Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 1 Bangge, what are you carrying in your arms?

Chapter 1 Bangge, what are you carrying in your arms?

"Brother Chen, why do you stop at the entrance of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill every day? If the captain knew that we were on patrol and rested at the entrance of the steel rolling mill every time, then that would be impossible."

Chen Ming was complaining to Lin Chen, while Lin Chen was staring at the gate of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill with indifferent eyes.

It has been three days since Lin Chen traveled to the world of Qingman Siheyuan, and his identity is a member of the street patrol team of Nanluogu Lane.

Responsible for maintaining law and order on the streets and arresting criminals.

But Lin Chen didn't have a system, and he didn't have a grandfather.

All he has is his knowledge of the original plot.

Lin Chen knew that the story of Qingmansiheyuan started with Banggeng stealing soy sauce.

The task of being a member of the street patrol team is to arrest criminals and maintain law and order on the streets.

Therefore, the thief in the courtyard has been the subject of countless fan fictions stealing all over the capital.

Lin Chen must be caught no matter what.

So much so that he has been squatting at the entrance of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill for several afternoons.

"Come on, let's go."

Finally, the emperor pays off.

This time, Lin Chen finally caught him.

Lin Chen watched Banggan come out of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, his arms still bulging.

Now of course there is no need to guess.

The bulging thing in Banggeng's arms must be the soy sauce he stole from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Now you can directly take away the stolen goods.

"What's coming? What are we going to do?"

Chen Ming watched Lin Chen walk towards the gate of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Although he didn't understand what Lin Chen was going to do, he followed him closely.

"Stop, don't move."

Lin Chen walked up to Banggian and stopped him.

Members of the street patrol team often patrol the streets.

So I know BangGeng.

Although Banggeng was a little nervous at this time, he still forced a smile.

"Uncle Lin, why are you patrolling the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill?"

"Jia Geng, what are you doing here at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill? What's in your arms? Take it out quickly."

Lin Chen's loud voice soon attracted the attention of many employees around the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Many employees of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill formed a circle at the gate of the factory.

"What's going on here?"

"I don't know, but I guess it's Bangge. That little bastard came to the place to steal things again."

"In our factory, there is a big bastard like He Yuzhu, and there is a little bastard like Bangge. They are really two scourges in the factory."

"I came to see my mother."

"Then what's in your arms?"


Lin Chen didn't give Bangge a chance to explain. After all, in those days, it wasn't a big deal if the arrest was a little rough.

He directly stretched out his hand and snatched it from Banggang's arms.

Although Bangge was good at stealing things, he was still young and could not be Lin Chen's opponent.

Lin Chen took out the soy sauce from Banggian's arms.

Then he raised the soy sauce so that the people around him could see it.

Then Lin Chen looked at Banggeng and said with a stern tone.

"Jia Gen, tell me what's going on with this soy sauce. Aren't you here to see your mother? Why are you still holding a bottle of soy sauce?"

The surrounding onlookers started talking when they saw this scene.

"It seems that this kid from Qin Huairu's family is here to steal something again."

"Before, I just sneaked into the factory without knowing what I was doing, but this time I actually stole soy sauce directly from the kitchen."

"I guess that bastard He Yuzhu acquiesced. After all, He Yuzhu and Qin Huairu are about to wear a pair of pants." "This matter cannot be trivialized. This is not just as simple as stealing a bottle of soy sauce. This soy sauce is Our workers worked hard with their blood and sweat, and this is eating our workers’ flesh and drinking our workers’ blood!”

"Comrades from the patrol team, this matter must be dealt with seriously."

Banggan heard the surrounding steel rolling mill employees asking to deal with him.

Now the grievance in my heart came up.

I was thinking, didn't he just steal a bottle of soy sauce?

As for so many people surrounding him?

What's the big deal about stealing a bottle of soy sauce?

So Banggeng decided to use his trump card and bring out He Yuzhu to scare them.

Jia Gan pointed his finger at the surrounding workers of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and said arrogantly.

"Everyone in this group of you counts. I have written it all down. I will tell my uncle Shazhu when I get back. When you go to the canteen to get food, you will only be able to eat vegetable soup and not the staple food. It’s got to be less than half.”

The surrounding steel rolling mill employees were so arrogant when they saw Banggeng being arrested, so many people also started to scold Banggeng.

"Banggen, you bastard."

"You brat, do you still dare to threaten me?"

"I'm threatening you. What's the matter? Also, I'm not called brat. I have a name. My last name is Jia."

"Jia Geng, tell me where this soy sauce comes from."

Lin Chen didn't expect that this stick figure would be more arrogant than the stick figures in movies and TV series.

I thought to myself, it seems that movies and TV dramas have also beautified the stick memes.

"I bought this soy sauce from the supply and marketing cooperative."

Banggeng lied without batting an eyelid.

Lin Chen looked at the half bottle of soy sauce left in his hand and couldn't help but smile coldly.

"Why is there only half a bottle of soy sauce bought from the supply and marketing cooperative?"

At this time, the surrounding employees became excited when they saw this scene.

They were all threatened by Bang Gang just now.

Moreover, Bangge, this brat, calls himself Young Master.

How can these big men in the factory stand this anger?

"Jia Geng, please tell me why the soy sauce you bought from the supply and marketing cooperative is only half a bottle."

"Maybe the salesperson at the supply and marketing cooperative secretly drank half the bottle."

"When I, I, I just went to see my stupid uncle, I lent him half a bottle."

The surrounding employees of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill became even more angry when they heard Banggeng say this.

The conditions of Qin Huairu's family are known to all the employees in their factory.

Since the children at home can no longer feed themselves, it is naturally impossible to send their own soy sauce to the steel rolling mill.

"Little bastard, you deceive us like fools. Your family bought soy sauce, but you are still willing to give it to the public."

"Little brat, you must have stolen this soy sauce from the kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill."

"You guys can't bully people like this. I either stole this soy sauce or bought it from the supply and marketing cooperative. If you don't believe it, we can go to the kitchen together and ask my silly uncle if I bought this soy sauce."

Banggeng knew that He Yuzhu would definitely turn towards him, so he was confident.

When Lin Chen saw this look, he knew that there was nothing he could do even if he went to the kitchen.

After all, He Yuzhu and Qin Huairu wear the same pants, and Banggeng is Qin Huairu's son. He Yuzhu will definitely help Banggeng lie when the time comes.

But Lin Chen already had a plan in mind at this time.

That is the distance meter.

Although in the original TV series, it would take another two years for Bangge to turn into a white-eyed wolf.

But as the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change. He can become such a white-eyed wolf in the future.

It means that he originally had the DNA of the white-eyed wolf.

I only need to say that I have captured the piece of cement pipe behind the steel rolling mill, the small roast chicken, and the Sophora japonica.

Tell Banggan again that Xiaodang Huaihua has already surrendered him.

I guess Banggeng will just do it.

(End of this chapter)

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