Shen Yao sent him silk threads all night just to get him to apply as a friend?

Is there any serious illness?

It looks like the cover of a scam website?

But Zhou Yang still failed. What's wrong with him?

He had better delete the photo and information that looked like a spam text message by the way, otherwise he would be the one who was accidentally seen and embarrassed.


After doing this, he clicked on the chat box with Su Xiaoxiao, told her about the kittens being distributed in the community tomorrow afternoon, and asked her if she wanted to go with him?

It took a while for Su Xiaoxiao to reply. She must have just seen her. She said, "Go, I want to go too!" 】

[By the way, can you quibble about the remarks now? 】

Zhou Yang: No?How come she still remembers it after so long?
Zhou Yang looked at the conspicuous note, and there was a colorful icon of candy behind it.

You can tell at a glance that the person who wrote the note was probably in a very emotional state at that time.

But at this moment Zhou Yang just wanted to sigh, how could he explain that he didn't look like a pervert?

Why don't you just say it directly?

Su Xiaoxiao on the other side waited for a while but didn't get an explanation.

She was doing papers at the moment. After all, she had to work hard if she didn't want to be separated from her deskmate.

She looked at the note she gave Zhou Yang. There were no words, just two icons of a flower and brilliant fireworks.

It looks much more serious.

But only Su Xiaoxiao knew the meaning of these two icons, and a flower called "like" bloomed in her heart, and she felt dazzled every day when she saw him.

Like the moment when fireworks bloom.

It seems that no matter how old a girl is, she can come up with many "pretentious" words and sentences when it comes to liking this thing.

Now Su Xiaoxiao is blushing just thinking about it.

She reached out to cover her slightly hot cheeks. She blushed too easily, which gave Zhou Yang the chance to flirt with her back.

She waited for a while and Zhou Yang still didn't reply. Maybe he couldn't find a suitable excuse?

But Su Xiaoxiao still has no intention of giving him more time. It's been a day and she still can't find a suitable reason?
That note, as Su Xiaoxiao, who is essentially an adult, feels like driving a train (dirty~)

So she sent three more question marks.

As expected, Zhou Yang over there stopped pretending to be dead.

Input is shown.

Su Xiaoxiao waited patiently for a while.

As a result, a rather long voice message came over.

"I originally wanted to type an explanation, but it turned into a short essay." The boy's voice was nice, and he seemed to be a little helpless at this time, "Don't think there's something wrong with me, I just think you are like milk candy. , the skin is white and sweet.”

His voice was very low when he said the last sentence, not sure if it was because of embarrassment or for some other reason.

Anyway, Su Xiaoxiao felt that his voice exploded in her ears.

His face turned red instantly.

She lowered her eyes and typed, [Zhou Yang!You gangster! 】

Then he reached out and covered his ears.

Zhou Yang on the other side:? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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