my world double door.

Chapter 233 Super Soul Mage!

Chapter 233 Super Soul Mage!

A normal practitioner needs to cross three levels from an advanced breakthrough to a super transcendent level: the first is the accumulation of one's own strength. Only by having an extremely deep accumulation of cultivation before breaking through can a breakthrough be successful, triggering the second level. Eight transformations of one's own power.

The second is the acquisition of super magic. In the case of extreme monopoly, it is not easy for extraordinary people from ordinary families to obtain a super magic related to their own magic attributes.

If you don't have the talent of Thunder Mage, then you can only participate in the Lion Contest, stand out in the competition, and get rewards of super extraordinary skills, or you can be lucky enough to get the inheritance of super skills that are lost and no one has discovered. Otherwise, there is no other way. way.

Of course, if you are a child of an element at birth, or have talents corresponding to other professions, you can easily obtain these, but this is much lower than the probability of a child from an ordinary background defeating a child from other big families and ranking first in the competition. .

It can be said that this is definitely the most difficult level. Otherwise, Master Wen · Ste's cultivation level will definitely not always be stagnant at the advanced flame mage level.

The third level is the luck level. Even if you get a super skill, if you don't meet the special training requirements of this super magic, you still won't be able to practice it successfully.

Under these three levels, there are many high-level extraordinary people in the world, but super extraordinary people suddenly become rare.

For Li Yang, all three conditions are not a problem.

The accumulation of energy, due to the crazy accumulation of necromancy magic, makes him stronger than anyone else.

It is extremely easy to obtain information related to the super magic Thunder Mage. Even a senior pharmacist can easily prepare three sets for him.

In a situation where the entire world needs thunder mages to solve crises, and thunder mages are so rare that they can hardly be less, the practice methods related to thunder magic are naturally the most widely spread and the easiest to obtain.

The corresponding cultivation conditions are also very simple, but for others it is also a gap that cannot be crossed - possessing the magic power of thunder.

It just so happened that Li Yang had both.

In this way, he can smoothly practice breakthroughs in thunder magic—Thunder Demon Soul, he can also smoothly practice breakthroughs!

In the noble residence of the Lion King, Li Yang, who was sitting in a quiet room, mobilized the power of the demon soul in his spiritual space and easily succeeded in practicing according to the [Holy Thunder] training track.

As the power of the demon soul continues to circulate, a demon soul power filled with sacred aura slowly condenses in the spiritual space. All the soul power in the entire mental space continues to become condensed with the appearance of this demon soul power, and is Completely mobilized to move towards the eighth transformation.

Li Yang's spirit became even more immersed in the cultivation and operation of the demon soul.


The practice of super magic is a huge and tedious process, especially for those who are practicing for the first time. Every step must be taken carefully and every detail must be paid careful attention to.

Furthermore, the cultivation process will become very long even if it is just one time.

Li Yang, who knew this, was not in a hurry. He moved the soul power bit by bit in the quiet room in an orderly manner, and completed the first practice of [Holy Thunder] bit by bit.

The soul power condensed bit by bit under his operation, and the entire soul power seemed to turn into a whirlpool, becoming more and more condensed as the sacred thunder of the soul state in the center of the body condensed.

In this way, as soon as I practiced, two whole days passed quietly.

Late at night on the second day after practicing in seclusion, a bright thunder and lightning condensed in Li Yang's mental space. In an instant, the mental strength accumulated for two days quickly improved, and the quality improved by a full [-]% in one go. , achieving the eighth transformation at a level infinitely close to [-]%!
  The special cultivation method of the demon soul and the power of super thunder magic make this transformation of soul power astonishing!


The aura of the super soul mage emanated from Li Yang in an instant, and Li Yang, who had been practicing cross-legged for two days, finally opened his eyes.

In an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed in the quiet room, and a sacred aura filled the entire space.

Silently, a bright thunder flashed in the air, with the power of thunder being powerful and terrifying, and full of destructive power.

But the special state of soul power made this thunder and lightning make no sound.

[Soul Holy Thunder]!
  A thick special soul state thunder in the spiritual space occupies the center of the entire soul space. Based on it, Li Yang can easily use the soul holy thunder with divine power!

"Super Soul Mage."

A bright smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, and the strange soul thunder and lightning flashed in his eyes, feeling the powerful power of this unique soul thunder and lightning wantonly.

"With this, I can feel at ease."

It wasn't until late at night that Li Yang calmed down the soul power in the mental space, and whispered in a low voice with a sparkle in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he focused on his own genetic siltation energy, and once again absorbed its energy with the power of the super demon soul. In an instant, a large amount of genetic siltation energy was absorbed crazily and wantonly, and it was reduced as fast as ice and snow melting.

Li Yang, who had been severely absorbing one-tenth of the remaining genetic siltation energy, felt that his soul was finally full, and suddenly stopped practicing the [Eating Body Strengthening Technique], feeling that it became more stable as the magic formula was running. A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the soul power who had just entered the super soul mage level. “The difficult accumulation of level five genetic medicines can finally be cleared quickly.”

Li Yang's eyes flickered, and the smile on his lips grew brighter. Although the power brought by the fifth-level genetic medicine was powerful, the remaining genetic accumulation was also more difficult to remove. Before this, no matter how hard he tried every day, it was difficult to quickly remove the contained gene. Gene siltation absorption of large amounts of energy.

But now, after breaking through to the super soul mage level, what he absorbs is easy.

Feeling this change and feeling happy at the same time, Li Yang couldn't help but feel his super soul power, accumulated with the remaining genes, and began to think about the subsequent cultivation.

"We still need to condense three more such original soul thunders."

Feeling the original soul thunder in the center of the mental space, Li Yang thought to himself that the super mage stage must undergo four transformations, namely the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh transformations, corresponding to the front, middle, back, and perfection of the super mage.

Now that his soul power has gone through the eighth transformation, he only needs to continue to accumulate foundation. After reaching the limit of the current original soul thunder, he can start to condense the second original soul thunder, and then proceed to the ninth transformation.

However, the breakthrough level has been passed, and the rest will not be difficult.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang waved his hand, and three super soul magics appeared in front of him. They were the super inheritance of the three soul mages obtained after winning the Lion Contest.

[Soul Fall] [Soul Uplift] [Soul Crushed]

"Just in time, all the training tasks in hand are basically completed."

Looking at the three super soul tomes, Li Yang smiled. Although he had broken through to the level of super soul mage, the attack method with only one super soul magic would be too simple. He wanted to quickly enrich his methods and immediately attack the three. I browsed the secret books one by one and recorded them in my heart.

The so-called [Soul Fall] and [Soul Uplift] are all made through the merits of soul magic, which brings the opponent's soul into an uncontrollable and powerful state of control. The powerful emotions like falling into the devil's abyss and soaring to heaven make the operator unable to control himself at all. People slaughter.

And [Soul Crushing] is a pure attack magic that can instantly crush the enemy's soul and kill it in one fell swoop.

It takes a long time to practice super soul magic. Li Yang, who has the attack method of [Holy Thunder], took the lead in choosing the control skill of [Soul Fall] and put away the other two.

He had memorized all the super inheritances in his heart. After taking out the originals and comparing them, Li Yang immediately mobilized his super soul power to start practicing this skill.

As he practiced, a dark abyss slowly formed in the spiritual space.

After breaking through to the level of super soul mage, it is undoubtedly much faster to practice super soul magic again. On the third night of retreat, Li Yang completed this super soul magic and opened his eyes with a smile.

"Although the initial conditions for super skills are harsh, after they are achieved, due to the formation of the original power, they can be mastered more quickly than low-level magic."

After opening his eyes, Li Yang felt the abyss of origin condensed in his mental space, nodded slowly, and said to himself.

Then I counted the time, and instead of continuing to practice super soul magic, I took out a mecha to release electricity, practiced the thunder magic, and felt that the thunder magic that had been suppressed for several months was ready to break through to the level of a high-level thunder mage. Cultivation, no longer suppress, continue to absorb thunder elements and make breakthroughs.

"Zi La~"

Just an hour later, the thunder magic power in the body increased instantly, and the quality quickly increased by [-]% to the advanced level of transformation. The power of the thunder magic power surged instantly.


He exhaled a long breath, arcs of electricity flowed, and the aura of a senior thunder mage flashed away from Li Yang. Li Yang opened his eyes, feeling the increased thunder magic power, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

"Essence, energy and spirit complement each other, and the training of Thunder Soul is indeed beneficial to improving Thunder's magical qualifications."

The quality of the thunder magic increased by fifty-nine percent as soon as it transformed. This is an excellent qualification!
  "The cultivation of thunder magic has finally reached the level of a senior thunder mage. It's time to master the last two intermediate thunder magics."

Li Yang thought to himself, the training methods of [Thunder Net] and [Thunder Fist] flashed through his mind, and he decided to master these two skills that had been put aside for a long time before starting to work on the advanced thunder skills.

But before that... practice the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] first

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, his heart moved, and his figure disappeared from the quiet room in an instant.


In the apocalyptic world, in the inner city of Base [-], Li Yang's figure instantly appeared in Ms. Bi Yueyue's room. He glanced around and saw Bi Yueyue and Chang Yan lying in pajamas in the living room. Yan.

Li Yang licked the corners of his mouth at the delicate skin exposed on his pretty body. When he saw the two women looking at him, he strode over.

(End of this chapter)

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