Chapter 99 Relief for Work
Sheng Qingtang and Chu Yue sat in the carriage, listening to the sound of the axle, and arrived at the north gate of Yunjiang County.

This is also one of the only two city gates that will accommodate refugees.

"I didn't expect that Yunjiang County has so many details." Sheng Qingtang originally wanted to go to the nearest west gate, but Chu Yue told her that there are only two city gates that will take in refugees, one is the south gate and the other is the north gate. .

Chu Yue shook her head and chuckled, "Whether it's doing business or being an official, everyone somewhat believes in things like fate."

"The east is rich and the west is noble, the south is poor and the north is humble. I'm afraid it doesn't depend on where you live."

The two of them chatted and arrived at the north gate.

Sheng Qingtang came down with Liu Xu's hand and found that the north gate was very tightly guarded.

There were about a hundred soldiers guarding the city gate alone. According to Chu Yue, the county magistrate also specially found many people from the Escort Bureau and the Chu family to place them at the four city gates.

If anyone outside makes any move, they will be killed without mercy.

A group of about ten people walked out of the city gate and saw a lot of thatched houses not far away. Near the city gate, there were also many wooden sheds, which looked much better than thatched houses.

There was a stove set up in each wooden shed. They came at the right time. It would be lunch time soon.

There were already many boys in the shed making fire and cooking.

The ground outside was still rotten, but fortunately Sheng Qingtang was wearing waterproof boots produced by the system today.

With enough equipment, she was ready to go in and take a look.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yue grabbed her and said, "Why don't you take a look here?"

Sheng Qingtang patted Chu Yue's hand gently, "Since we are all here, we must see clearly."

In fact, Sheng Qingtang could see clearly from here, but she was going to see how the food was.

There were many people standing in front of the thatched house, including old people, children, and most of them 23-year-old young adults.

They all wore black and gray clothes, and the women rarely wore bright colors.

Most people's eyes are filled with sadness and confusion, looking at the fields in the distance that are still underwater and worrying.

But there were also some people with greedy eyes who kept looking at the people in the city and Sheng Qingtang.

Only when Sheng Qingtang got closer did he realize that there was really a fight.

Behind the first row of thatched huts.

Sheng Qingtang glanced at Chu Yue, and Chu Yue waved to a tall guard beside her, "Go and ask what's going on. Are we giving them food and drink just to let them cause trouble here?"

As soon as the guards passed by, the noise there stopped.

Sheng Qingtang didn't know what happened until he came back to report.

Speaking of which, it wasn't a big deal at first, just two kids of seven or eight years old playing around.

Maybe a child's family is better off, the people at home are more particular, and the clothes he wears are cleaner.

The other child was covered in mud and even had a rancid smell from not taking a bath for a long time.

Two children were playing together. One child smelled the smell of another child and said it.

The other child had a very strong self-esteem and was very angry immediately, but was unwilling to admit it, so he directly blamed the other child.

Two kids, you had an argument, I pushed you, and eventually they started fighting.

Both children have older brothers and sisters, so they will definitely help their younger brothers when they come.

Although the two families live close to each other now, they are not from the same village. Everyone must help those close to them.

That's why there were so many people fighting in groups and it was a mess.

Sheng Qingtang helplessly held his forehead and sighed, "This won't work. If you eat and drink enough and have nothing to do, something will definitely happen." Chu Yue frowned after hearing the reason, "You're right, this is nothing. Yunjiang County has a good geographical location and has not had disasters for many years, and we don’t have much experience in governance in this area."

"Although not all merchants in the city are good people, they don't want so many people to die near their homes, so they are willing to release their food reserves to provide emergency relief."

Sheng Qingtang thought for a moment, and found that large-scale natural disasters like this had happened in all dynasties.

"Chu Yue, what do you think about us working for relief?"

This is the best way, to give food to others for free. I don’t know how many people will be grateful.

Might as well find something for them to do.

In this way, they will neither starve to death nor cause trouble.

Sure enough, reading history makes people wise.

"Relief for work?"

Sheng Qingtang walked into the wooden shed and took a look at the porridge in the pot. It was very sticky. It can be said that these wealthy businessmen in Yunjiang County are pretty good people. "Yes, let them work and we will give them food."

"Exhaust their physical strength and their little thoughts without letting them starve to death."

Chu Yue nodded immediately, "This method couldn't be better, but there is nothing that needs to be built in the city now."

Sheng Qingtang has also seen the overall layout of Yunjiang County, which can be said to be very good. Almost every place in the city has been planned, and there is no extra space for construction.

She thought for a long time, and finally came up with a solution, "Why don't we just build roads? The four city gates of east, west, south and north all have main roads leading to other places. These roads need maintenance every year. We might as well ask these refugees to do it this year. "

"Each person earns one silver coin a day and is responsible for two meals. I think there must be someone willing to do this."

"As long as the majority of people are willing to work, even if a small number of people are too lazy to work or have some evil ideas, it can be easily dealt with."

Chu Yue looked at Sheng Qingtang with a smile, feeling that there was a warm sun behind her, bright and warm, "Yue thanked the lord for considering these refugees, and also thanked the lord for planning for Yunjiang County."

This world is always very realistic, if any of these refugees have evil intentions and do something bad.

Even with the pressure from the Chu family and the county magistrate, the wealthy businessmen in the city would no longer be willing to provide food to help these refugees.

Who will suffer then?
These are the same refugees, the ones who don't cause trouble and want to live a good life.

Once the merchants in the city no longer support them and they have no food in their hands, the county magistrate will definitely order martial law for the safety of the people in the city.

Anyone who breaks through the city gate will be killed directly.

These people will starve to death.

Once these turmoils become too large and too many people die, the county magistrate will also be demoted.

Sheng Qingtang was just about to leave when he saw a skinny girl not far away looking at her with bright eyes.

Without saying a word, when Sheng Qingtang turned around and was about to leave, she ran after him. When Sheng Qingtang stopped, she stopped too.

"Hongying, go and ask."

Compared with Liuxu, Hongying is not as oppressive. On the contrary, she is very friendly, which allowed her to better comfort the little girl in the past.

Not long after, Hongying pulled the little girl over.

"Yaya pays homage to the master's sister."

Sheng Qingtang glanced at her in surprise, squatted down and looked at her, "Why do you call me master sister?"

"Because she called you master," Yaya pointed at Hongying behind her.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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