Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 74 Xu Damao’s father Xu Fugui was reported

Chapter 74 Xu Damao’s father Xu Fugui was reported

After bidding farewell to Director Wang, Bi Xueqing first went to the infirmary of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Seeing that Liu Huairen was still asleep and receiving fluids, she gave a few words to the two people from the investigation team who were guarding Liu Huairen, and then told them , and immediately asked other people from the street office to come over and replace them.

Bi Xueqing then went to the street office, intending to tell Lin Chen about the change in position so that he could be mentally prepared.

When they arrived at the patrol office, Lin Chen was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Lin Chen?"

Qin Chen, who was still on the patrol team, raised his head when he saw Bi Xueqing come in and said, "Captain Bi, a lesbian just came to see Officer Lin. She should be in the reception room right now."


Bi Xueqing responded and went directly to the reception room.

Qin Chen was left looking at her leaving back and shaking his head secretly. He didn't know what happened today and why he came to see Officer Lin.

As soon as Bi Xueqing arrived at the entrance of the corridor, she saw Lin Chen and Ran Qiuye had already left the reception room. The two were talking and laughing all the way. Bi Xueqing slowed down and did not disturb them until Ran Qiuye left the office.

When Lin Chen and Ran Qiuye arrived at the door of the street office.

Ran Qiuye said to Lin Chen.

"Just stop here, Public Security Lin, there's no need to send me away any more."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Lin Chen sent Ran Qiuye away and turned around to see Bi Xueqing standing at the door of the street office at some point, looking at him with her arms folded.

"Captain Bi?" Lin Chen was a little confused and didn't know how much she had seen: "When did you come here?"

Hearing this, Bi Xueqing looked at the direction Ran Qiuye left, and then at Lin Chen.

She is not like Lin Chen, a noble person who forgets things. She has a deep memory of Li Xiuhua and Ran Qiuye, and she even recognized Ran Qiuye at a glance just now.

So she looked at Lin Chen and joked: "Your suitor? Lin Chen."

Lin Chen shook his head: "No, no, Comrade Ran Qiuye came here specifically to thank me for helping her get her class fee back last time."

"That's it." Bi Xueqing nodded seemingly understandingly, but continued: "Teacher Ran is a rare and good comrade. Didn't Li Xiuhua say that there are many people in the school who like her? If Police Officer Lin If you are tempted, you must seize the opportunity."

Lin Chen didn't expect that Bi Xueqing would make fun of him one day, and he felt dumbfounded for a moment: "Captain Bi, that's not true."

Seeing Lin Chen begging for mercy, Bi Xueqing also straightened her expression: "I have something to say to you."

"Today I met Director Wang on the way to the investigation team of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. She told me that she had retired early because of illness. The superiors planned to let me take her place temporarily and let you take over my position as acting patrol leader. "

"What?" With such big news, even Lin Chen felt suddenly and raised his head in surprise.

"This is the situation." Bi Xueqing nodded. Now Lin Chen felt that there was nothing he could do about the surprise: "That's why I came to you, just to make you mentally prepared in advance, so that you don't have to worry when the news suddenly drops."

When Lin Chen heard this, he naturally understood Bi Xueqing's kindness and immediately thanked him: "I will prepare in advance. Thank you Captain Bi for telling me this."

"Yeah." Bi Xueqing nodded: "Okay, there's nothing else to do. You can go back and continue working."

The two of them were about to return to the office of the subdistrict office as they spoke, but a tall young man walked towards them. *

Just now, Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen were talking.

A person hurriedly walked past them and entered the street office.

When he saw the clerk on duty, he hurried over.

The clerk on duty in the subdistrict office hall looked at the tall man standing in front of him. The man had short hair parted in the middle and was wearing a dark gray tunic suit. Although he didn't know what the other man had just experienced, he could only feel his whole expression. Full of sternness.

"Comrades from the subdistrict office, I want to report a crime. I want to report a criminal to you!"

The clerk was stunned when he heard this. He looked in the direction where Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen left just now, and sighed inwardly again. It was really strange today, why were the people who came to see them.

"Comrade, please wait a moment. Captain Bi and Officer Lin have just left the street office and are at the door. They should be back soon... Where are they?"

While the clerk was speaking, he looked up but the man was nowhere to be seen.

After Wu Yonggang finished listening to the clerk's words, he rushed to the door impatiently. When he just came in, he also saw two people in uniform at the door.

I thought that since they were the leaders of the sub-district office, I would go directly to them to report the crime.

As he walked, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

I thought to myself that the Xu family actually treated me like this, I must teach their family a lesson...

Wu Yonggang was originally in a male-female relationship with Xu Damao's sister Xu Qing. The two had a good relationship, and they were both at an age where they were discussing marriage.

As a result, Xu Damao committed a crime and became a death row prisoner. Wu Yonggang's family refused to agree to the marriage.

It can be said that Wu Yonggang is an infatuated person. After the Wu family disagreed with his marriage to Xu Qing, he refused to eat or drink until he died. Only then did he finally convince his parents to allow him to marry Xu Qing.

Unexpectedly, something happened to Xu Qing again. The Xu family saw that the only boy in the family was sentenced to death. Seeing that this only incense was about to end, they thought of asking Xu Qing to have a son-in-law who stepped in to pass the incense to the door.

Not to mention the second elder of the Wu family, even Wu Yonggang himself would not be able to agree to this request.

You must know that in those days, a son-in-law who knocked on the door would be poked in the spine and gossiped about for the rest of his life.

The two families couldn't reach a consensus on this matter, so a good marriage turned sour.

How could Wu Yonggang accept this and not be angry?

Before Xu Damao's accident, when Wu Yonggang went to Xu's house to look for Xu Qing, he overheard Xu Qing and Xu Damao's father, Xu Fugui, being scolded by his wife while going to the bathroom.

Wu Yonggang couldn't remember the original words clearly, but his wife's general meaning was that Xu Fugui, who was almost his future father-in-law, once forced a woman from the countryside when a movie was shown in the countryside.

When Wu Yonggang heard the news, he was like a thunderbolt. He was stunned in place for a long time and could not recover. It was Xu Qing who saw that he had not come back from going to the toilet for a long time and was worried that something had happened. She came over and pulled him out of the shock. God comes.

But at that time, Wu Yonggang was discussing marriage with Xu Qing's family. Faced with such a mess as his future father-in-law, he thought that it would be better to have one less thing than one more thing, and he planned to die in his belly like this.

But he didn't expect that the Xu family would treat him like this...

(End of this chapter)

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