Chapter 53 Investigating Yan Jiekuang

"Jia Gen, as long as what you said is true, I will definitely explain the situation to my superior unit."

"Thank you, Public Security Lin. Thank you, Public Security Lin."

At this time, Lin Chen thought that Jia Geng would soon be sent to a juvenile detention center for education and discipline, so he gave him instructions.

"Jia Geng, if you go to the juvenile detention center in a few days, you will have to accept the discipline and obey the instructions of the juvenile detention center. Do you understand?"

"I understand. When the time comes, I will receive an education from Public Security Officer Lin seriously."

After a few minutes, Lin Chen left the interrogation room.

Then he saw Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang waiting for him at the door.

Half an hour ago, after Zhang Qiang threatened He Yuzhu with reporting Qin Huairu, He Yuzhu, who had become mentally unstable, actually relented.

Tell Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang the location of the Tan's recipe.

Now the two of them also know the recipe for Tanjia cuisine that He Daqing left for He Yuzhu, which is behind the bricks on the west wall of the cellar of Hongxing Siheyuan.

However, after the two of them left the visiting room, they discovered that Lin Chen was missing. They asked the prison guard at the detention center, and the prison guard took them to the door of the interrogation room.

When Lin Chen saw Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang, they said.

"He Yuzhu told you where the recipe is, then you must cook well and serve the workers of the Red Star Rolling Mill well."

"Public Security Lin, don't worry, we will definitely cook seriously and serve the comrades workers in the factory."

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Qiang's assurance at this time, and then remembered the first time he went to the kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill two months ago.

The two thought they were workers from the factory and cursed at them without even looking back.

So he said something to the two of them again.

"Our investigation team not only investigates illegal crimes, but if someone from the steel rolling mill bullies comrades in the workshop because of their position, we will also punish them."

"I understand, Public Security Lin, don't worry."

Seeing that the two of them had promised him one more time, Lin Chen took them out of the detention center and walked back.

Day 2 morning.

Lin Chen had been waiting for him at the door of Bi Xueqing's office early.

When Bi Xueqing arrived at the subdistrict office, she saw Lin Chen waiting at the door of the office.

Knowing that Lin Chen must be waiting for her so early, Bi Xueqing walked over quickly and asked Lin Chen.

"Comrade Lin Chen, you came here so early and are waiting here. Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Captain Bi, I went to the detention center yesterday."

Lin Chen told the story about Banggeng's report to Yan Jiekuang.

"I don't know how this Red Star Courtyard was rated as an advanced and civilized compound in the street last year. I never thought that a teenager could do such a thing."

"Lin Chen, please arrange for the patrol team to visit Yan Jiekuang's school and the homes of Yan Jiekuang's classmates to see if this is the case. If so, arrest Yan Jiekuang directly and bring him to the street."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang went to the Red Star Courtyard early in the morning.

After all, it is better to get the recipe sooner rather than later. He Yuzhu has already been arrested, and the two of them are also afraid that one day someone from the courtyard will go to the cellar of He Yuzhu's house and dig out the thing and take it away.

He Yuzhu had used Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang as coolies several times before, so the two of them had visited the Red Star Courtyard several times.

Many people in Hongxing Courtyard also know them.This time it attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Aren't these He Yuzhu's two apprentices?"

"I heard that it was He Yuzhu who reported it. Why did they come to our compound?"

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

When Yi Zhonghai saw He Yuzhu and his two disciples, he stopped them.

"Master Yi, we are here to get the recipe. He Yuzhu, he wants to give us his recipe."

"He Yuzhu wants to give you the recipe? How come I heard that you two reported He Yuzhu, and he can still give you the recipe."

"He Yuzhu asked us to come out to testify and report to him about Deputy Factory Director Li and Liu Lan's broken shoes. He promised to give us the recipe as long as we reported him."

"He Yuzhu has told us that the recipe is in an empty brick on the west wall of the cellar. If Master Yi hadn't told him, we would not have known the location."

Zhang Qiang and Ma Hua didn't know whether they could explain it clearly, and it would be difficult for them to go to the cellar in the backyard to get the recipe.

So Zhang Qiang said everything in one word.

After Zhang Qiang said this, the people in the courtyard were even more shocked.

Many of them knew that Li Huaide was arrested again yesterday.

Unexpectedly, He Yuzhu, who was in prison, took the lead in reporting this matter.

"Master Yi, can we go to the back to get the recipe now? After all, after we take this recipe and learn it, we are also serving the comrades of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

After all, this recipe belongs to He Yuzhu, and He Yuzhu agreed. In addition, Zhang Qiang put a high hat on his head.

He said that he was holding the recipe to cook for the workers of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Now Yi Zhonghai naturally had nothing to say, so he could only wave his hands towards the two of them.

Zhang Qiang and Ma Hua saw this and happily went to the backyard of the Red Star Courtyard.

After going down to the cellar and groping around, I found a cookbook behind the empty bricks on the west wall.

Zhang Qiang and Ma Hua now understood that they were about to make a name for themselves in the kitchen.

The reason why He Yuzhu was able to boss around in the back kitchen of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill before was because he learned this recipe. Only He Yuzhu could cook the meals for the leaders.

The two of them thought that if they learned this recipe, they would be able to cook meals for the leaders in the future.

However, I was wasted some time in the front yard and wasted some time looking for recipes. It was already getting late.

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang had no choice but to leave the Red Star Courtyard quickly and go to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

As soon as the two arrived at the Red Star Rolling Mill, they saw many people from the Security Department and Publicity Department posting announcements on the bulletin board at the entrance of the steel rolling mill.

Soon the radio in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill also rang.

"A notice is being broadcast now: Li Huaide, the former deputy director of our factory, has been arrested by investigators after being found to have committed serious violations of regulations, disciplines and laws. We hope that the leaders and employees of our factory will take this as a warning. If there are other violations of Li Huaide's Please report any disciplinary violations to the Security Department in a timely manner.”

The employees of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill who had just come to work heard the broadcast of the factory-wide announcement and saw the large-character announcement posted on the bulletin board. They knew in their hearts that Li Huaide would never be able to stand up again.

After receiving Bi Xueqing's order, Lin Chen first went to Yan Jiekuang's middle school to inquire about the situation, and confirmed that their school indeed often organized students to watch movies.

I also asked for the address of teacher Yan Jiekuang from the school. After asking, I learned that Yan Jiekuang had never bought a movie ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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