my world double door.

Chapter 223 Take good care of your husband

Chapter 223 Take good care of your husband (please subscribe)

In the ward, Cao Qiang was stared at by Li Yang and couldn't help but look nervous. He didn't relax until Li Yang looked away from him.

His wife Chen Xiaolan, who was on the balcony opposite, glanced at him with a complicated expression, then turned around and left the balcony with Li Yang.

His mother Fang Fen and sister Cao Xue didn't even look at him. They left the balcony directly behind Chen Xiaolan. The three women walked behind Li Yang and came to the living room of the hotel room. Then the door closed and disappeared from his sight.


Cao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed, feeling extremely relaxed.

"Just keep this room open. It's close to the hospital. If anything happens to Cao Qiang, you can know it in time and provide some help."

Li Yang returned to the living room and checked the time. Seeing that it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, he couldn't help but smile. He turned his head and looked behind him. Cao Qiang's wife Chen Xiaolan was standing next to him. Cao Qiang's mother Fang Fen was a little step behind. Cao Xue at the back was turning around and closing the door.

"Go back, have a good rest, and take good care of your husband."

He grabbed Chen Xiaolan's butt with his left hand and Fang Fen's butt with his right hand. Suddenly feeling soft, he turned his head and said to Chen Xiaolan beside him.


Chen Xiaolan whispered something. When Li Yang saw her nodding, he opened his mouth and kissed her Wen Jing's lips. Then he patted their butts, turned around, picked up Cao Xue, who was walking over, and kneaded her into the room. At the door, he let go of Cao Xue after walking out of the room, and strode away under their gazes.


Seeing Li Yang leave, Chen Xiaolan and Fang Fen and Cao Xue were relieved. They rushed to the bed in the room, lay down on it and fell asleep.

What Cao Qiang caused made them extremely angry, but life still had to go on, and they just wanted to rest now.

The three of them lay on the bed and fell asleep deeply. On the other side, Li Yang also came to the hall and saw Wang Qiang who was drinking water in the hall.

"Are you still waiting here?"

Seeing that Wang Qiang was still here, Li Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked softly.

"Of course, I have agreed to be your driver, and I must carry it out to the end."

When Wang Qiang saw Li Yang coming down, his eyes suddenly lit up, he wiped his mouth hurriedly, and pointed to the empty lunch box next to him with a smile: "But I've already finished dinner, and there's nothing else to do. It's a coincidence that I just ate it." Finished, I'm drinking water, you came down, let's go, wherever you want to go, I'll drive you now."

Wang Qiang waited all afternoon, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

In other words, I have a clearer understanding of Li Yang in my heart and become more attentive.

"Go to Miss Zhao Mengyi's place. I told you to try her. I have to go."

Li Yang couldn't notice his change, but he waved his hand indifferently and said with a chuckle.

"Okay, let's go."

Wang Qiang didn't ask any more questions. After hearing this, he agreed, picked up the key on the table, turned around and took Li Yang out. After leaving the hotel, he quickly went to the car outside and opened the back door for Li Yang, waiting for Li Yang to sit down. After getting on, he trotted to the driver's seat and drove towards Zhao Mengyi's home.

"Wang Qiang, do you know what is going on with Zhao Mengyi?"

On the road, idle and bored, Li Yang looked at the scenery on the roadside and asked Wang Qiang curiously.

He originally thought that Zhao Mengyi was Cao Qiang's woman, but later found out that she was not. Now he naturally couldn't help but be curious about this woman who had access to the Cao family.

"She is a famous lady from Linhai."

When Wang Qiang heard Li Yang's voice, he chuckled and said: "In Linhai City, there are many large and small families. When the first generation of these families becomes rich, they will have many descendants. However, with the development, some families fall behind. Although some families can still survive, they can only maintain one lineage."

"Except for the heirs of the main lineage, others have to rely on themselves, but they have the platform provided by the family. Strong people can use this platform to achieve success."

"Ordinary people use these platforms to start business and make some money, but there are many women who cannot do business at all, but are very talented in interpersonal relationships."

"They simply make a living from this. They rely on their outstanding figures and looks to travel among rich people. They use matchmaking to maintain relationships with rich people in various circles and earn profits from them."

"In this way, they can know immediately what needs a rich person has, and then find channels to solve the needs themselves. They can easily earn a lot of wealth that ordinary people cannot earn after years of hard work."

Wang Qiang shook his head and sighed: "It's not just that. They know these rich people, and their relationship with these rich people is a kind of resource. Some people need to do something that needs a certain rich person to do it. They will receive benefits and introduce people to them. some type of."

"I don't know much about it. I just have been living in Linhai for such a long time, so I know a little bit about it. I also know that these ladies look comfortable, but in fact they are the least sure. There are often people who can't survive here, and there are others. New people come in.” ˜ ˜ ˜ “Because everything they have depends on their relationship and mood with the rich. If they make them unhappy, there will be nothing left.”

"Zhao Mengyi is the more famous among them. She is beautiful, has a good figure, and has a good background. However, I heard that she seems to have provoked someone recently, which is a bit difficult. It should be because of this that she found the Cao family."

"However, from the look on Cao Qiang's face, it is obvious that he wants to fall in love with her. Zhao Mengyi has not heard about anyone she has committed to. It seems that she did not want to simply sleep with her, so she was targeted and encountered this difficulty. Then Cao Qiang wanted to have sex with her so much, she probably regretted it when we first came in. If it weren't for you, she might not have been able to escape."

Wang Qiang said with a smile while driving, and then shrugged: "However, this is all my guess. You will know if this is the case."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Li Yang nodded suddenly, and then chuckled. Zhao Mengyi's figure with a curvy waist and a beautiful face, delicate collarbone and neck came to mind, and he tapped his fingers.

"How do you say that? You have to thank the people who gave you trouble when you were growing up. Look, isn't this Cao Qiang? He sent his mother here, his sister here, and his wife here. Now He also sent a famous lady and all his family members to be killed by me. Tell me, how happy this makes me."

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face, twitching his lips as he spoke. Wang Qiang, who was driving the car, was sweating secretly, and then gave Li Yang a thumbs up: "You are the only one who can have such fun in this world. One person!"

"Hahaha, keep a low profile."

Li Yang laughed, then raised his eyebrows: "By the way, didn't you say you prepared something fun for me? What fun things did you prepare? I'm only here to play with the Cao family, and I haven't had time to hear what you have prepared. Just for fun."

"It's just a few wives. I think you like this taste. This time I specially found a few beautiful wives who are in trouble and need help. I gathered them together and stayed in one of the wives' homes for you to play with."

Wang Qiang smiled broadly: "However, you are having so much fun now, so you are not in a hurry to go to my place to play."

"I said to you, Wang Qiang, don't label people arbitrarily. How can you say that I like wives? Aren't you calling me a thief?"

Li Yang opened his eyes and said in a low voice: "Next time, young girls should do more, as long as they are beautiful, I like them all."

"Um, okay, okay."

Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly and spoke, secretly wiping his cold sweat and concentrating on driving Li Yang through the traffic lights.

Li Yang stretched and lay comfortably in the back row. Not long after, Wang Qiang drove him to a high-end community with villas.

"Brother Li, do you still want me to wait for you here, or should I pick you up tomorrow?"

Wang Qiang drove the car all the way to the door of Zhao Mengyi's villa. After it stopped, he trotted over and closed the car door that Li Yang opened after getting off the car. He smiled at him and asked.

When Wang Qiang was talking, the door of the villa had already opened. Zhao Mengyi, who had received the news of Li Yang's arrival, had appeared in the main door of the villa. When she saw Li Yang at the door, she immediately opened the door and walked toward the courtyard door with a smile.

"Come back tomorrow."

Li Yang waved his hand, looked at Zhao Mengyi who had put on a sleeveless pure white corset dress in front of her, and had a white plush collar-like thing around her neck holding the clothes, and nodded slowly.

Looking at Zhao Mengyi's beautiful figure looming in the white skirt, he felt that there was no need to leave tonight.

"Hey, I'll be here waiting for you tomorrow!"

Wang Qiang saw that Zhao Mengyi, who was wearing crystal strap sandals and carrying a delicate ladies' watch on her white left wrist, with her skin looming under the long skirt, had come closer. He sighed with emotion that she was indeed a beautiful lady from the sea, and said hello, He hurriedly got into the car and drove away.

"Mr. Li Yang, why don't your friends stay and have something to eat?"

Zhao Mengyi walked up to Li Yang in a long skirt and brought a scent of fragrance to her face. Then she stretched her hair and stood ten centimeters away from Li Yang. She looked at Wang Qiang who was driving away and pointed at Wang Qiang who was driving away. The car asked Li Yang.

She had obviously just washed her hair. Her black hair was clean, smooth, and fragrant.

"He, come back tomorrow morning."

Seeing this woman's slim white dress clinging to her body and standing so close, Li Yang couldn't help but put his eyes on her round ass that looked like a cross-shaped figure 8. He responded softly and couldn't help but He reached out and grabbed the round buttocks covered by the pure white dress.

Taking advantage of the situation, he hugged the woman who screamed in surprise, stood at the door with her mouth in her arms and kissed her.


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  (End of this chapter)

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