Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 133 He Yuzhu didn’t know about Qin Huairu until he was about to die

Chapter 133 He Yuzhu didn’t know about Qin Huairu until he was about to die
Lin Chen wrote a notice about these criminals and sent it to the publicity room of the neighborhood office.

Soon the people in the publicity room used a Long March mimeograph machine to print several copies of the promotional materials written by Lin Chen.

After that, people from the publicity room and people from the street patrol team posted announcements on various bulletin boards in the street.

As soon as this announcement was posted, the residents of Nanluo Street walked over and gathered around to watch.

The crowd watched and counted on their fingers.

"He Yuzhu will be shot, Zhang Cuihua and He Daqing have both been sentenced to suspended death. This is the tenth criminal to emerge from the Red Star Courtyard."

"Okay, stop counting now. This Red Star Courtyard is almost empty. At first, the residents of the Red Star Courtyard didn't want to be dispersed. Now they are all rushing to move out."

"Yes, this courtyard is indeed almost deserted. All 21 households have left, and there are almost 20 criminals."

Lin Chen also brought people from the street patrol team to the Red Star Courtyard.

Originally, He Yuyu had already posted a notice on the bulletin board, severing the brother-sister relationship with He Yuzhu.

However, after Lin Chen asked He Yuzhu about the situation, He Yuzhu took the initiative to hand over the cost of the bullets that killed He Yuzhu.

He also signed the notice of consent for cremation from He Yuzhu’s family.

After that, the patrol team went to find Qin Huairu.

The notice that Zhang Cuihua was sentenced to suspended death was also given to Qin Huairu.

But what Qin Huairu was thinking about at this time was not about the sentence her mother-in-law was sentenced to.

But thinking that He Yuzhu has now been sentenced to death. According to relevant regulations, after the sentencing, He Yuzhu's relatives and friends can apply to visit He Yuzhu in prison.

At this time, Qin Huairu was also thinking of He Yuzhu's plan.

He Yuzhu had all his property confiscated before to compensate for the losses of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

But then something happened with Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai also lost all the money that He Daqing had secretly given to He Yuzhu and He Yuyu.

Qin Huairu thought that half of the money should belong to He Yuzhu.

I could just take this opportunity to visit the prison.

If you can convince He Yuzhu, you can get half of the money from He Yuzhu.

So at this time Qin Huairu looked at Lin Chen who came over to deliver Zhang Cuihua's sentencing notice to her family and said.

"Lin Chen, I see He Yuzhu's sentencing notice has also come out. According to relevant regulations, can I apply to visit He Yuzhu in prison?"

After hearing what Qin Huairu said, Lin Chen stood there blankly for a while.

He didn't expect Qin Huairu, a vampire, to actually want to visit the prison.

But there are indeed such regulations.

So then Lin Chen looked at Qin Huairu and nodded.

"Yes, Comrade Qin Huairu, but you have to submit an application for approval. You can't just visit the prison whenever you want."

"Ah, I know, I know, I'll write the application right away."

On the second day, Qin Huairu went to the Nanluo Street Office and submitted an application to visit He Yuzhu in prison.

Two days later, Qin Huairu's application was approved.

Two days later, it was the day when Qin Huairu visited He Yuzhu in prison.

He Yuzhu is also struggling these days.

I was wondering whether I should report Qin Huairu?

Should he die for Qin Huairu?

But he didn't expect that he would be taken out of prison at this time.

He never expected that the first person he saw in the visiting room was Qin Huairu.In an instant, He Yuzhu felt countless inexplicable emotions in his heart.

I thought to myself that Sister Qin was indeed not the person they said she was.

Qin Huairu still cared about herself.

After Qin Huairu saw He Yuzhu, she became possessed by drama in an instant.

Soon the eye sockets were red.

Tears gradually appeared in the corners of his eyes, slowly flickering.

"Silly Zhu, I'm sorry for you. I didn't expect you to be sentenced to such a serious crime. I'm really sorry for you. I've been reflecting on it these days. Zhu Zhu should have known it."

Qin Huairu choked up and cried again after saying this.

"Sister Qin, don't be like this. There is a big scar on your head after a bowl fell off. But I will never have the chance to bring a lunch box to Sister Qin in this life. If I have a chance in the next life, I will bring a lunch box to Sister Qin."

When Qin Huairu heard what He Yuzhu said, he knew there was a way.

I thought to myself that I had indeed seen the right person.

Just a few small favors to He Yuzhu in the past few years can make He Yuzhu feel grateful to him even now.

Then Qin Huairu said a few more words about He Yuzhu, and then got straight to the point.

"Sister Zhuzhu Qin has something to tell you."

"Sister Qin, just tell me if you have anything to do. Anyway, I will be shot soon."

"Zhuzi, you also know my current situation. Now my two children have been arrested and imprisoned. My identity as an employee in the company has also been lost. Now I am cleaning toilets on the street, and my monthly salary is only 18 yuan. "

"Right now, Banggen and Xiaodang haven't been released, so the money is barely enough for me and Huaihua. But when Xiaodang is released in the future, how will our family survive?"

"Sister Qin, I, but I am going to be shot now. You said this and I really can't do anything about it."

"Zhuzi, do you know? That bastard Yi Zhonghai secretly hid the money that He Daqing sent to you and He Yueyue. That money has now been compensated to you by Yi Zhonghai's family. I think half of that money belongs to you. Yes, half of it belonged to He Yuyu, but now He Yuyu has taken it all."

"Sister Zhuzi, please, can you write a note and ask He Yuyu to give me your half?"

After hearing what Qin Huairu said, He Yuzhu's head buzzed for a while.

It all dawned on him.

Qin Huairu didn't come here just to see him this time.

It was because he planned to compensate Yi Zhonghai for his family's money.

"Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu, why don't you speak?"

"Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu."

He Yuzhu seemed to have gone crazy again for a moment.

At this moment, He Yuzhu completely fell into madness.

He finally realized that he had been deceived.

He had been close to Qin Huairu for so many years, but in the end his family was ruined and he was about to be shot.

Qin Huairu also came to find her to calculate her sister's money.

He Yuzhu felt that his previous behavior of letting his sister starve in order to help Qin Huairu was really a beast.

Qin Huairu was also frightened by He Yuzhu's appearance at this time.

"Zhuzhu, what's wrong with you?"

"Qin Huairu, you have simply regarded me as a fool who selflessly supported your family these years. You have never thought about thinking about me. Today, you didn't come to see me at all. You just wanted to take away the last thing from my family. It was one o'clock before."

"Qin Huairu, let me tell you, no matter what you say today, I will never let my sister give you money."

(End of this chapter)

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