my world double door.

Chapter 214 Call everyone over

Chapter 214 Call everyone over

Did my son ever scold a grass mud horse when he was a child?
Different from her daughter Cao Xue, who wears bold, fashionable and hot outfits, Fang Fen is very well-dressed and full of mature charm. The dark skirt with complex patterns does not look old-fashioned at all when worn on her body. On the contrary, she has the flavor of a mature woman. Her upper body She was sleeveless, revealing two white arms, and her lower body only exposed her calves. She was a beautiful woman who was younger than a beautiful girl.

There was a little blood spattered on the calf and clothes. It was unclear whether it belonged to the housekeeper Arun or Cao Gang. Fang Fang tightly held the hand of her daughter beside her with one hand. She breathed deeply with her full chest and her eyes tightened. He looked at the man squatting in front of him with a smile.

But before she could recover from these words, she saw this man reaching up to her calf under her skirt.

"Mr. Li, my husband and son have made some wrong decisions before, but can you spare us for the sake of my husband and housekeeper being dead?"

Fang Fen bit her lip, suppressed the anger and some fear in her heart, looked into Li Yang's eyes, felt the warmth on her calf and the abrasiveness on her palms, and couldn't help but hurriedly said: "You know, Guang Our family does not represent the entire Cao family. If you want something, I can contact my eldest brother and uncle and I will definitely give it to you."

"Oh? Give me everything I want?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly reached out his hand along the skirt to touch the inner thigh. Then he stood up calmly amidst Fang Fen's shocked and angry look: "What do you even think about who I am?" Yes, I don’t even know how you dare to do these things here, but you dare to say this, it seems..."

As Li Yang spoke, he took a step forward and squatted down. He reached out and lifted Fang Fen's chin, which still had an angry look on it. He raised the corner of his mouth and slowly pressed his thumb on Fang Fen's soft lips and gently slid them: "Mrs. Cao, right?" The Cao family is very confident, right?"

"What do you want to do? Let go of my mother. I'm cnm. Let me go!"

Suddenly, Cao Qiang's strong and angry curses came from behind Li Yang: "You piece of trash, you little brat, you will definitely die. When other people in my family find out about our affairs, you will definitely die, not only you will die." , your father, your mother, all your relatives will die!"

"I guarantee that every one of them will die miserably, including you. Don't think what will happen if you bring all our family here today. This will do nothing but prove that you are a desperado."

Cao Qiang's forehead had veins popping out, and he looked at him with eyes fixed on him. When he saw Li Yang lowering his face with raised eyebrows, the corners of his mouth raised: "I've seen a lot of desperadoes like you in the Triangle Area. You're having a great time now, right? When my family comes, you won't even be able to die!"

"Don't think it's any big deal that you staged a surprise attack and kidnapped my family. In front of my Cao family, you and your methods are nothing. Damn you."

Cao Qiang spat hard, and then looked at Li Yang, who was standing in front of him with a gun, with gloomy eyes and a sneer on his face.


Li Yang looked back at Cao Qiang who was under control, and twisted his neck: "This dog's barking is really unpleasant, shut his mouth."

Li Yang waved his hand, and the bodyguard controlling Cao Qiang immediately covered Cao Qiang's mouth with a cloth. Then he stretched and looked back behind him. Although he was sitting limply on the ground, there was still a look in his eyes. The angry Fang Fen was so upset that she couldn't help but laugh.

"Your family is so awesome. Even now, you are still so ambitious."

Li Yang rubbed the handle of the gun with his fingers, turned to look at Cao Qiang, who was still glaring at him angrily, and smiled: "In that case, how about I bring all of your Cao family members over here to have a look?"

Bring all the Cao family here?
Everyone on the field was stunned, and Cao Qiang even looked like an idiot in his eyes.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Li Yang rubbed his fingers, turned his head and looked at Fang Fen, who was slumped on the ground, with the arrogance hidden in his eyes. He moved his fingers: "Locate the positions of everyone related to them in the Cao family, and use the fastest method to locate them all." Bring it here."

After the words fell, a map appeared in the air in front of Li Yang's eyes among everyone's astonished eyes, and dozens of coordinates instantly appeared in the small fruits in various places in Yanhuang and around Yanhuang.

[Instructions received, it is expected that all 60 main members of the Cao family who have contact with Cao Qiang and Cao Gang will be brought here in 36 minutes. Please wait patiently]

"It's so long. Six or 10 minutes is a bit long."

Li Yang shook his head. Only then did he realize that it would be better if he had a bunch of robot minions, but fortunately, there are other means. Thinking in his mind, he looked at the people around him who looked a little blankly, smiled softly, and waved his palms. : "Activate [Tianxuan], [Gold] and other mechas, and activate them together."


There were ripples in the air. Three large and three small, six science fiction-style mechas appeared around Li Yang. As Li Yang finished speaking, the eye lights of all six mechas lit up.

[Instruction received, execution begins, estimated task completion time: 10 minutes]


A series of metallic sounds floated in the air, and everyone around them stared with eyes wide open and expressions of disbelief on their faces. Six mechas opened three large holes on the roof of the building, and then the powerful engines started to rise up instantly. Rushed into the sky.

"I, I'm not dreaming."

Wang Qiang, who had just communicated with the management staff from the personnel shelter area on the first floor, saw six extremely cool mechas appearing in front of them as soon as they arrived. He couldn't help but stare and murmur to himself. "Damn it, mecha!"

"Ah, dead!"

"What the hell, my rooftop!"

In an instant, the crowd exploded, and incredible scenes appeared in sight. Everyone who had just escaped danger and hid in the space on the first floor was full of emotions. Some people noticed the corpses and blood stains on the third floor, and some People looked at the destroyed roof and cried without tears.

With Wang Qiang's voice, a wave of violent emotions seemed to find an outlet, venting crazily from their mouths and turning into a strong noise.

There was strong shock in their eyes, disbelief and disbelief. Looking through the height of the house at the smiling man standing inside the glass guardrail on the third floor, they felt that these scenes were as unreal as a dream.

After being noisy under the man's gaze for three to five minutes, the crowd realized something. They stopped talking in horror and looked at Li Yang standing on the third floor with heavy breathing.

"I said, Mr. Li, what you are doing is too big."

Wang Qiang swallowed his saliva, looked at the roof of the building that was broken open by the mecha, and the corpse next to Li Yang. He couldn't help but raised his head and shouted to him. Next to him was the manager working in the shooting gallery with sweat on his face. layer.

"Ah? This is so big. Is there any mistake? Where is this?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, then looked at the crowd below and shook his head: "Forget it, it's useless to keep you here, and it won't cause any trouble if I let you go out. You all go away, all are gone." I remember, don’t cause trouble for me and nothing will happen.”

After Li Yang waved his hand, the cars that were blocked in various places outside the door suddenly started to move backwards. The blocked door opened. Everyone in the crowd looked at each other, and finally hurriedly walked away under Li Yang's wave of his hand again. Leave together.

Wang Qiang looked at the open door, the big hole on the roof, and Li Yang on the third floor. His heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and then he walked up without knowing what happened, and came all the way to Li Yang.

"Mr. Li, what you did is really scary. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Wang Qiang carefully avoided the corpses of Cao Gang and Arun on the ground, and came to Li Yang with an apologetic smile on his face. He couldn't help but look at him cautiously and asked, his eyes full of disbelief.

He clearly remembered that Mr. Li came to him to trade with fifty kilograms of gold, and he took it without much thought.

It's only been so long now, how come you've already transformed into a mecha?
"Is it scary? Where is this?"

Li Yang looked at Wang Qiang, who was becoming cautious and restrained, and smiled softly: "What are you afraid of? With our relationship, I can still harm you. As for what's going on."

Li Yang looked at Cao Qiang, who looked shocked and incredulous, and Cao Qiang's mother and sister on the ground, with a smile on his face: "I will tell you after I kill all the Cao family members."

Killed all the Cao family members?

The smile on Wang Qiang's face slowly stiffened, his body shuddered, he nodded with a dry smile, and then stood aside silently.


Cao Qiang, who was being controlled, was breathing heavily and looking at Li Yang with a fixed look, but the unruliness in his expression had disappeared, and what was left was full of disbelief.

Compared with him, all Li Yang's bodyguards around him had excited eyes. Following the emotions of shock and disbelief, they were indescribably excited when they saw that their boss had actually created such an awesome thing, and their expressions changed. Full of determination.

"Li, Mr. Li, my name is Zhao Mengyi, can I say a few words to you?"

In the silence, the socialite Zhao Mengyi, whose wrists were tied and simply controlled by the bodyguards, suddenly spoke, looking at Li Yang with bright eyes and great anxiety.

"Oh? I'm happy to listen to beautiful women talk."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said softly: "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Well, I want to say that there are many families under the Cao family who are following them. You can understand these families as black gloves. These people are also very hateful. If you can't understand the behavior of the Cao family, these families cannot let go. Pass."

Facing Li Yang's gaze, Zhao Mengyi carefully straightened her chest and spoke with some anxiety, without even looking at Wang Qiang who was still clinging to him just now.

(End of this chapter)

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