Chapter 59: Forensic Violent Autopsy
"Look, Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, and Wang Jianhua were all taken out."

"Why is Xu Damao still wearing so much gauze around his neck?"

"Who knows, these beasts are really hateful. They did a lot of bad things before they were caught. Now that they are shot, they make it impossible for us to rest on our days off."

"Yes, this Liu Haizhong, when he was the uncle in our courtyard, he would go out of his way and help anyone who gave him a favor."

Many onlookers couldn't help but cursed as they watched several people being pushed out.

"You bunch of beasts, why are you talking about my old man? Do you have any conscience? My old man will be shot."

Hearing people around her scolding Liu Haizhong, the second aunt started scolding everyone around her.

"Liu Haizhong was shot because he committed illegal crimes. He deserved it."

When the people around heard the second aunt calling them beasts, they naturally retorted.

But as soon as the second aunt and the people around her started arguing, the soldiers who maintained order walked over.

"If you keep arguing, believe it or not, I will arrest you all for disrupting the order of the court."

When the soldiers maintaining order shouted, the second aunt and the people around her stopped arguing.

Soon, the soldiers escorting the prisoners escorted the prisoners to the designated location.

This time, a total of 4 prisoners will be executed. At this time, all 4 prisoners are kneeling in the white squares that were painted before.

Eight shooters selected from the recruits stood behind the four prisoners.

8 shooters, 4 main shooters and 4 secondary shooters.

The deputy shooter is the one who fills in the gun when the main shooter has no prisoners to kill with one shot.

"Check firearms."

Following the order from the officer next to him.

The eight soldiers began to inspect their firearms.

Not long after, several soldiers shouted.

"Report, inspection completed."

"Report, inspection completed."



Following the officer's order, the main shooters raised a row of rifles and aimed them at the backs of the heads of the four condemned prisoners.


at the same time as the officer's order was given.

Bang, bang, bang, bang four gunshots, and then bullets flew towards the four prisoners who were kneeling on the ground with numerous crimes. Not long after being hit in the back of the head, all four of them fell to the ground.

The second aunt standing in the crowd of onlookers couldn't help crying when she saw this scene.

"Old man, old man."

While shouting, he squeezed in involuntarily.

Liu Guangqi reached out and grabbed his mother.

Now, of course, the family members of the executed prisoners are not allowed to get the bodies.

A forensic doctor must examine the body and cremate it before they can collect the ashes.

Originally, many people were still complaining that Liu Haizhong, Xu Damao and others gave them no time to rest.

But now I heard the gunshots.

After seeing four more fallen people, no one in the crowd complained anymore.

After the execution is completed, the next step is naturally a forensic autopsy.

However, the forensic autopsy process at that time was not as standardized as it is now.

After all, after the forensic examiner completes the autopsy, the body will be dragged away and cremated, so some forensic examiners' autopsy methods are quite rough.

The way those doctors performed autopsies was to tap the condemned prisoner's temple with a claw hammer to see if the executed prisoner would move.

If it doesn't move after being gouged like this, it must be dead.

But even if he didn't die after being executed, he would be completely dead if he was hit on the temple with a claw hammer.

Although there are not many doctors who adopt this violent autopsy method, unfortunately, these four doctors all conducted autopsies in this way this time.

After the four prisoners were shot, four doctors holding claw hammers came out.Each person walked up to a prisoner, then took a claw hammer to the prisoner's temple, and just hit it.

After knocking, the four doctors said to the officers on the side.

"The autopsy has been completed and the prisoner is dead."

But at the same time, the second aunt shouted loudly in the direction of the execution ground.

"What are you doing? I just saw my old man move. What are you doing!"

The second aunt yelled and rushed in.

"Mom, you're dazzled, you're not moving, you're not moving."

Liu Guangqi had no choice but to drag the second aunt back.

Wait until all the death row prisoners are executed.

The soldiers of the execution team dragged the corpses back to the green truck, and then naturally dragged the corpses to the crematorium for cremation.

After the execution, it was naturally the people from the street patrol who organized the people who came to watch the execution to go back.

Red Star Courtyard.

Qin Huairu was released after one month of detention.

Because it was not a criminal detention, Qin Huairu's head was not shaved. However, the detention center prevented prisoners from hiding anything in their hair for safety reasons.

So Qin Huairu's long hair was cut into short hair.

At this time, Qin Huairu walked into the courtyard with her head lowered, fearing that others would see her.

But as she walked quickly through the front yard, she noticed something was wrong.

This courtyard was deserted, and it didn't look like there was anyone around.

Then Qin Huairu looked around again and found that there was really no one, so she hurried back home.

He walked to the door and shouted a few words in a low voice.


But don't think about the people inside the room shouting to her too.

"Mom, you're back."

Qin Huairu hurriedly opened the door and walked in, and saw the little Sophora japonica.

After not seeing Sophora japonica for a month, her entire face became thinner.

"Sophora japonica, why are you so thin?"

Huaihua looked at Qin Huairu aggrievedly and said.

"Mom, my grandma said that I was a loser and that I had harmed my brother. She gave me half a corn tortilla every meal. Mom, I feel hungry now."

As Huaihua spoke, she threw herself into Qin Huairu's arms. Qin Huairu held Huaihua in her arms and patted her gently.

"Sophora japonica, don't cry anymore."

"What's going on with Sophora japonica? Why is there no one in our compound?"

"Mom, they have all gone to watch the execution. The second uncle of our compound and Xu Damao will be shot today. The streets demand that everyone in our compound must go."

As soon as Huaihua finished speaking, there was noise in the courtyard.

The people who went to see the execution came back.

Qin Huairu couldn't help but become nervous when she heard the noise outside.

After a while, Mrs. Jia Zhang walked in, rubbing her head.

In fact, she didn't have much trouble, but she was used to taking painkillers, and now that she stopped taking them, she felt uncomfortable all over.

But as soon as he entered the house and saw Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang became angry.

Qin Huairu's incident has spread in the courtyard.

Jia Zhang felt that Qin Huairu had lost his master to their old Jia family.

"Qin Huairu, you stinky bitch, you still have the nerve to come back. You defeated your husband to death, and you still dare to fool around with other men."

After Jia Zhang finished speaking, she went to the wall to get a feather duster, and then swung it at Qin Huairu with the feather duster.

(End of this chapter)

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