Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 30 Liu Guangtian is bad and stupid

Chapter 30 Liu Guangtian is bad and stupid

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Bi Xueqing recalled it.

Then she thought about a month ago, when Jia Geng was first arrested, she had also heard about the defective products in the third steel rolling mill.

I was also wondering if this incident was really caused by Liu Guangtian stealing steel-making raw materials.

"Captain Bi, I think we can have someone go to the scrap factory to investigate first to see if Liu Guangtian is selling steel."

"Okay, Chen Ming, go find the two comrades from the patrol team who went to the scrap factory to investigate before, and ask them to go there again."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Red Star Courtyard.

After Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were sent back by the street patrol team.

The second aunt also knew that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu wanted to sever their relationship with her.

Liu Haizhong's arrest two days ago had already dealt a heavy blow to the second aunt.

Now it was even more unbearable.

"Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, you two bastards are actually thinking of severing ties with me and your father. Do you have any conscience anymore?"

The second aunt cursed, picked up the bench, and hit Liu Guangtian on the head.

Liu Guangtian looked at the bench that was thrown at him and pulled it, causing the second aunt to fall to the ground.

The second aunt fell to the ground and started crying. While she was crying, she was yelling at Liu Guangtian.

"Liu Guangtian, you bastard, you dare to hit your mother. You are going to rebel!"

"Mom, you and my dad have been beating or scolding Guangfu and me since we were little. Now that my dad has done this and kept severing the relationship, then it's okay It will delay me and Guangfu for the rest of our lives."

"Oh my God, you have no conscience. Come and see if Liu Guangtian wants to be a mother. Come and see and give me your opinion!"

The second aunt shouted.

After a while, many people in the courtyard gathered around.

The first uncle and the third uncle also entered the house.

Looking at the situation in the room, the uncle asked.

"What's going on!"

Seeing the first man come in, the second aunt pointed at Liu Guangtian and said.

"Master, Liu Guangtian is going to rebel. He went to the street office today to sever ties with us. He even beat someone just now."

"Guangtian, Guangfu, how could you do this!"

Before the first uncle spoke, the third uncle spoke.

The third uncle is still planning to collect living expenses from his children, so naturally he does not want this kind of precedent to happen in the compound.

"If parents are unkind and children are unfilial, I will treat them the same way my parents treated me."

When Liu Guangtian saw that things had become like this, he decided to risk everything.

Yan Bugui didn't expect that Liu Guangtian would scold him in front of the people in the courtyard. He was stunned for a while, then looked at Yi Zhonghai and said.

"Lao Yi, look at Liu Guangtian, he doesn't even pay attention to me, the third uncle."

"Let's hold a hospital-wide meeting."

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, he turned around and left.

After Yi Zhonghai left, Liu Guangfu looked at Liu Guangtian and said.

"Brother, what should I do? Yi Zhonghai is going to hold a hospital-wide meeting to criticize us."

"Yi Zhonghai, this old bastard, knows how to engage in moral kidnapping. If he dares to hold a hospital meeting to criticize me, I will scold him."

at the same time.

Street Office.

The patrol team members who went to the scrap factory to investigate before.I came back from the scrapyard with a small bag of fist-sized stones that had a dark surface and resembled rainbow-style stripes.

The two patrol members looked at Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen and said.

"We went to the scrap factory to investigate. Liu Guangtian did sell iron ore to the scrap factory several times before, and we brought them all here."

Lin Chen looked at the ore in front of him and recognized it. This was manganese ore.

Lin Chen finally understood that Liu Guangtian was not only bad, but also stupid.

As long as Liu Guangtian has a junior high school chemistry level, it is impossible for Liu Guangtian to steal manganese ore.

As long as he steals other steel-making raw materials, with the amount he steals, there will be no defective products at all.

But this manganese ore is used to improve the hardness and wear resistance of steel.

In the 60s, the crucible steelmaking method was mainly used for steelmaking. This steelmaking method could not make much steel in one furnace. Generally, it could only make a few hundred to a thousand kilograms of steel at a time.

As a deoxidizer in the steelmaking process, manganese ore accounts for less than 1%.

Therefore, even if Liu Guangtian just steals a few small pieces of ore, it will cause a big accident.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but said angrily.

"Liu Guangtian, this beast, actually made a workshop worker's hard work go to waste for his own personal gain, and also wasted so many steel-making materials."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Chen Ming on the side asked.

"Is this serious for Lin Chen? It's really Liu Guangtian's fault for stealing these stones. It's not a big deal for such a few stones."

"Of course, as for that, this is manganese ore. It only takes ten kilograms of manganese ore to make one thousand kilograms of steel. You said Liu Guangtian stole these and it doesn't matter."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he explained again.

“My parents worked in the petroleum system, so I was somewhat familiar with that.”

Bi Xueqing also remembered after listening to Lin Chen's words. Lin Chen's parents were both engaged in oil exploration, and it had been almost a year since they were dispatched to the Northeast.

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Chen Ming immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

"I didn't expect that Liu Guangtian's stealing of this ore would have such serious consequences. Captain Bi, let's go to the courtyard to arrest Liu Guangtian."

"Otherwise, if he is allowed to steal this kind of ore again, he will cause a lot of losses to the steel rolling mill."

"Okay, let's go to the Red Star Courtyard to arrest them now."


Red Star Courtyard.

The lights were on in the courtyard.

A large courtyard of people formed a circle.

Now that the second uncle Liu Haizhong has been arrested, the only ones sitting in the middle are the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the third uncle Yan Bugui.

As soon as the meeting started, Yan Bugui started to get into trouble.

"I called everyone here for a meeting today to discuss Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's failure to honor their parents at home and to sever ties with their parents."

Yan Bugui hasn't finished speaking yet.

Liu Guangtian, who was sitting in the circle formed by the crowd and who was supposed to be tried, spoke up.

"Yan Bugui, Yi Zhonghai, you two, stop pretending to be good people here. Don't the people in the compound still know who you are?"

"Yan Bugui, aren't you asking us to respect the elderly just so that your children can pay you living expenses in the future?"

"Yi Zhonghai, you are promoting respect for the elderly in the compound, isn't it because you are a poor family with no sons, and you are afraid that no one will care about you in the compound in the future?"

After Liu Guangtian finished speaking, everyone in the compound was stunned.

In fact, the people in the compound have been getting along with each other for more than ten years. After such a long time, they have become familiar with the little thoughts of the uncles.

It's just that no one in the yard dared to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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