Chapter 88 Criminal Suspect Yi Zhonghai
"If he sends me money, I will live in such a miserable life and ask him to help us."

Lin Chen naturally knew that He Yuzhu had never received any money from He Daqing.

He was just following orders. After getting the confession from He Yuzhu, he had good reason to continue the investigation and find out the criminal Yi Zhonghai.

"He Yuzhu, are you sure He Daqing has never sent you money?"

"Officer Lin, how can I wrong my father? He has never even sent us a dollar."

"okay, I get it."

Red Star Courtyard.

Chen Ming took the order from the sub-district office and came to Hongxing Courtyard to investigate.

As soon as he arrived at the Hongxing Courtyard, he happened to run into He Yuyu who was going to work.

So Chen Ming looked at He Yuyu and said.

"Comrade He Yuyu, I want to ask you about something."

He Yuyu, who was pushing his bicycle, stopped when he saw Chen Ming from the street office.

"Comrade from the street office, what's going on?"

Then Chen Ming told He Daqing about his return and how He Daqing claimed to have sent money to the two of them before.

He Yuyu didn't expect that He Daqing, who ran away more than ten years ago, would actually come back.

But He Yuyu no longer had any feelings for He Daqing.

Because now her brother is about to be shot, and Qin Chen dumped her, He Yuyu at this time is a little more resentful about life than He Yuyu in the original TV series.

Even at this time, He Yuyu felt that it would be better if He Daqing was detained for a while.

So He Yuyu said to Chen Ming in detail.

"No, He Daqing left when I was seven years old. He never sent us any money after he left, not even a penny."

"Comrades from the patrol team, I have to go to work right now."

Today, He Yuyu has become a toilet cleaner in a state-owned guest house because of his brother's mistakes.

Under this situation, He Yuyu didn't dare to be late.

Otherwise, she is likely to be directly expelled from the guest house.

So after explaining the situation to Chen Ming, he hurriedly left the Red Star Courtyard.

After Chen Ming waited for He Yuyu to leave, he went to the Red Star Courtyard and asked the other aunts about the situation.

"Aunties, I would like to ask how the situation of the He family has been since He Daqing left."

"Well, what else can we do? He Yuzhu was only fourteen or fifteen years old at that time, and He Yuyu was just seven years old. If it weren't for the help of the first uncle and his family, I'm afraid neither of them would be able to survive."

"Yes, that is, the first uncle helped them. He Yuyu later went to school and received subsidies, and He Yuzhu entered a factory, and their lives became better."

The information that the aunts in the Red Star Courtyard found out also matched what He Yuyu said.

It was said that He Yuyu and He Yuzhu lived a very hard life after He Daqing left. They had never heard of He Daqing sending them any money.

After finding out everything, Chen Ming returned to the Nanluo Street Office.

After arriving at the subdistrict office, Chen Ming went to Bi Xueqing's office.

He explained the situation to Bi Xueqing.

Not long after, Lin Chen also came back from prison.

He also explained everything he found out from He Yuzhu to Bi Xueqing.

Bi Xueqing was a little confused after listening to the two men's investigation.

He Yuzhu, He Yuyu and the people in the Red Star Courtyard all said that He Daqing had never sent money here.Judging from the investigation, He Yuyu and He Yuzhu lived an extremely difficult life for a long time after He Daqing left.

They all rely on the support of Yi Zhonghai.

He Daqing also said that he had been sending money here, and he also took out the receipts for the remittance from that year.

Lin Chen saw Bi Xueqing deep in thought without speaking, so he looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Director Bi, I remembered something."

"Lin Chen, just say what you think of."

"He Daqing left the capital at the end of 1949. Since then, he has been sending money to the streets for seven or eight consecutive years."

"However, the capital city had just been liberated at that time. In order to eliminate the remaining enemy agents, the street office elected stewards in each compound."

"The purpose is to let these people monitor the situation of each compound, which also includes checking the correspondence."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Bi Xueqing recalled the situation more than ten years ago.

In fact, the situation at that time was exactly as Lin Chen said.

More than ten years ago, in order to prevent the enemy from transmitting information, all letters were indeed censored before being sent to the residents of each compound by the stewards of each compound.

The steward chosen by Red Star Courtyard is Yi Zhonghai.

Thinking of this, Bi Xueqing felt a little unlikely.

Because there were so many criminals in the Red Star Courtyard before, Bi Xueqing also knew about the situation of the residents of the Red Star Courtyard, and she was quite clear about the situation of most of the residents.

She also understood Yi Zhonghai's situation.

Yi Zhonghai has the best conditions in the Red Star Courtyard.

Bi Xueqing really couldn't think of any reason for Yi Zhonghai to embezzle the money sent by He Daqing to He Yuyu and He Yuzhu.

So Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Comrade Lin Chen, are you suspicious of Yi Zhonghai from the Red Star Courtyard?"

"Yes, in the previous situation, the steward of each compound received the letter and then distributed it to the residents of the compound, so Yi Zhonghai could have hidden the money sent by He Daqing to He Yuyu and He Yuzhu."

"But Yi Zhonghai's conditions are the best in the entire Red Star Courtyard. Why does he need to take such a big risk and embezzle the money sent by He Daqing to He Yuzhu and He Yuyu."

"Captain Bi, I have been living in the Red Star Courtyard these days and learned some things."

"Comrade Lin Chen, what did you learn about the situation?"

"Some residents reported to me that the reason why He Yuzhu is so arrogant and domineering is actually the habit of Yi Zhonghai and Wu Xiuying. Yi Zhonghai and Wu Xiuying are both destitute, and both of them want He Yuzhu to provide for them in their old age."

"So in the Red Star Courtyard, everyone will be biased towards He Yuzhu no matter how big or small they are."

"So much so that He Yuzhu became more and more arrogant, and eventually committed the extremely heinous crime of stealing property from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Bi Xueqing thought about it and figured it out.

"What you mean is that Yi Zhonghai didn't want to hide the money, but he didn't want He Yuzhu and He Yuyu to know the whereabouts of his father, so that he could control He Yuzhu and He Yuyu so that they could support him in his old age."

"Director Bi, I think this is very likely to be the case."

"Okay, then you ask the patrol team to go to the post office to investigate and see if they can find out the previous records."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Bi Xueqing then gave Lin Chen a certificate for investigation at the post office.

After Lin Chen got Bi Xueqing's driving certificate, he went to the patrol team to arrange work.

(End of this chapter)

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