Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 20 Bi Xueqing’s Countermeasures

Chapter 20 Bi Xueqing’s Countermeasures
When the call was connected, Yang Aiguo said to the other end of the phone.

"Old leader, I am Yang Aiguo."

"Xiao Yang, what's the matter? I made a brew of the bamboo leaf green tea you gave me yesterday. It's indeed produced in Sichuan. It's quite authentic. It's rare that you have such a heart."

Yesterday was New Year's Day.

Yang Aiguo is a person who loves to please his leaders, so he went to give gifts yesterday, but Bi Qingfeng was not at home at that time, and Yang Aiguo saw no one at all.

"Old leader, it happened that someone from our factory brought it to me when he returned from a business trip to Sichuan. I thought you liked drinking this tea, so I sent it to you.

"Old leader, Xue Qing took people to the factory to arrest people today. It was your order to take away our canteen director and canteen purchaser."

"You're saying that Xue Qing led the patrol team to search the steel rolling mill again today."

"Yes, old leader."

After Yang Aiguo finished speaking, the other end of the phone was silent for a while. After a while, Yang Aiguo heard Bi Qingfeng's voice on the other end of the phone.

"I'll ask Xue Qing to come over tonight and ask her about her situation."

Street Office.

Bi Xueqing was organizing materials in the office.

There was a knock at the door.

"Please come in."

After Bi Xueqing finished speaking, she saw Zhang Fang, the female correspondent on the street, walking in from outside.

"Captain Bi, your father called the communications room and asked you to go back tonight."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Comrade Zhang Fang."

Bi Xueqing was thinking in her mind.

It seems that the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill went to complain to his father.

But at this time, Bi Xueqing was no longer worried.

After all, this case has become a solid case.

She had just asked the patrol team to compile and copy the testimonies of the villagers of Hongshan Commune and the confessions of the purchasers of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Bi Xueqing read these materials again.

After confirming that it was correct, he put the transcribed materials into his bag.

After that, Bi Xueqing went to find Lin Chen and Chen Ming.

After seeing the two of them, Bi Xueqing spoke to them.

"Comrade Lin Chen, Comrade Chen Ming, you two try to spread the word about the crimes committed by Wang Jianhua and Xu Damao, so that the residents on our street know why the patrol team arrested them."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Bi Xueqing was also afraid that her father would protect his old subordinates.

So I just asked my subordinates to publicize all the crimes committed by Wang Jianhua and Xu Damao on the streets.

At that time, even if his father wanted to protect him, he would not be able to do so.

An hour later, Director Bi’s house.

Bi Xueqing didn't give her father a chance to find her.

As soon as he saw his father, he took out the report materials copied by the street patrol team from the villagers of Hongshan Commune and Li Youwei's testimony.

Then he looked at Bi Qingfeng and said righteously.

"Father, look at what the people in the factory are doing when you are too old to leave."

"Before, a chef in the factory dared to enrich himself and embezzled thousands of dollars from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. This time, people from the cafeteria and the film team colluded to harm dozens of villagers in Hongshan Commune. Now we The amount that can be found is nearly a thousand yuan."

"Father, there are so many dirty people in just one cafeteria and one movie screening team of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. There are still so many things that make the entire Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill so smoky."

"By the way, I'm afraid that the people on the street will mistakenly think that our patrol team is arresting people randomly and has asked the comrades in the patrol team to spread the crimes committed by Wang Jianhua and Xu Damao." Bi Qingfeng originally planned to question Bi Xueqing.

But he didn't expect that Bi Xueqing would give him a righteous lesson as soon as he came up.

Then he saw the materials Bi Xueqing handed him.

Bi Qingfeng did not expect that his daughter would sort out all the evidence so quickly.

Then I thought about what Bi Xueqing said, that she had spread all the things these prisoners had committed.

Bi Qingfeng understood that although Bi Xueqing was talking about preventing residents on the street from making random guesses.

But Bi Xueqing was guarding against him, Yang Aiguo's old boss, from protecting the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Bi Qingfeng didn't say anything. He read the material twice with his glasses on, then took off his glasses, leaned back on the sofa and squinted his eyes.

After about two or three minutes.

Only then did Bi Qingfeng speak.

"It's time for the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill to be renovated and renovated. Tomorrow I will make a suggestion at the meeting of the Metallurgical Bureau to set up an investigation team specifically for the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. I will let Director Chen be the leader of this investigation team, and you will be the deputy. Team leader.”

"But Director Chen will also have a name when the time comes, and you will still be responsible for the investigation. By the way, the patrol team member who arrested the cook at the Red Star Rolling Mill last time called Lin He here and asked him to join the investigation team. "

After Bi Xueqing listened to what her father said.

Could not help but stunned.

She was previously afraid that her father would protect her old subordinate.

But he didn't expect that his father not only failed to protect them, but also adopted his own opinions and set up a special investigation team to investigate the problems of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

When Bi Xueqing heard her father asking about Lin Chen, she immediately said.

"Dad, Comrade Lin Chen is also a police officer now. Comrade Lin Chen also made great contributions to solving the case of Wang Jianhua and Xu Damao this time."

"This case is also related to Lin Chen on your street."

Bi Qingfeng was obviously curious.

After hearing her father's inquiry, Bi Xueqing told her father about He Yuzhu's report on Xu Damao.

"Dad, when we interrogated He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu reported Xu Damao, saying that Xu Damao had a style problem. He went to the countryside to play movies and received more than ten yuan every time. Then Lin Chen discovered the problem."

Bi Qingfeng said after listening to Bi Xueqing's story.

"This Lin Chen really has some abilities. Under the circumstances, he could quickly realize that Xu Damao would not be able to get so many benefits if he just went to the countryside to show a movie. Only then can your patrol team continue to investigate along this clue. , and finally arrested these criminals in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill cafeteria, I think the biggest credit for this case goes to Lin Chen."

Bi Xueqing also saw that her father wanted to ease the relationship with her.

So he followed his father's words and continued to talk about the affairs of the street office.

At the same time, Lin Chen and Chen Ming followed Bi Xueqing's orders and deliberately publicized Wang Jianhua and Xu Damao's criminal behavior on the streets.

The next day, the Red Star Courtyard.

Everyone in the entire compound was aware of the situation.

When I come out to wash up in the morning.

Many people started discussing it.

"Have you heard? Not only Xu Damao was arrested yesterday, but also the canteen director and the canteen purchaser of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill."

"I heard it, I heard it. It seems that the three of them joined forces with a bully from the rural commune to bully the villagers in the rural commune and buy their agricultural products at low prices."

"This group of people really committed a heinous crime. They probably have to be shot for committing such a serious crime."

"If Xu Damao is going to be shot, then there will be two death row prisoners in our compound."

"Isn't that right? Now our Hongxing Courtyard and the Street Civilization Courtyard are completely out of business this year."

"Don't talk about civilized courtyards in the streets. It would be nice if we don't criticize and rectify the courtyard. Apart from our courtyard, is there any other courtyard in the capital that can produce two death row inmates?"

(End of this chapter)

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