Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 129 Yu Li completely severed ties with Yan Jiecheng, and He Yuzhu’s two apprentices were arr

Chapter 129 Yu Li completely severed ties with Yan Jiecheng, and He Yuzhu’s two apprentices were arrested
The entrance of Chunfeng Garment Factory.

The closing bell rang in the factory.

Yu Li, who was wearing a blue work uniform and carrying a shoulder bag, walked out of the clothing factory and saw her sister Yu Haitang, who was looking inside and waiting for her.

Yu Li's previous divorce was actually due to Yu Haitang.

Yu Haitang hoped to compete for the Propaganda Committee of the Propaganda Section, but was afraid of being influenced by her brother-in-law, so she persuaded Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng to get a fake divorce several times.

"Haitang, why are you here?"

"Sister, there is something I want to tell you. You and Yan Jiecheng should take care of the divorce procedures."

"It's all here with me."

"Sister, don't have anything to do with him anymore."

"Haitang, I got a fake divorce because of you and your brother-in-law, and now I have moved out of the courtyard."

Yu Li felt a little angry, thinking that she had done so much for her sister, why wasn't he satisfied?
"Sister, I know something. Please listen to me first. Yan Jiecheng doesn't have that ability."

"What did you say?"

When Yu Li heard what Yu Haitang said, she was stunned.

She couldn't help but wonder if her husband had that ability. How could Yu Haitang know?

Is it possible that there is some relationship between my sister and my husband?
"Haitang, tell me the truth, how do you know this?"

Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng have been married for more than two years, and she also knows the character of her man.

It really doesn't seem to work.

"Sister, what are you thinking about? He Yuyu told me these. Sister, before Yan Jiecheng went on a blind date with you, he had a blind date with a classmate of He Yuyu named Zhang Shuqin. He originally planned to talk about marriage, but he went to propose marriage. After a checkup, it was found that Yan Jie has a problem. He has no ability in that area and cannot let women have children at all."

"Sister, don't even think about it. You and Yan Jiecheng have been married for more than two years. Is there anything going on in your stomach?"

Yu Li was stunned now.

She originally thought that Yan Jiecheng just couldn't do it.

But I didn't expect that Yan Jiecheng couldn't do it at all.

And he still hides it without telling himself even though he clearly knows that he can't do it at all.

It's been two years since I got married and I still haven't told myself.

"It's actually like this. No wonder she didn't let me go to the hospital for a physical examination when I asked her to. If I go to the hospital and find out that it's not my problem, I will definitely doubt him by then."

"I didn't expect that he had lied to me for so long. Yan Jiecheng is such a bastard. The Yan family is indeed no good."

Yu Haitang saw his sister choked up in pain, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her.

"Sister, it's better for you to know now than to know again in the future. It just so happens that the two of you have already divorced, so you might as well break up with him completely."

Yu Li knew what was going on after listening to her sister's words, but this is all she can do now.

What's more, there are now three criminals in the Yan family, and Yan Jiecheng has become a toilet cleaner.

If she and Yan Jiecheng were not completely separated, it would be equivalent to her and Yan Jiecheng becoming two people after the Yan family members were released from prison, and they would have to support a family of six or seven people.

Yu Li is also a decisive person.

After Yu Haitang comforted her, she made up her mind.

"Okay, Haitang, don't worry, I will definitely not have any contact with Yan Jiecheng in the future."

"Sister, if you don't want to save face, wait until I have time to go talk to Yan Jiecheng tomorrow."

Then Yu Haitang returned to their home with her sister.

Yu Haitang separated from Yang Weimin after Yang Aiguo's accident, and he was too embarrassed to go back home before.

Now that her sister has returned home, she now follows her sister and lives with her parents. *
Day 2 day.

Lin Chen just arrived at the Nanluo Street Office.

Bi Xueqing asked Lin Chen to accompany her to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Although Lin Chen didn't know what happened specifically.

But after hearing about going to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, Lin Chen instinctively told himself.

There should be criminals coming out of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill again.

As soon as the two arrived at the Red Star Rolling Mill, they went straight to the security department.

After arriving at the security department, they saw Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang tied up with ropes.

Standing next to him were Section Chief Xu Chenglin of the Security Section of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and Section Chief Wang Weimin of the Security Section of the Mechanical Rolling Mill who was transferred from the machine repair shop.

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were arrested by Wang Weimin and his men last night.

The two of them planned to break into the back kitchen in the middle of the night and put things in Liu Minggan's cupboard to frame Liu Minggan.

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang originally thought that something had happened to Director Xu who was transferred from the eastern suburbs, and the Metallurgical Bureau would change their decision and let the original kitchen staff of their Red Star Rolling Mill stay in the factory.

But in the end, the order from the superior leader came down.

Let the handover be completed by the end of the month.

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were also angry because of this.

Decided to make another death struggle.

Thinking of framing someone who was transferred from the machine repair shop.

It's not a good idea to let people in the Metallurgical Bureau know that someone from the machine repair shop was transferred.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by Section Chief Wang who was transferred from the machine repair shop.

Because Section Chief Wang was afraid that people from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill would take the matter lightly, he asked the people he brought to report the case to the street office before Xu Chenglin came to work.

After all, there is no document officially disbanding the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing interrogated Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang as soon as they arrived.

The two people now have no choice but to confess frankly and seek leniency for their crimes.

So Fatty Zhang Qiang felt aggrieved and told everything.

"The superior leaders, because there are several death row prisoners in the back kitchen of our Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, they are going to transfer us all to the machine repair shop in the eastern suburbs."

"But what does the death penalty committed by He Yuzhu, Li Youwei, and Wang Jianhua have to do with ordinary cooks like us?"

"Why should we follow to the eastern suburbs? Where is that place over Tongzhou? Push forward 100 years, and that is where prisoners are distributed."

"Originally, we thought that if Director Xu was transferred from the eastern suburbs, the higher-ups would change the decision, but we didn't expect that we would still be transferred."

"Ma Hua and I also decided to try our best to get some things from the kitchen and put them in Liu Minggan's cabinet. When the superior leaders find out that the people transferred from the machine repair shop have done something illegal and criminal, they may not Move us over."

Lin Chen understood after listening to what the two said.

It was because the two of them didn't want to be transferred to work in the eastern suburbs because of their involvement, so they planned to frame Liu Minggan.

There are too many criminals in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

So Lin Chen felt a little numb after listening to what the two said this time.

Just record all the confessions and have the two of them sign it.

(End of this chapter)

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