Chapter 47 He Yuzhu is not our master

Lin Chen was also surprised after hearing what He Yuzhu said.

He did not expect that He Yuzhu could take it so seriously that a master would not teach his disciples skills.

However, this kind of thing is not under the control of their patrol team.

What the patrol team wants to catch are criminals. He Yuzhu has a way to get Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang to report criminals. Lin Chen is naturally happy to see it.

So Lin Chen looked at He Yuzhu and said.

"Okay, I'll talk to our leader when I get back, and then I'll bring Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang over to see you."

"Lin Public Security, you must bring Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang here. Li Huaide, the beast who bullied my sister Qin, must be brought to justice. I must vent this bad breath for my sister Qin."

Lin Chen felt that He Yuzhu might have been hit too hard and was a little confused.

So much so that even now everyone is calling me, Sister Qin.

After all, Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing knew it after the interrogation, even if the facts were not what Li Huaide said.

But it was Qin Huairu who took the initiative to find Li Huaide, and it was Qin Huairu who took the initiative to find Li Huaide when she knew who Li Huaide was.

However, in the face of He Yuzhu, who had suffered such a big blow and was about to be executed.

Lin Chen was not willing to hit him anymore.

Lin Chen left the detention center and returned to the street office on his bicycle after a while.

After arriving at the subdistrict office, he went to Captain Bi's office of the patrol team. After knocking on the door and getting a response, he went in and reported to Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, He Yuzhu reported Li Huaide."

Lin Chen explained the situation to Bi Xueqing.

"Li Huaide, this beast, never thought that he would do such a thing more than once."

"Lin Chen, go to the steel rolling mill to find Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang. Just say that it is an order from the investigation team and they must cooperate."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Lin Chen left Bi Xueqing's office and went to the patrol team to call Chen Ming.

Then the two people walked to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill together.

Now they are members of the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Therefore, there is no need to go through any further procedures to enter the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

However, the security officers on duty at the door were a little frightened when they saw them.

After all, the people in this investigation team dare to arrest even their deputy factory director.

When Lin Chen and Chen Ming arrived at the Red Star Rolling Mill, they went straight to the kitchen of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

It was already past 3 p.m., and the people in the kitchen were busy preparing meals for the employees of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen walked to the kitchen door of the steel rolling mill and shouted inside.

"Please ask Comrade MCA and Comrade Zhang Qiang from the kitchen to come out."

The cooks in the back kitchen looked toward the door when they heard the noise.

When Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang saw that they were from the investigation team, they had to stop what they were doing and walked out.

After Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang left, other people in the kitchen couldn't help but whisper.

"Maybe MCA and Zhang Qiang made some mistakes and were taken away."

"I don't think so. Didn't the people on the patrol just call them comrades? If they made a mistake, they definitely can't be called comrades."

After Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang came out, they looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"Public Security Lin, what do you want us to do?"

"Your master wants to see you."

"As for our master He Yuzhu, we have nothing to do with him anymore. He was also reported by us. We have long drawn a clear line with him."

"Yes, yes, comrade He Yuzhu from the investigation team is not our master." Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were obviously a little nervous when they heard the people from the investigation team say this.

Lin Chen looked at the two of them and explained.

"Don't be nervous, two comrades. This is about another case and has nothing to do with He Yuzhu's case."

"It's about another case, but now He Yuzhu must know that we reported him. I'm afraid we'll meet again."

Ma Hua felt more at ease when he heard that it was about other things, but he was still a little nervous at the thought of meeting He Yuzhu.

"It is also the obligation of the steel rolling mill workers to cooperate with our investigation team in investigating the case."

When Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang heard what Lin Chen said, they knew they had to go this time.

"Okay, Public Security Lin, let's take off these clothes and go over."

At this time, Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were still wearing sleeve protectors and hanging aprons.

Lin Chen asked the two of them to go back to the cafeteria and change their clothes.

After the two of them had rested, he took the two of them out of the canteen and headed to the factory gate.

When the people from the security department saw the people from the investigation team and brought out two more workers from their factory, they immediately became nervous.

However, seeing that the two workers were not handcuffed and did not look like they were being arrested, I became a little confused.

But even so, the security officer on duty still walked over.

When he walked to Lin Chen, he looked at them and said.

"Comrades of the investigation team, who are you?"

Lin Chen heard the people from the security department ask and explained to them.

"These two comrades from the Security Section are cooperating with the investigation work of our investigation team."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Zhang Qiang also hurriedly spoke.

"Yes, yes, yes, we are cooperating with the investigation team's investigation, not being arrested."

"We are cooperating with the investigation. We have asked the canteen leader for leave and will be back soon."

After Zhang Qiang finished speaking, Ma Hua also explained to the people in the security department. After all, he was going out with the investigation team. If he didn't explain clearly, the two of them would be afraid that the messages would be all over the place.

Turn them into criminal elements in the factory.

After the people from the security department finished asking, they asked Lin Chen and Chen Ming to take the people away.

However, after they left, the security department staff member still called Xu Chenglin, the security department chief.

After dialing Xu Chenglin's phone number in the communication room, he said to the other end of the phone.

"Chief Xu, the investigation team just took away two more comrades from our factory."

"Someone in our factory committed another crime and was arrested."

"Chief Xu, the people from the investigation team said that the two of them went over to cooperate with the investigation and will be back soon."

The people in the security department on the phone also heard Xu Chenglin on the other end let out a long sigh of relief.

"So when the two comrades who cooperated with the investigation come back, you can keep those two comrades and ask them what the people in the investigation team said to them, and then report to me."

"I understand, Section Chief Xu."

Lin Chen, Chen Ming and the other four people left the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, took the bus and went to the detention center.

When I arrived in the morning, I had already greeted the leaders of the detention center.

So this time I just talked to the guards, and the guards of the detention center took several people to the interrogation room.

After a while, He Yuzhu was taken out. He Yuzhu saw Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang, who reported him, sitting opposite the iron fence.

The anger in my heart suddenly surged like an ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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