Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 4: Bang Gang confesses to Silly Pillar

Chapter 4: Bang Gang confesses to Silly Pillar
After hearing what Lin Chen said, Banggeng was immediately stunned.

I was thinking to myself, didn’t I have to surrender Xiaodang and Sophora japonica?

Where are the other accomplices?


Lin Chen looked at Banggeng and was still a little overwhelmed, so he continued to remind him.

"Jia Geng will be given leniency if you confess, and severe punishment if you resist. If you tell your accomplices honestly now, I can also report your meritorious service to you. If you don't tell the truth now and we catch your accomplices, then you will be punished even more." The crime, the crime is increased one level, and the crime of covering up is added after the crime of theft."

Banggeng was so frightened that he trembled for a while.

Thinking to himself, he had already been charged with the crime of stealing hundreds of dollars of property.

If on this basis, add a crime of covering up.

Wouldn't that mean that he was going to die?

He would probably be dragged directly to be shot.

But Bangge thought carefully for a long time.

He really didn't expect that he had any other accomplices.

So he had no choice but to say to Lin Chen in a pleading tone.

"Comrade Lin Chen, I really don't have many accomplices. In fact, it's just Xiao Danghuaihua who encouraged me to steal things."

Bangjian also wanted to be a locust flower because she was young after all.

Xiaodang is only 7 years old now and Huaihua is only 4 years old now.

Two people probably won't be convicted of multiple crimes.

So I thought of putting some responsibility on them.

But Xiaodang Huaihua was no longer happy at this time.

Huaihua rubbed her eyes and started crying.

Xiaodang looked at Bangge angrily.

"Brother, how could you do this? Why are you still blaming us now?"

"Xiao Dang, you and Huaihua are still young. Even if you are caught, you won't be sentenced to too serious a crime. And it doesn't matter that you are girls and have a criminal record."

Bangge still has Jia Zhang’s patriarchal thoughts deep down in his bones.

But when the surrounding onlookers saw this scene, they started to criticize him one after another.

"Banggen, do you still act like a brother? You actually want to harm your two younger sisters."

"Bangge, don't you have any responsibility as a man? Do you want your two sisters to take the blame for you?"

"Banggen, you are a man, so you should take care of this matter yourself, otherwise you will not be called a big man in the capital."

"Bang Ge, he has a big scar on his head, but he will be a good man again in ten years."

Lin Chen felt numb listening to the conversation between Bangge, his sister and the surrounding employees.

I thought to myself that I just wanted Banggeng to confess He Yuzhu.

Unexpectedly, Banggeng actually put the blame on his two sisters.

Lin Chen thought to himself that in this case, he could only speak more clearly.

"Jia Gen, don't shirk your responsibilities now. I'm asking you if you have any accomplices. How did you, who has not graduated from elementary school, sneak into the back kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and steal soy sauce? Is it possible that there are so many cooks in the back kitchen? You can’t even catch a little kid.”


After hearing what Lin Chen said, Banggeng originally wanted to say that he was good at stealing, so others couldn't catch him.

But he immediately realized that this was his opportunity to make a contribution.

"Comrade Lin Chen, if I confess other prisoners, can my crime be reduced?"

Lin Chen understood in his heart when Banggeng said this.

Banggan is going to confess He Yuzhu!

So Lin Chen nodded towards Banggeng and said.

"Jia Gen, if what you confessed is true, after we have confirmed the arrest of other prisoners, I can also apply for meritorious service to your superiors."

When Banggeng heard what Lin Chen said, his heart felt slightly at ease, and then he looked at Lin Chen and said. "Comrade Lin Chen, the reason why I could bring soy sauce back from the canteen kitchen so easily is because He Yuzhu asked me to steal it. Moreover, He Yuzhu not only asked me to steal things from the canteen kitchen, but he also often took it from the canteen kitchen. He has been bringing things back to our compound since I can remember, at least for more than 10 years."

Listen to these conclusive words from Bang Gang.

How could the onlookers of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill workers not be angry?
They worked hard in the factory and bled and sweated.

In the end, I didn’t have enough to eat or clothes to wear.

But this He Yuzhu not only earns 37 yuan a month, but is also well-fed and well-clothed, and secretly brings home grain from the government.

Not only that, but he also condoned the gangster to steal things.

"He Yuzhu, this bastard, is really a beast."

"Even if He Yuzhu steals 100 cents a day, it will be 10 yuan a year, and it will be thousands of yuan in more than [-] years."

"Yes, what he stole was not just the kitchen items, but the blood and sweat of our workers! Comrade Lin Chen, please punish He Yuzhu severely."

"If Comrade Lin Chen doesn't shoot people like He Yuzhu, it's not enough for the people to be angry!"

"Dear employees and friends of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, please rest assured that if He Yuzhu really committed such a crime as Jia Gen said, I will definitely arrest him."

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen felt that the time was almost up.

But what needs to be done now is to solidify the evidence chain.

So Lin Chen looked at Banggeng and continued to ask.

"Jia Geng, is everything you said true?"

Banggeng looked at Lin Chen and nodded like garlic.

"Comrade Lin Chen, everything I said is true, absolutely true. Moreover, the lunch boxes he stole from the canteen were often delivered to my house. Before my father died, he went to my house less frequently to bring meals. After my father passed away, he basically brought meals to my house every day. I’ll bring food to my house.”

Lin Chen looked at Banggeng, nodded and said.

"Jia Gen, I have another question for you. What He Yuzhu did was illegal and criminal. If he really stole public property for more than 10 consecutive years, the amount involved may be thousands of dollars. This is a capital crime that requires a gun. He is not related to your family, so why would he support your family and bring food to your family at the risk of being shot? He also allowed you to steal things from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

When the surrounding employees of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill heard what Lin Chen said, they also felt that what Lin Chen said made sense.

So he also followed Lin Chen and echoed.

"Jia Geng, are you deliberately trying to find someone to share your guilt with you?"

"Jia Gong framed others, but the punishment was increased."

"Jia Geng, please explain quickly. Although Silly Zhu is called Silly Zhu, I don't think he is that stupid. Why does he always bring lunch boxes to your house at the risk of losing his head?"

Banggeng looked at the surrounding Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. The employees all said this, and suddenly he felt numb again.

But Bangge also knew that this was his only chance at this time.

Only by reporting He Yuzhu in exchange for meritorious service can his own crime be mitigated.

But just as Banggeng was about to speak, Xiaodang reached out from behind and grabbed Banggeng's clothes.

Banggeng turned around and looked at Xiaodang with red eyes and said to him.

"Brother, Uncle Silly has helped our family for so long, and we have eaten so much of Uncle Silly's food. We can't repay kindness with vengeance. They just said that the things Uncle Silly has stolen every year for more than ten years may add up to thousands of dollars. Dollars.

"He will definitely be taken to be shot. Brother, we can't let our stupid uncle get shot again."

Banggeng looked at Xiaodang who reached out and tugged on his clothes, thinking that his sister was still so indecisive at this time.

Still thinking about Silly Zhu.

In the current situation, they themselves may not be able to protect themselves.

So Banggeng shook off his sister's hand that was holding his clothes.

Xiaodang also stumbled because he suddenly lost his balance.

"Brother, why did you knock me down?"

Although Banggeng saw Xiaodang fall, he was no longer in the mood to feel sorry for him.

Just looked at Xiaodang and said in a serious tone.

"Aren't you stupid, Xiaodang? What time is it now, and you are still thinking about Silly Zhu.

"Do you think Shazhu is really doing this for our sake? Shazhu is doing this just to pursue our mother."

(End of this chapter)

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