Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 50 If I get caught, it’s everyone else’s fault?

Chapter 50 If I get caught, it’s everyone else’s fault?

"Okay, Lin Chen, go talk to Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and went to the reception room of the subdistrict office.

At this time, Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were in the reception room of the subdistrict office.

The two of them were feeling very uneasy at the moment.

After all, the two people had just reported the former deputy director of the Red Star Rolling Mill in the factory.

Seeing Lin Chen push the door and come in, Ma Hua asked him.

"Have Comrade Lin Chen been caught?"

"I caught it, but the next work still requires the cooperation of the two comrades."

"We cooperate, how can we cooperate?"

"It's like this. Later we will ask you and the other employees in the kitchen to collect evidence. You two will take the lead later and just re-explain what you told me and Team Leader Bi before. That's it. It will be easier for the other people in the kitchen to speak up."

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were both stunned after hearing this.

I thought to myself that Public Security Lin was treating all the kitchen staff as fools.

The two of them were taken away by the investigation team in the afternoon. As a result, Liu Lan and Li Huaide were arrested before they got off work.

How could the people in the kitchen not know that they were the ones who reported it?

But now MCA and Zhang Qiang have no other way out.

Because if Li Huaide is not completely brought down, given Li Huaide's background, the two of them will not end well.

"Okay, Public Security Lin, we will do as you say later."

ten minutes later.

Ma Hua, Zhang Qiang, and other kitchen workers from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill were all taken to an empty room in the street office.

Soon Lin Chen and Chen Ming also walked in from outside.

After entering the house, Lin Chen spoke to these people straight to the point.

"I called you here to ask about something. Someone reported to us that Li Huaide, the former deputy director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, and Liu Lan, the cook in your canteen, had a long-term improper relationship between men and women."

"Even the reason why Liu Lan was able to work in the kitchen was because Li Huaide made a job transfer through the authority he held."

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, Zhang Qiang stood up excitedly.

After all, he had no choice. If he decided to report Li Huaide, he could only go one way to the end.

"Comrade of the investigation team, what you said is all true. Li Huaide has indeed had a long-term improper relationship with Liu Lan."

After Zhang Qiang finished speaking, he pulled Ma Hua aside. Ma Hua also stood up and said.

"Yes, yes, Li Huaide got drunk several times and got in touch with Liu Lan in the kitchen. The most recent time was just a month ago on New Year's Day. Li Huaide got drunk and came to the kitchen to look for Liu Lan. Then the two of them were in the warehouse in the back kitchen, hugging each other, and many people in the back kitchen of our steel rolling mill saw it."

After Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang finished speaking, Lin Chen looked at Chen Ming and said.

"Quickly record what they both said."

Then he looked at the other comrades in the kitchen and said.

"Comrades working in the kitchen at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, do you have anything else to say?"

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang naturally became anxious when they saw the other people sitting there without saying a word. "Didn't you see Lao Liu and Lao Li on New Year's Day?"

"Hurry up and report Li Huaide now. He Yuzhu and the purchasing staff of our factory have already reported Li Huaide. If you don't say anything, you will be considered guilty of covering up."

Just now MCA and Zhang Qiang took the lead in speaking out, and now they are fanning the flames.

Even if the other comrades in the kitchen of the steel rolling mill wanted not to say anything, there was nothing they could do.

So they all reported Li Huaide to Lin Chen.

"This is indeed what happened to Public Security Lin. Liu Lan also said before that it was Director Li who transferred him to the back kitchen of the steel rolling mill."

"I have also seen Li Huaide and Liu Lan. It is indeed not a normal revolutionary comradeship."

Soon three other cooks at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill also reported Liu Lan and Li Huaide.

Half an hour later, Lin Chen went to Bi Xueqing's office with the transcripts of these people.

After entering the house, he said to Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi and several other comrades from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill have also taken notes. This Liu Lan originally worked in the workshop, and her monthly salary was 22 yuan."

"It was because of the improper relationship with Li Huaide that he was transferred to the kitchen. The salary was also based on the standard of a grade 9 cook, 27 yuan a month. Over the years, he has received at least hundreds of yuan more. Money.”

After Lin Chen handed Bi Xueqing the transcript of the kitchen staff at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Bi Xueqing began to read it carefully.

After all, the person arrested this time was the former deputy director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, and he was also using power for personal gain. The serious crime of sex trafficking was naturally not to be taken carelessly.

After reading it once, Bi Xueqing said to Lin Chen.

"Okay, come with me to choose Liu Lan."

After a few minutes.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing were in the interrogation room and began the interrogation of Liu Lan.

Lin Chen looked at Liu Lan on the other side of the iron fence and picked up a large pile of reporting materials written by others.

"Liu Lan, this is a report written by other comrades in the back kitchen of your factory. They report that you had an improper relationship with Li Huaide and profited from it. As a result, you changed from a workshop worker to a ninth-level cook in the back kitchen. Liu Lan, Is there anything else you want to say?"


Liu Lan burst into tears. She also knew that with so many witnesses, no matter how much she tried to quibble, it would be useless.

So Liu Lan wanted to shift all the responsibility to Li Huaide.

"The leaders of the investigation team, these are all Li Huaide. Li Huaide forced me to do this. How can I, an ordinary female employee, stand up to him, a deputy director?"

Liu Lan wiped her tears and said that her acting skills were comparable to Qin Huairu's. If Lin Chen hadn't watched the original drama, he would have been deceived by her.

"Liu Lan, you were originally a workshop worker with a monthly salary of 22 yuan, but after having an improper relationship with Li Huaide, you became a ninth-level cook in the back kitchen of the steel rolling mill. This is why Li Huaide forced you to Of?"

Bi Xueqing, who was at the side, was a little touched after hearing what Liu Lan said.

Now after listening to Lin Chen's words, Bi Xueqing figured out again that Liu Lan had finally benefited from his improper relationship with Li Huaide.

You can't just let her get the benefits when she's not reported, and then let her shift all the blame to others once she's reported?
If Liu Lan was not held accountable for the benefits he obtained through improper behavior in the past, wouldn't it be encouraging this unhealthy trend?

So Bi Xueqing also said seriously to Liu Lan.

"Liu Lan, you said that Li Huaide forced you. Even if you couldn't report it to the factory, you could still report it to your superior unit. But not only did you fail to do so, but you also had an improper relationship with him and was transferred from the workshop to the kitchen. It’s an illegal and criminal act.”

(End of this chapter)

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