Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 32: Compensation of 1000 yuan and 20 years in prison

Chapter 32: Compensation of 1000 yuan and 20 years in prison

Lin Chen looked at Liu Guangtian crying.

I also feel sad in my heart.

However, if you do something illegal, you will have to bear the corresponding consequences.

Although Liu Guangtian may not have known that stealing manganese ore would have such serious consequences, he would not be sentenced for this reason.

As a member of the patrol team, Lin Chen also knew something about the law.

When pursuing legal responsibility, misunderstanding of facts does not constitute a statutory circumstance for a lighter punishment, nor does it affect the determination of the criminal liability of the perpetrator.

Lin Chen had seen cases like this before traveling through time. Someone once stole a carrier pigeon worth 10,000+ and roasted it as a meat pigeon.

But after he was finally arrested by the police, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for intentional damage to property based on the pigeon's appraised price.

Therefore, even if Liu Guangtian only made an illegal profit of 10 yuan through theft, the amount involved will ultimately be determined based on the actual property losses caused by Liu Guangtian.

Therefore, even if Liu Guangtian is not sentenced to death for the crime he committed, a prison sentence of more than 20 years is legal and reasonable.

However, Lin Chen was too lazy to talk to Liu Guangtian about these things.

Instead, he looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, since Liu Guangtian has admitted it, let's contact the No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to contact you right away."

Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen left the interrogation room.

Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said with emotion.

"Lin Chen, with the speed with which you solve crimes and make meritorious deeds, I'm afraid I will have to give up my position as captain of the patrol team to you before long."

Indeed, it has only been four days since Lin Chen was commended and promoted to the rank of police corporal.

As a result, Lin Chen solved three cases involving thousands of dollars.

The third rolling mill received the notice and asked technicians to inspect the previous defective products overnight.

After a night of hard work, the technicians finally confirmed that the cause of the accident was that the hardness of the steel was not up to standard due to substandard manganese content.

It was also determined that Liu Guangtian was responsible for the accident.

Early the next morning, the No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant dispatched personnel from the security department to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office.

Liu Guangfu was entrusted by his mother.

I also went to Nanluo Street Office early in the morning.

When we arrived at the Nanluo Subdistrict Office, we saw people from the Subdistrict Office and the Third Steel Rolling Mill.

Liu Guangfu was then taken to the reception room of the subdistrict office.

At this time, in addition to Liu Guangfu from the subdistrict office and Chen Ming, a member of the patrol team, there were also two cadres from the No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant in the room.

After everyone sat down, Chen Ming said to Liu Guangfu.

"Liu Guangfu, we were planning to find you, and you just came over."

"Comrade Chen Ming, what did my brother do? How much money did he steal? Our family should pay compensation."

Chen Ming looked at the two cadres of the No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant and then looked at Liu Guangfu and said.

"These two cadres from the steel rolling mill came to tell our patrol team the amount of damage your brother caused to the third steel rolling mill."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, a cadre from the steel rolling mill looked at Liu Guangfu and said.

"Because of Liu Guangtian's theft, the hardness of the steel he made was not up to standard and could only be sold as defective products. According to our calculation, Liu Guangtian caused a total loss of about 1000 yuan to the factory."

When Liu Guangfu heard this number, he was stunned.

Even speaking became stuttering. "No way, how could my brother steal so many things?"

Another technical line leader wearing glasses pushed up his glasses frame and explained to Liu Guangfu.

"Liu Guangtian stole manganese ore used for steelmaking. After our investigation, Liu Guangtian must bear full responsibility for the accident."

After the cadre of the steel rolling mill finished speaking, Chen Ming added additional explanations from the side.

"Liu Guangfu, I suggest you compensate the third steel rolling mill for this money. In this case, you can apply for Liu Guangtian to take the initiative to plead guilty and accept punishment. In addition, Liu Guangtian had no intention of destroying the steel. Maybe he can be sentenced according to the minimum sentence of more than 1000 yuan for the amount involved. standards, 20 years for judgment.”

Liu Guangfu was stunned when he heard that he would be compensated 1000 yuan.

But now I know it after listening to Chen Ming's explanation.

Even if the compensation is 1000 yuan, the sentence will be 20 years according to the minimum standard.

"Comrade Chen Ming, what you are saying is that even if we lose 1000 yuan, my brother will still be sentenced to 20 years. This is too long."

"Liu Guangfu, this is already considered a minor crime. Like He Yuzhu, Xu Damao and your father Liu Haizhong in your compound, the amount of money involved in their cases is also thousands of yuan, but in a situation like theirs, it is almost a definite death penalty. Liu Guangtian and them The situation is different, so there is room for repayment.”

After Liu Guangfu listened, he seemed to have lost consciousness.

After a few minutes, he walked out of the street office dejectedly.

Along the way back, Liu Guangtian only felt that his life was miserable.

When I was a child, I was beaten every day. Now that I have grown up, my father has become a death row prisoner, and my brother may also become a death row prisoner.

I will also be despised for the rest of my life because I am a family member of a major criminal.

Red Star Courtyard

The second aunt sent Liu Guangfu to inquire about the situation.

I kept waiting anxiously in the yard.

I spent a long time looking around at the entrance of the courtyard.

When Liu Guangfu came back, he hurriedly went up to ask.

"How is Guangfu? What do you say on the street? How much money did your brother steal?"

"Mom, my brother stole a few pieces of ore and sold them for less than 10 yuan."

"It's less than 10 yuan. This shouldn't be a big problem. Let's pay for it. Pay for it."

"Mom, but the steel rolling mill asked us to pay 1000 yuan, because the 10 yuan of ore my brother stole turned a furnace of steel into defective products, so we have to pay 1000 yuan."

"Why should I pay 1000 yuan? This is too much."

"Mom, this isn't over yet. The patrol team said that only if we pay 1000 yuan in compensation can we be sentenced to 20 years in prison according to the minimum sentencing standard. If we don't pay compensation, we may even be sentenced to death."

"Even if you pay compensation, you will be sentenced to 20 years. Your brother is already 24 now. In 20 years, he will be 44 when he comes out."

After the second aunt finished speaking, she collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

"Oh my God, these people from the patrol team have taken my husband and my son's life."

As soon as the second aunt cried, many people in the compound came over.

"What's going on? Why is the second aunt crying again?"

"I just heard it close up. It seems that Liu Guangtian was responsible for the defective products produced by the third steel rolling mill."

"Oh my god, this is not going to be a death sentence, right? If this is going to be a death sentence, aren't there only two death row inmates in the Liu family?"

As soon as Yan Bugui got off work, he heard from the residents of the courtyard that the Liu family wanted to compensate the steel rolling mill 1000 yuan.

Yan Bugui, who loves calculations, suddenly started to make small calculations.

(End of this chapter)

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