Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 122 Cui Dake was shot, why didn’t you say what you said?

Chapter 122 Cui Dake was shot, why didn’t you say what you said?
As soon as they left the hospital, they bumped into Ding Qiunan who came in from outside the hospital.

After seeing Ding Qiunan, Nan Yi immediately greeted him and stopped a few steps away from Ding Qiunan, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Doctor Ding, I thought that many people from our machine repair shop live in this compound, and it would not be suitable for me to live in the dormitory of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, so I applied to Director Liu and applied for a long-term lease at the street office. "

"All the procedures have just been completed, and we will be neighbors from now on."

"I'm going to move things now. From now on, we will be neighbors. We can't see each other until we look up, but we have to help each other."

"Doctor Ding, if you have any difficulties, just come to me, you're welcome."

Nan Yi looked expectant, wanting to see Ding Qiunan's reaction.

Although Ding Qiunan felt a little disgusted in his heart, he still said hello to Nan Yi in order not to break his face.

"okay, I get it."

Ding Qiunan's words were cold and cold.

She just felt that Nan Yi was like a dog-skin plaster that she couldn't get rid of no matter how hard she shook it off, and now it was even stuck to her side.

Ding Qiunan was extremely disgusted. After saying hello to Nan Yi, he didn't stop and immediately returned to his home, out of sight and out of mind.

Nan Yi felt even happier when he saw Ding Qiunan responded to him.

So he happily took his apprentices Yang Xiaodong and Liu Minggan to the dormitory of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

After Ding Qiunan returned home, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

Ding Qiunan was already troubled enough these days because of not being able to go to college.

But she didn't expect that Nan Yi would now live with her with great fanfare.

When he was in the machine repair shop, Nan Yi always pretended to be sick and went to the infirmary to see a doctor.

But at that time, other workers in the machine repair shop also pretended to be sick and went to see a doctor.

So nothing was reported.

But now when he arrived at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Nan Yi always pretended to be sick and went there to see a doctor.

In addition, she and Nan Yi were both transferred from the machine repair shop.

Now, even Ding Qiunan herself heard someone gossiping about her and Nan Yi's affairs.

Ding Qiunan didn't want others to gossip like this.

It didn't take long for Nan Yi and his two apprentices to move all Nan Yi's things over.

Nan Yi is a kid from a rich family and has a lot of luggage.

Especially the various things about cooking guys, it can be said that there are many kinds.

Liu Minggan and Yang Xiaodong took the things to the backyard.

"Master, please rest quickly. It's enough for the two of us to clean up for you."

"Even though I'm a man, I'm much more careful at work than the female workers in the factory. The two of us are also good at taking care of the house."

After Yang Xiaodong put everything away, when he saw Nan Yi starting to pack it up, he immediately kicked his master out.

This is an opportunity to perform well, and Liu Ming cannot be allowed to steal his limelight.

Yang Xiaodong worked diligently, as if he was tidying up his own home.

Nan Yi was naturally free and ran to the door of Ding Qiunan's house again.

He walked to the door, knocked a few times, and then said inside.

"Doctor Ding, I will live in the west wing of the backyard from now on. If you want to eat anything in the future, just tell me and I will cook it for you."

"My craftsmanship is also very good. You haven't tried it yet, right?"

Nan Yi kept knocking on the door, but when he saw that Ding Qiunan still didn't open the door for him, he was not discouraged.

"Doctor Ding, then you should go to bed early, and I will pack my things first." Nan Yi thought to himself, since he has already lived in the Hongxing Courtyard, there will be many opportunities to follow Ding Qiunan in the future, so he is not in a hurry. For a while.

As long as you rely on your own perseverance, you will be able to take down Ding Qiunan sooner or later.

Unfortunately, Liang Ladi was late from get off work with her apprentice today. As soon as she came back, she heard her children say that Nanyi had moved here. Liang Ladi hurriedly ran towards Zhengyuan, and happened to see this scene in front of her. .

Nan Yi kept talking to Ding Qiunan, but Ding Qiunan ignored him.

Although Liang Ladi had been mentally prepared for it, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she saw this scene.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Ding Qiunan gave Nan Yi to make Nan Yi pursue Ding Qiunan so hard.

Liang Ladi quickly returned home, not wanting people in the yard to see her depressed mood.

After returning home, he lay down on the table and buried his head on the table.

Er Mao, San Mao and Xiu'er naturally saw that their mother was obviously unhappy.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why did I feel that you were a little unhappy when I came back from get off work today?"

Er Mao asked.

"Is someone bullying you in the factory? Tell me and I will deal with that person immediately. They dare to bully my mother."

Liang Ladi shook her head and immediately grabbed Er Mao who was about to run out.

"It's not those, it has nothing to do with those."

After Er Mao thought for a while, he asked again.

"Then are you unhappy because Nanyi moved into our yard?"

Seeing that Liang Ladi didn't say anything, Er Mao knew that the suspicion in his heart was confirmed.

"I know why I think he moved into this yard, and he insists on causing trouble for us."

"Sanmao Xiu'er, come with me."

Er Mao then took San Mao and Xiu'er to the door of Nan Yi's house.

"Do you smell it? What smells so good?"

After the Ermao children looked over, they quietly opened the door and found that it was Nan Yi who was making soup with a lot of good medicinal materials.

The children were naturally greedy again.

Then they swarmed in.

"Give us this pot of soup. Consider it your compensation for us."

After Er Mao walked over, he opened his mouth and asked for a pot of soup.

Nan Yi was speechless in his heart.He was also planning to send these to Ding Qiunan.

"I'll make something for you next time, so don't make trouble here for now."

Nan Yi waved his hand and asked several people to leave.

"No, you must give us this pot of soup as our compensation. You have already sent my brother in, why do you have the nerve to move into this courtyard? Aren't you just deliberately causing trouble for us?"

"So your pot of soup must be given to us as compensation!"

"How many times have I told you? It was Cui Dake who reported Damao, not me. If you want to find out if you can go to Cui Dake, stop pestering me."

Nan Yi's mouth felt dry as he explained it, but these children just didn't believe it.

"Now that Cui Dake has been shot, where are we going to find him? There is no evidence to prove him, and it doesn't matter what you say. We don't care."

"You must compensate us today!"

(End of this chapter)

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