Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 10: Reporting on the Deaf Old Lady

Chapter 10: Reporting on the Deaf Old Lady

"That's what the kid from Qin Huairu's family said. Many people heard it at the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Although He Yuzhu is not a good person, this guy is a heartless bastard."

"Who do you think has no conscience? If He Yuzhu hadn't been the chef in the back kitchen of the steel rolling mill, would our BangGeng be able to go to the back kitchen to get something? Would my BangGeng be caught if he didn't go to the back kitchen to get something?"

When Mrs. Jia Zhang came back from going to the bathroom, she heard several aunts in the courtyard talking about her grandson, and said that her grandson was a heartless bastard, and she suddenly became angry.

"Jia Zhang, you"

"Are there any of my neighbors like you? I don't usually see you here making sarcastic remarks when something happens to our family."

As soon as Qin Huairu came in from the door of the courtyard, she heard the movement in the middle courtyard and hurriedly walked inside. When she reached the middle yard, she saw Mrs. Jia Zhang arguing with other aunts in the courtyard.

Qin Huairu quickly walked to Jia Zhang and grabbed her.

"Mom, let's go back first. Mom, stop talking."

Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu and asked.

"What did the street office say?"

"Huaihua is too young and will probably be released from education. Banggen and Xiaodang will probably have to spend a few years in a labor camp."

"Ah, a few years. Our boss stayed in there for a few years. After he came out, he had no education and a criminal record. How could he find a wife now and continue the family lineage of the old Jia family?

"Huai Ru, you should save more money over the years. Don't let the stick figure come out and fail to find a wife."

Qin Huairu did not expect that her mother-in-law had not realized the seriousness of the problem.

This guy has committed such a big crime.

As a mother, she probably wouldn't be able to stay in the factory anymore.

And He Yuzhu's incident might also be connected to their family.

"Mom, I may not be able to keep my job. What happened to Banggeng. I guess the factory leaders will talk to me when I get to work tomorrow."

"And the Zhuzhu side might also involve our family."

"Why does Zhuzhu's matter involve our family? Aren't those things given to us by Silly Zhu voluntarily?"

Jia Zhang was completely panicked now.

He kept mumbling in his mouth.

"This can't be true. This can't be true. Why do so many bad things come to our house?"

Easy Zhonghai Home.

Yi Zhonghai was sitting alone in the room drinking wine.

Although Yi Zhonghai is rich, he has no children.

In the courtyard, He Yuzhu and Bang Geng were both the elderly care recipients he trained.

But now He Yuzhu and Banggan have been arrested.

One will most likely be shot, the other will probably be sentenced to seven or eight years at least, and will probably be crippled after he is released.

This is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai's several years of efforts being in vain.

Ever since, Yi Zhonghai's mentality suddenly collapsed.

Just treat the blended liquor as water and pour it into your stomach one cup at a time.

The eldest mother panicked when she saw this.

He hurriedly came over and grabbed Yi Zhonghai.

"Old man, please stop drinking."

"Don't stop me. Over the years, we have helped the Jia family and He Yuzhu. Don't we just want to have a destination when we get old?"

"The result is good now, both of them have been caught."

"Old man, don't worry, this matter may turn around."

"Is there a turning point? What kind of turning point can there be? One of them stole hundreds of yuan, and the other stole thousands of yuan. If Banggeng hadn't been young, he would have been dragged away and shot."

Yi Zhonghai has the most clear mind.

Naturally, he knew that He Yuzhu would definitely die this time.

After all, this is a big case involving thousands of yuan, who can save it?Who dares to save?
Lou Xiao'e took a pair of cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles and went to the backyard.

He walked to the door of the deaf old lady's house and knocked on the door.Then he said inside.

"Old lady, you said you would give them to your relatives, so I bought them for you."

The deaf old lady in this courtyard has a very good ear.

It can be said to have some kind of special function.

If she doesn't want to hear it, she won't hear it no matter how loud you shout in her ear.

But if she wants to hear something, you can whisper it a few meters away from her, and she can hear it clearly.

Lou Xiao'e only heard the hoarse voice of the deaf old lady coming from the room.

"Relatives, I don't have any relatives."

The deaf old lady often asked for things from the residents of the courtyard in the name of supporting her relatives.

But in fact, she saved all those things, either keeping them for herself or giving them to Silly Zhu.

She asked Lou Xiaoe to buy these cloth shoes according to the size of the stupid feet.

But now Silly Zhu has been caught.

The deaf old lady felt uncomfortable herself, after all, she was also waiting for Silly Zhu to provide for her in her old age!

Lou Xiao'e heard what the deaf old lady said at the door, which seemed a little unreal, so she said something more inside.

"Old lady, you asked me to buy cloth shoes for your relatives, and I bought them for you."

The deaf old lady heard Lou Xiao'e say again, and figured out in her heart that she could sell these cloth shoes for money even if she couldn't give them to Silly Zhu.

So he spoke in the direction of the door.

"Okay, then put your cloth shoes in."

trial room

Banggeng said looking at Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing sitting opposite him.

"I want to report Wu Xiuying in our compound."

"Wu Xiuying?"

"That's the 80-year-old lady in our compound."

"What are you going to report her for?"

"This old lady was extorting money in our compound when she had nothing to do. She asked people in our compound to buy things for her, claiming that she was supporting their relatives back home."

"But I have never seen any relatives from their family come to see her."

After hearing Bangge's report, Lin Chen began to recall the plot of the TV series in his mind.

Immediately, I thought of the deaf old lady asking Lou Xiaoe to buy shoes in the name of supporting relatives, but she gave them to Silly Zhu.

And judging from the conversation between Lou Xiaoe and the deaf old lady in the original drama, the deaf old lady not only asked Lou Xiaoe to buy something this time.

Others may have been blackmailed by the deaf old lady in this way.

After thinking of this, Lin Chen looked at Banggeng and asked.

"As you said, Jia Gen, the old lady in your compound is over 80 years old. Why is she threatening the people in the compound?"

"She is older, and there were people in the compound who didn't show her filial piety before, but she found an excuse to knock on someone's glass with a cane. She also said she wanted to let the other party know who the ancestors were in this compound."

When Lin Chen heard the story about the deaf old lady knocking on other people's windows with her cane, she immediately recalled the plot in her mind.

This was actually done by the deaf old lady in the original play.

In the original drama, the old lady used a cane to break the glass of the second uncle Liu Haizhong's house.

Judging from the proficiency with which the deaf old lady knocked on Liu Haizhong's window in the original drama, there is a high probability that she has also broken other people's windows.

At this time, Bi Xueqing clenched her fists in anger again.

"Isn't this Wu Xiuying doing what a big clan in feudal society does?"

"Jia Geng, Wu Xiuying is a five-guarantee household assessed by the street. She receives a monthly subsidy from the street. So what did she do with the subsidy?"

"She secretly took the subsidies and sold them. Every time she received food stamps on the street, she would go to someone to sell the food stamps. I bumped into her a few times."

(End of this chapter)

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