my world double door.

Chapter 226 Talking in the Living Room

Chapter 226 Talking in the Living Room (with illustrations)

One was wearing a warm white shirt at home, her buttocks were wrapped in a striped skirt that was also warm white, revealing a pair of delicate and voluptuous legs in fleshy silk, with long brown leg sleeves under her knees and light brown shorts on her feet. A gentle woman in boots with long hair on her head stood in the middle with a smile.

A virtuous woman wearing a light gray miniskirt with her entire legs exposed and a light yellow shirt on her upper body stood on the left, her hair on one side tilted down, perfectly framing her face, and she smiled with her lips pursed.

In addition to these two, there is another one who is very exciting. She is wearing an extremely sexy and hot red miniskirt, with red stripes tied on her legs, and she even has a fluffy tail on her butt.

Looking back at the woman next to him wearing pure black tight jeans and a gray top, Li Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Familiar, warm, coquettish, and lively, the women in this house really have their own characteristics!

"Hello, brother Li Yang!"

"Hello, brother Li Yang!"

"Brother Li Yang."

Seeing Li Yang come in, the three women in front of him all said hello to him. A bright smile suddenly appeared on Li Yang's face. He moved his left hand that was still in the leg seam of the black jeans of the woman next to him to the top and squeezed it slightly. He nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay, hello."

"Brother Li, how do you feel about these? Are you satisfied with them?"

Wang Qiang, who helped Li Yang close the door, walked to him with a smile, rubbed his palms and asked aloud with raised eyebrows.

"Well, they are indeed very satisfied."

Li Yang's eyes moved away from the woman wearing the stuffed tail, and looked at the other two women one by one. Then he fixed his eyes on the woman next to him and saw that she was smiling with her lips painted red. Lipstick couldn't help but hugged the woman in front of her, facing him, and then opened her mouth and kissed her on the lips.


The woman snorted softly, seeming to be caught off guard. Her hands subconsciously held Li Yang's upper arms, and she was kissed stiffly by Li Yang. There seemed to be some urgency in her eyes, but she endured it without saying a word, just her body. The shape is a little stiff, and the response is a little slow.

"Brother Li, let's go sit in the living room first. There are still some things that need to be confirmed by you before we can have fun."

Wang Qiang on the side saw that Li Yang hadn't said a word to anyone yet, his hands were pinching his butt wrapped tightly in jeans, and his mouth was kissing him. He couldn't help but coughed and whispered a reminder.

"There are some things I need to confirm, that's easy to talk about."

Hearing this, Li Yang thought that it was no wonder that although this woman was willing to be played by him, she seemed to want to refuse but couldn't do it right now. He couldn't help but smile and let go. He saw the woman's face blushing and her eyes were caught by his gaze. The woman looked sideways involuntarily.

"Isn't that the only thing? Why are you hiding?"

Li Yang's eyes lingered on her beautiful face for a while, and he kissed her lips again with a smile on his lips. While kissing, he rubbed the different feeling of her butt wrapped in tight jeans and walked towards the living room next to him. Go, seeing his actions, the three women in front looked at each other, and then hurriedly walked to the living room first.

Wang Qiang also coughed and walked in.

On the contrary, the woman in black jeans who was half-carried and half-supported by Li Yang walked towards the living room. Her eyes were closed because of the kiss. Li Yang let go in surprise. The woman looked back to the living room, and then saw her butt being held by Li Yang. Without touching the ground with his feet, he simply lowered his head and buried his face on Li Yang's shoulder.

Li Yang walked into the living room holding the woman in black tight jeans. He was surprised to find that there were four men sitting on the sofa in the living room with the curtains drawn and the lights turned on. The beauty in the miniskirt, the beauty in the buttocks, and the beauty with brown legs were all separated. Sitting next to a man, only one man looked at the beautiful woman who was holding her buttocks in his arms with some embarrassment.

Li Yang blinked and let go of his hand. The woman in black tight jeans fell to the ground. Then she hurriedly ran to the man with her hair flowing and sat down next to him. Then she and the man next to her raised their eyes with the other three couples. Looking at him a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, my wife, Brother Li, this is their husband. Today is the first time they have done this kind of thing. They came here specially to talk and communicate with you."

Wang Qiang on the side coughed dryly. Seeing that Li Yang was in a daze, he couldn't help but said to Li Yang: "They came here to confirm with their husbands that they would do this, and it was their first time. , in order to avoid any accidents, the two of us came together. I want to wait until what I want to do is done before letting my wife play with you."

Can you still play like this?
  "Oh, so that's what it is."

Li Yang glanced at Wang Qiang without leaving a trace, then nodded with a smile, and then glanced at the four couples one by one. Both men and women were a little embarrassed to be looked at by his eyes, but they were all There was no intention of leaving.

"Okay, whatever you want to talk about, let's talk."

Li Yang suddenly shrugged his shoulders. Seeing the eyes of the four couples focused on him, he couldn't help but nodded with a smile and spoke softly.

"Brother Li, there is a small bench here. You can sit down and have a one-to-one discussion. Once the negotiation is completed, let's come down together and finish their business, and then come back to play." Wang Qiang knew Li Yang instantly when he saw Li Yang's eyes. Realizing the purpose of his arrangement, he couldn't help but bring a small bench with a smile on his face, and then glanced at it, first placing it in front of the woman wearing black tight jeans who had been hugged and kissed by Li Yang as soon as she entered the door. , smiled and spoke to Li Yang.

"Okay, then I will sit in front of you one by one."

Li Yang chuckled and nodded. He sat down on the wooden bench in front of the beautiful girl in black tight jeans and looked at them with a smile. Li Yang looked at the beautiful girl in black jeans and felt a little uncomfortable. She lowered her head, stretched her hands between her legs and pinched them together, hooked her feet in black boots upwards, and glanced at the man sitting on the side. The small beauty mark on the corner of her mouth followed the movements of the woman's face. They moved together.

Seeing her actions, the man first looked at Li Yang with a little embarrassment, and then looked at Wang Qiang aside.

"Brother Li, each of them has a wish list. The main content of the discussion with you later will be around this wish list."

Seeing the man's gaze, Wang Qiang chuckled and spoke to Li Yang in a low voice. Li Yang suddenly nodded and shifted his gaze from the beauty to the man. The man immediately took out an A4 paper lying next to him and opened it slightly. Somewhat reserved but very bold, he handed out the paper: "Here, Li, Brother Li, this is my wish list."

"I won't read it. If you have any wishes, read them out one by one and tell me."

Li Yang waved his hands grandly, smiled softly and spoke.

"Honey, this..."

When the man heard that Li Yang wanted to read it by himself, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but seeing Li Yang's calm expression, he looked at each other with his wife beside him, then he smiled and nodded, and boldly read out: "I am the first One wish, and the most important wish is to pay off the mortgage.”

"The couple's mortgage loan was too heavy. In the past few years, the economic situation was good and their work income was high. In addition, after saving some money, they followed the trend and bought a house. However, they did not expect that their income has dropped rapidly in recent years, and their monthly income can only be They are barely able to make ends meet and cannot repay the mortgage. Now they have been struggling for three years and all the money they saved has been used up. If they continue like this, they will become dishonest and their house will be repossessed."

Wang Qiang on the side explained in a low voice: "In order to pay the down payment for the house, they emptied six wallets at home. If the subsequent mortgage payments are not repaid and the house is repossessed, then not only will the house be gone, the home will be lost, and the wallet will be empty. You have to face a lot of debt."

"We really have no choice. If we can't pay back the mortgage later, all three of our families will be ruined."

There was a bitter smile on the man's face, and then he couldn't help but squeeze the hand of his wife beside him, and looked at Li Yang in the eyes of the woman in black tight trousers: "I am very open-minded now, as long as you don't abuse my wife, no matter what I can accept any pervert."

Hearing the man's statement, Wang Qiang couldn't help but look at Li Yang. The wife beside the man also looked at Li Yang nervously along with her husband.

"So that's it. It's really not easy."

Li Yang nodded suddenly, and then smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'm not a pervert. I don't like abuse, and I don't like to play with perverts and hurt people. Even if I play, I will just have an extra husband with your wife." Same."

My wife and I have an extra husband...

Hearing what Li Yang said, the beautiful woman in black tights breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at Li Yang with white teeth. The man sitting aside also nodded with a smile on his face.

“How much do you owe on your mortgage?”

Seeing them nodding, Li Yang continued to ask softly.

"Nine, seven hundred and sixty thousand."

The man swallowed his saliva and looked at Li Yang nervously, and the woman in black tights also opened her eyes nervously and looked at him.

"Although the mortgage is large, you don't have to pay it off at once. The mortgage lasts for thirty years in total, including principal and interest. You only need to pay back one year's mortgage each time, which is [-]. As long as you By paying the mortgage for one year, they can guarantee that the beautiful woman will maintain a marital relationship with you during this year."

Wang Qiang explained with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the man and said in a low voice and emphasis: "As long as you do it, I can guarantee it for you."

Hearing Wang Qiang's words, the beautiful woman in black trousers nodded repeatedly and looked at him nervously, as did her husband beside her.

"So this is ah."

Li Yang tapped his fingers and smiled: "Then I can fulfill your wish."

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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