Chapter 111 Arrest He Daqing again

At this time, the people in the street patrol team can be said to be more familiar with the Red Star Courtyard than the people in the Red Star Courtyard.

There was no other way. Criminals had been arrested in Hongxing Courtyard too many times. They would come to Hongxing Courtyard every now and then to arrest someone.

It doesn’t matter if you are not familiar with the Red Star Courtyard.

In fact, the people from the street patrol team first went to Hongbin Tower outside Xizhimen.

After arriving, I learned that He Daqing had returned to the Hongxing Courtyard to live with his daughter.

That's why the patrol team rushed over.

The residents of Hongxing Courtyard are curious.

Then I saw the patrol team pushing open the door of He Yuyu's house.

After that, Zhang Cheng shouted inside.

"He Daqing, come with us."

After he finished speaking, he walked forward and handcuffed He Daqing directly.

Then two members of the street patrol team dragged He Daqing out.

After that, the people from the street patrol team took He Daqing away without stopping.

"It was He Daqing who was actually arrested. Didn't he just get released? What happened again this time?"

"I don't know. He Daqing shouldn't be counted as a member of our Red Star Courtyard. Don't break up our courtyard again because of He Daqing's affairs."

"Yes, Comrade Lin Chen said before that he just gave our compound a chance last time. If there are any more criminals, we will break up our compound."

Everyone in the courtyard was also confused.

I am just afraid that I will be scattered and assigned to other places.

Ten minutes later, He Daqing was taken to the Nanluo Street Office.

After arriving, he was taken into the interrogation room.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen sat down opposite He Daqing.

"He Daqing, please tell me honestly what happened in 1949 and why you left the capital that year."

Hearing Lin Chen's inquiry, He Daqing was obviously a little nervous, and there was some sweat on his forehead.

However, He Daqing still held on and said.

"Because I fell in love with a lesbian named Bai Xiuzhen, so I went to Baoding with her."

Lin Chen slapped the table in front of him angrily.

"He Daqing, why don't you tell the truth now? How big a crime have you committed? You know in your heart that you had an improper relationship with Jia Zhang. After being discovered, you killed Jia Weiguo directly to prevent the matter from being exposed. So It’s a nasty plot. If you don’t tell the truth, you must know what will happen to you.”

"If you tell the truth now, you can still seek leniency, and you may be sentenced to life imprisonment."

"But if you refuse to admit it now, I'm afraid there is only a dead end waiting for you. If we can bring you here now, that means we have full evidence. Guess what Zhang Cuihua told us."

He Daqing committed the murder because of his affair with Zhang Cuihua, which was discovered by Jia Weiguo. Zhang Cuihua took the lead in attacking Jia Weiguo, and it was under those circumstances that he killed someone.

He Daqing's true heart was not an extremely vicious and cruel person.

Listening to Lin Chen's words, he was immediately frightened.

"He Daqing, aren't you still going to tell the truth now?"

Lin Chen then asked a few more questions.In the end, He Daqing could not withstand the pressure.

In an instant, the scene in 1949 appeared in He Daqing's mind.

He Daqing burst into tears.

"I was also obsessed with it for a while. Materials were in short supply at that time. Zhang Cuihua saw that I was a cook and wanted to get something from me. But I couldn't hold it back and had a relationship with her, and she blackmailed her. .”

"Later Jia Weiguo discovered it, and it was Zhang Cuihua who made the first move. I was completely confused by the situation at that time, and then she held Jia Weiguo down. After that, Zhang Cuihua took a pillow and covered Jia Weiguo's head. , I strangled Jia Weiguo to death and later the capital was liberated. I was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so I ran to Baoding with Bai Xiuzhen."

He Daqing confessed everything about the murder of Jia Dongxu's father Jia Weiguo in 1949.

While He Daqing was explaining, Lin Chen asked Zhang Cheng who was standing aside to record all of He Daqing's confession.

After He Daqing finished explaining, Lin Chen read what Zhang Cheng had recorded and then handed it to He Daqing.

"He Daqing, if you have a good look at it, sign it."

But when He Daqing looked at the confession in front of him, he hesitated.

"He Daqing, you have to think clearly that we are giving you a chance."

"Officer Lin, I have a small request."

"He Daqing, what is your request?"

"Can you let me see He Yuzhu? I want to persuade him. How could Qin Huairu not know that he has helped Qin Huairu for so many years?"

"Okay, I promise you, just sign this first."

After hearing Lin Chen's promise, He Daqing signed it.

After He Daqing's interrogation was completed, Lin Chen went to see Bi Xueqing.

He explained the situation to Bi Xueqing.

Bi Xueqing issued a certificate to Lin Chen, and then Lin Chen went directly to the Nancheng District Detention Center.

When we arrived at the place, we explained the situation clearly to the leaders of the detention center.

It didn't take long before I met Jia Zhang in the interrogation room of the detention center.

At this time, Jia Zhang's head was also shaved.

After meeting Jia Zhang, Lin Chen was more direct. After all, he already had enough evidence in hand and was not afraid that Jia Zhang would not recruit him.

"Zhang Cuihua, please tell me about what you and He Daqing did together in 1949."

"Officer Lin, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Zhang Cuihua, aren't you going to tell the truth now? What you and He Daqing committed was not an ordinary murder. This was a murder to cover up a crime after being caught cheating on someone. When criminal liability is investigated, they will be dealt with severely. "

"Zhang Cuihua, now He Daqing has confessed honestly, and the evidence we have is sufficient. Whether you confess or not will not affect the trial of the case. I am here just to give you a chance. .”


"Zhang Cuihua, do you want me to reminisce for you? These were all told to me by He Daqing. It was He Daqing who controlled your husband Jia Weiguo at that time, and then you covered him alive with a pillow."

Jia Zhang originally thought that more than ten years had passed, and her murder of her husband would be over.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, people from the patrol team would dig it out again.

Now that she heard Lin Chen tell all the details of how he killed Jia Weiguo, she naturally knew that Lin Chen was not bluffing her. He Daqing must have confessed honestly, so Lin Chen could know these things.

(End of this chapter)

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