my world double door.

Chapter 201 Perfect Qualification

Chapter 201 Perfect Qualification
"Perfect Knight?"

Li Yang was stunned: "What is this?"

"It is also a kind of cultivation talent. Just like the sons of elements among magicians, the sons of elements are distinguished according to how strong the corresponding elements they can naturally control. Among them, those who can directly incarnate elements are the perfect sons of elements."

Reidel explained aloud: "And other professions also have corresponding extraordinary talents, such as knight talents. The strongest knight talents are perfect knights. These perfect knights have one characteristic. They are born to fly and have some of the special powers of sky knights. If you can transform into nothingness, then reassemble your body!"

"Furthermore, every perfect knight is naturally good at communicating with his mount. Therefore, the mount of each of these knights is usually a high-level mount that is very rare in the world!"

"In addition, there is also the gift of a warrior who is born with the ability to communicate with the power of earth veins. A perfect warrior can gather the extremely terrifying power of the earth for his own use!"

"There are also natural rangers who are born with extremely terrifying and keen insights, strong bodies, extremely tenacious lives, and are born with the power of the Lightning Ranger like lightning."

"There are also natural wizards who do not need to practice, but are born with certain witchcraft. Among them, the perfect wizard is born with the supreme witchcraft."

"Each of these terrible talents is called perfection, because the only word that can describe their talent is perfection."

Leidel couldn't help showing a hint of envy in his eyes, but then he restrained himself and looked at Li Yang speechlessly: "I received this news more than ten days ago, and I planned to tell you then. , so that you can make more mental preparations and even do some targeted training during these times, but you are just back now."

"There are actually so many special beings in the world."

Li Yang couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this information. He had a new understanding of the world in his heart, and then smiled a little embarrassedly: "I am so addicted to cultivation that I almost forgot the time, so I just came back now.”

"It's a good thing to practice hard. No matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as you are strong enough, it is not impossible to solve it."

Reidel smiled on his face, then hurriedly waved and led Li Yang to the eating place: "Let's go, let's go eat first and talk while we eat."

"In addition to their extremely powerful flying abilities, the most powerful thing about Perfect Knights is that their bodies can turn into nothingness to avoid attacks and make the enemy unable to attack."

"Coupled with some of the Sky Knight's natural power in his body, whether it is attack, escape, or hidden defense, it has reached a height unimaginable by ordinary people. Your combat power is very strong and should not be weaker than him, but this person who is transformed into a void You must pay attention to the means."

On the way to the living room, Redel chattered endlessly. When he arrived at the dining table, he took out a scroll with unfinished content: "This is the message my family brought from the royal city."

Li Yang took it and looked at it, then raised his eyebrows, and found that the content on it had been finished by Redel, and couldn't help but look up at him: "What you told me, were all read according to this? "

"Um, it's not important."

There was a sneer on Reidel's face: "You know, I am more interested in this. If there is such news, I always have to read it first. Although I am well-read in poetry and books, perfect knights are rare after all. I know something about this information passed down from the family."

You just want to have a mouthful.

An ordinary person is so interested in this... Well, it seems true that the more ordinary people are, the more interested they will be in this extraordinary-related information, especially the ones they have access to.

"Okay, so, what do you have in mind?"

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders, put down the scroll, looked at Redel and asked tentatively.

"The ability to transform into nothingness is too difficult, but as long as you can enter the top three, I can make the decision to find a protective treasure for you from home, which can help you resist some of the characteristics of the Sky Knight's power contained in this knight's body. The special power, this power is called the power of the sky."

"The power of the sky is weaker than the power of the knights who have truly practiced all the way to the level of the sky knight, but it is stronger than the power of the earth knight. The knight's combat skills launched with this power are extremely powerful. You must be careful to defend. In addition, It’s the other party’s inability.”

After Leidel finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly: "There is really no way to deal with this kind of incompetence at present. The only way is to use magic to bombard the surroundings in order to have an impact on him, but The impact is not very big.”

"As for the opponent's powerful aerial flight and combat abilities, I don't think you are weak at all. Compared with the opponent's other two somewhat outrageous characteristics, you may be able to seize this point to compete with the opponent."

"Only when you compete with the opponent in relatively less difficult areas of advantage can you have the possibility of winning. Otherwise, if the opponent takes full advantage of it, there is no way to win this game. With you, you can make even Saier feel a strong threat. With your strength, even in the finals of the Royal City, you might get first place."

The age limit required for the Lions Contest is under 30 years old. Once a person's muscles and bones have grown, he has to wait until he is at least 20 to 90.00 years old to officially start high-intensity training. In this way, with only more than ten years of training time, [-]% of the chances are People who cultivate their talents can only cultivate to the level of junior transcendent.

Only geniuses can reach the level of extraordinary beings.

Only the geniuses among geniuses, and very few can reach the cultivation level of high-level transcendental beings.

Of course, for large families, they use various methods to replenish physical energy for their children since childhood, so that their children with cultivation talents have much stronger physical development than ordinary people, and they can practice early at the age of 11 or 12.Coupled with the supply of various training resources along the way, it is not difficult to reach the mid-to-high-level transcendent. After all, resources dominate this stage. As long as the qualifications are of a small genius, it can be achieved.

However, those who can reach the level of Super Extraordinary, and can even pose a powerful threat to Earth Line Warriors who are already Super Extraordinary, are really nothing more than these perfect qualifications.

Therefore, after the news here in [Cabro City] was passed to the ears of the Crow family through Redel, it also attracted their attention and gave them new expectations for the contestant that Redel had found.

"As of now, in all the second-round knockout rounds, although there is a high-level wind mage who has reached the intermediate level of Son of Elements talent, he cannot pose a threat to you."

"The final showdown on the field may very well be between you and this perfect knight, so you must be fully prepared."

Reidel spoke to Li Yang seriously: "If you win first place, you will have the opportunity to become the leader of the kingdom, and directly participate in the peak showdown in the competition among the nations. This is a rare opportunity."

Although as long as it is a competition, the results are all probabilistic, but the combat competition is no different than other competitions, especially this time, there are three people with such good talents.

The probability that two players with super transcendent combat power, like Li Yang and Perfect Knight, would be defeated by a high-level transcendent player is almost non-existent.

There will only be suspense when there is not much difference in realm strength, so most people can already guess what the final will be like even before it starts.

"Are you just repeating the information from your family?"

Li Yang heard Redel's eloquent analysis, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't help but speak again.

"how is this possible."

Leidel straightened his expression, took out the second scroll and handed it to Li Yang: "I said this in my own words."

"...You are really a genius."

Li Yang took the scroll silently, in order to avoid any mistakes in Redel's expression, he read it again himself, and then raised his head after reading it: "Being the number one in the kingdom, can you get the [Ling Enlightenment Fruit]?"

"There are also those in the first thirty, but the effect is weaker."

Leidel chuckled: "[The Spirit-enlightening Fruit] is for ordinary people. It is a precious resource belonging to the kingdom. It is completely controlled by the royal family. It allows ordinary people without qualifications to practice it. It can only be obtained in the Lion Contest." .”

"You have no use for this thing, ahem."

Reidel rubbed his fingers with a little embarrassment: "If you get good grades, I, as the recommender, can get the same reward as you."

"No, your grandfather is a magic master. What do you still lack?"

Li Yang couldn't help but watch him speak, and a smile appeared on Redel's face: "[Lingqiu Fruit] is not 100% able to give people the qualifications to practice, but the effect can be superimposed. I have eaten thirty of them, but still, The only thing missing is that if you can get first place, the [Spirit Enlightenment Fruit] you get will have a high chance of allowing me to successfully break through the barrier."

"...I hope my success can really help you."

Li Yang was silent for a moment, then spoke silently, and then looked at him again: "Don't you have any other information that you haven't said yet?"

"That's not the case. It's just that the family sent three combat skills that don't require extraordinary strength and only require a strong body."

Redel shook his head, took out three more books from his arms, and looked at him with a smile: "Giving it to you for free, this should be suitable for you."

Li Yang was speechless as he took the three books and looked at them one by one. One of the natural techniques [Psychic Steps], one of the special offensive techniques [Destroy], and one of the special defensive techniques [Mountain Stone], all of them reached the level of Reached the level of a super transcendent person.

"So...anything else?"

Li Yang silently put the three secret books into his [Qiankun Bag], then looked at Redel and couldn't help but ask.

"Eat fish."

 Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~
(End of this chapter)

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