I am being chased by heroines from all over the world, and my country is going crazy

Chapter 61 Ye Huang performed meritorious service while lying down!

Chapter 61 Ye Huang performed meritorious service while lying down!
"Yes, sir!"

The secretary organized his thoughts and then said:

"Since our relationship with the Dragon Kingdom has become more and more harmonious recently, I also learned about the history and culture of the Dragon Kingdom in detail."

"I heard that the Dragon Kingdom has had many talents in water control since ancient times. For example, their legendary Dayu was the most outstanding representative of the Dragon Kingdom's water control."

"The modern Dragon State has inherited Dayu's experience in water control and has quite advanced concepts that can minimize the losses caused by floods. I think we can ask their experts to help!"

Due to the regulations of the national games, no personnel from the relevant countries can leave the country during the punishment period.

But there is no rule that people from foreign countries cannot enter the country.

Therefore, after hearing the secretary's suggestion, Xijin immediately felt that this method was feasible.

He quickly pointed to the landline phone on his desk:

"Help me get through to the commander of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Dragon country special department.

The commander was chatting with his secretary about the national fate and punishment of Damao and Bo when he heard the phone ringing.

After the secretary answered the call, he handed the phone to the commander:
"Sir, this is a call from Commander Xijin of Damao Kingdom!"

The commander took the phone and heard Xijin's attentive voice coming from inside:

"Hey, old man, I'm in big trouble here and I want to ask for your help!"

The commander said bluntly:
"Is it about the flood in your Damao country?"

Hijin nodded:
"Yes, we are willing to pay a very expensive price and ask your senior experts to help us stop the flood from spreading!"

The commander said:
"Controlling water is not a trivial matter. I have to listen to the suggestions of my subordinates before I can answer you."

Xijin knew that the conductor was calm and had a strong sense of the overall situation, so he did not dare to rush him at the moment, so he could only say:

"No problem, old man, I just ask you to hurry up. I'm really in dire need here!"

After hanging up the phone, the commander said to the secretary:

"Now you contact all the top water conservancy experts in Dragon Kingdom and ask them if they have the most effective water control plan based on the geographical environment of Damao Kingdom?"

"Yes, sir!" The secretary quickly contacted the water conservancy experts from Longguo. In less than 5 minutes, he said: "Sir, they said there is no problem at all!"

"So sure?" The commander showed a hint of surprise.

He remembered that he had learned specifically that water control was a worldwide problem.

The differences in geographical environments in different countries and regions mean that the same solution cannot be used interchangeably.

Unexpectedly, the experts gave a positive answer so quickly this time.

The secretary smiled and said:

"In the past, experts would not have dared to agree."

"But this time, because of the reward of +1 intelligence in the National Games game, coupled with the continuous transformation of the water spirit and forest spirit, our Dragon Kingdom expert team has made breakthrough progress."

"Just two days ago, the expert team has developed a world-wide water control plan. After thousands of repeated studies and judgments, all experts have determined that this plan is completely feasible!"

After hearing this, the commander's eyes were slightly happy:
"This is great news!"

“Being able to summarize a set of solutions that can be used worldwide is definitely a great achievement that will last forever!”

The secretary smiled and nodded:


"With this plan, our dragon country's future water control will be faster and more effective, and it will also be able to provide the greatest help to international friends."

"This will greatly enhance the international reputation of our Dragon Kingdom in the hearts of people around the world!"

At this time, the conductor made the phone on the desk ring again.

After the connection was connected, Xijin's slightly anxious voice came from inside:
"Old man, the flood has rushed out of Iyer City for more than ten miles. Do you have any news now?"

The commander said:
"After research and judgment, our country's experts feel that they can help you control your water!"

"This is great!" Hijin's voice immediately became excited and excited.

"Old man, I promise that as long as we can stop the flood, our country is willing to give you the two oil fields of Moore City and Kras City unconditionally!"

"Please send an expert team to our country immediately!"

The commander nodded:


After hanging up the phone, the secretary couldn't help but look surprised when he learned about the reward given by Xijin:
"I heard that these two oil fields are assets belonging to the Prom Energy Company of Damao Country, with a total value of at least 3000 billion US dollars!" "Acquiring these two oil fields will definitely greatly alleviate the energy pressure of our Dragon Country!"

The commander nodded and smiled:

"you're right."

"I have to say that Ye Xuan has made a great contribution by being able to obtain these two oil fields!"

The secretary also smiled and said:

"Sir, you are right, this time Ye Xuan did make a meritorious service while lying down!"

They all knew that it was Ye Xuan who helped Long Guo get the national luck award, which indirectly helped experts break through technical problems and develop a world-wide water control plan.

No one can deny that Ye Xuan played a crucial role in this negotiation with Damao Country!

Shortly after the commander dispatched an expert team to Damao Country, Damao Country publicly issued a statement expressing its gratitude to Long Country for its great help.

And it was announced that after the water control was successful, the two oil fields owned by Prom Company would be given to Longguo unconditionally.

After learning the news, the atmosphere in both the live broadcast rooms of Damao Country and Long Country exploded instantly.

"Oh, thank God, the Dragon Kingdom stepped in to help us!"

"It is said that the Dragon Kingdom has considerable experience in water control. They will definitely be able to help us protect other cities!"

"Although two expensive oil fields were given away, the cost is not high compared with the losses caused by the floods!"

"Let alone two oil fields, I can accept any price no matter how high it is!"


Netizens from Damao Country were extremely happy after learning that the expert team from Dragon Country was rushing to their country.

Especially the citizens of Moore City and Kras City, they simply regard the Dragon Kingdom as a savior!
On the other side, the netizens of Dragon Kingdom were also chatting lively.

"Prom Corporation is one of the top three large energy companies in the country. Their two oil fields are worth at least 3000 billion U.S. dollars. Our Dragon Country has made a lot of money!"

“It’s true that I’ve made a lot of money, but it’s all earned based on my strength!”

"That's right. It is said that our expert team from Dragon Kingdom has developed a very good solution that can be applied to the geographical conditions of countries around the world!"

"Damn it, this is too arrogant!"

"What's even more awesome is that our Dragon Kingdom's announcement on this incident specifically mentioned the name of Emperor Ye, saying that Emperor Ye had also made meritorious deeds!"

"What? Why did you mention Emperor Ye? How did Emperor Ye make a meritorious service? He was not involved in this matter at all!"

"Are you stupid? If Emperor Ye hadn't helped us get rewards from the National Games game, improved the intelligence of all members, and been influenced by spiritual energy for a long time, how could the experts have developed a world-wide water control plan so quickly?"

"I'm going to choke you! It's really true when you say this!"

"Haha, Emperor Ye probably didn't expect that he would do meritorious service while lying down this time!"

"Yeah, yeah, Ye Huang is indeed YYDS!"

"Isn't this a coincidence? As soon as Ye Huang was mentioned, the live broadcast resumed!"

"Common fellows, don't be stunned, hurry up and watch Ye Huang's live broadcast!"


In the blink of an eye, all the Dragon Kingdom netizens returned to the live broadcast room, paying close attention to Ye Xuan's live broadcast.

In the picture, Ye Xuan, Tushan Xianxian and Gu Leiya were already dressed.

The two women were lying next to Ye Xuan, one on the left and the other on the right, with happy blushes on their faces.

Gu Leya's condition is obviously worse than that of Tushan Immortal.

She looked weak, lying lazily on Ye Xuan's shoulder, pouting and saying:

"Husband, you are so awesome. If sister Xian'er hadn't helped me share some of the burden, I would have been really worried that I would die!"

Ye Xuan chuckled.

What else could he say to the Dragon King's wife's complaints?

Could it be that I should be gentler next time?
Tushan Immortal smiled sweetly and said:
"Gulea, if you want to find someone to share the burden with, besides me, there are two sisters who can help you!"

When Gu Leya heard this, she immediately showed an excited expression:

"There are two more sisters?"

(End of this chapter)

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