my world double door

Chapter 255 Fuck you

Chapter 255 Fuck you (please subscribe)

"Boom boom boom~~~"


The bursts of magical energy from the magic circle illuminated the dark night, causing terrifying fluctuations in an instant.

The demons with cold auras that suddenly appeared through the space ran into the super-powerful magic erupted from the magic circle before they even reacted, and they immediately let out screams.

However, their attack has just begun.


A powerful magic wave suddenly rose above the magic circle composed of nine people. Huge vine whips flashing with strong magic light were densely spread all over the sky in an instant, and they were entangled together to form an extremely thick magic vine.


The moment the demons appeared, the magic vines that gathered together fell down instantly, and the terrifying magic energy instantly flattened the hills under their feet. The demons that were teleported were instantly turned into ashes amid their wails.

"So weak?"

Li Yang, who concentrated his attention and launched an attack as soon as the demons appeared, raised his eyebrows in surprise. They did not expect that the demons that aroused their vigilance were actually eliminated in the first wave of attacks.

"The number of demons is huge. Since the demons came to the world and eroded many races, they can perfectly avoid the restrictions of the laws of the [Golden Valley]. There can be as many as thousands of demons who can enter the [Golden Valley]." !”

"Among the demons, real demons who were born and raised in the abyss and are under the age of thirty will not appear easily. Like us, they can only enter three of each race, but before they appear, no one knows how many there will be. cannon fodder!"

One blow annihilated the nine demons that poured into the [Magic Valley]. The solemn look in Aixia's eyes did not disappear. Instead, she spoke more solemnly, but while speaking, she couldn't help but glance at Li Yang - after this blow Therefore, it can have such a great effect. Li Yang's thunder magic played a great role in restraining the demons.

Li Yang suddenly raised his eyebrows and was about to say something. Suddenly, the senior scout Yingge beside him spoke loudly again:

"Here we come, the continuous demon clan!"

Hearing Yingge's shout, Li Yang raised his brows, and the thunder magic power in his body immediately surged, causing the wooden vine whip formed by the magic circle to rise high. The next moment, demons covered in black and with evil blue light flashing in their eyes appeared. Suddenly coming, his eyes condensed, and he immediately urged the wooden vine whip to fall.


There was a loud roar, and a large number of demons died immediately under the whip of the magic wooden vine whip. Following that, the wooden whip swept back and forth crazily at the place where the demons flashed, crazily strangling the demons who appeared.

However, this strangulation only lasted for three minutes, and a strange roar that seemed to penetrate the soul suddenly exploded.


Groups of dim light converged on the cold and biting defensive magic shield. The nine demons that suddenly appeared merged into one at the moment of their appearance, erecting a huge magic shield that blocked the sweeping wooden vine whip and collided with each other. The magic shield was instantly covered with dense wounds.

However, despite such a delay, a steady stream of demons immediately appeared and disappeared into the night sky with strange screams.


Several demons wanted to escape again, but suddenly a red heat vision shot out from the formation, instantly blowing their bodies into pieces. Then the heat vision swept across, quickly sweeping away a group of miscellaneous soldiers who came, and the wooden cane whip Once again the entrance was blocked.

"Weng, boom~"

Seeing that the demons at the entrance were once again sorted out, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. While admiring Li Yang even more, they also drove the wooden vine whip more diligently to clear away the influx of demons.

Until a certain moment, the crazy influx of demons stopped, and the next moment, nine demons with powerful auras appeared on the scene - a super magician-level demon appeared!



The demons screamed strangely again and again, and under the surge of vigorous demonic energy, these nine super magician-level demons actually blocked the wooden vines composed of magic arrays for a moment. The next moment, behind them, groups of super magicians appeared. Levels of demons continue to pour in.


The wooden vines flew on the magic circle, and twenty-seven vine whips appeared in an instant. Each of these vine whips had one third of the average strength of the nine people in the field.

The vines swept across and instantly blocked the progress of the demons. The elf princess Aisia waved the wand in her hand and instantly released a powerful water magic. The pool-like water magic instantly covered the area where the demons emerged, instantly making all the demons look like Falling into the mud and sluggish.


Li Yang's eyes flashed with intense heat vision, instantly piercing the chests of a group of demons. At the same time, the dwarf arcanist Thor's hands bloomed with arcane energy, killing several demons instantly.


The long bow in the hand of the elf ranger Farouk kept shooting, and the magic arrows condensed by the long bow converged into one place, destroying a demon clan.

But the demon clan that keeps emerging appears too fast and too densely.

In just an instant, more than a dozen demons with powerful auras emerged, whose cultivation was comparable to that of a super magician. These demons united with each other and actually withstood their attacks.


The power of the magic circle surged, and Li Yang and others stepped up their attacks. In just one minute, these demons disappeared.

But this minute, more demons appeared on the field with strange screams.

"This doesn't work. The power of the magic circle imprisons us instead!"

Seeing these disgusting demons killing more and more, Li Yang couldn't help but frown. He glanced at the demons whose eyes were glowing with blue light and looked at him as if they were looking at food. He frowned, and the heat in his eyes instantly Killed several demons to death, and then shouted at the elf princess.

"But the power of the magic circle can protect us better and prevent them from rashly attacking us!"

Princess Axia continued to release water magic, and at the same time couldn't help but said to Li Yang. “It’s really troublesome, don’t move around here, let me come!”

After Li Yang finished speaking, his figure suddenly burst out of the air and violently left the range of the formation, appearing alone outside the formation.


Seeing a creature escape from the magic circle, the demons who insisted on surviving suddenly screamed strangely, and the blue light flashed with excitement and bloodthirsty and suddenly rushed towards Li Yang.


Li Yang's eyes suddenly burst into bright red light, and while his thermal vision was fully activated, the power of his entire body suddenly exploded like a meteorite hitting the group of demons from the air.



With the terrifying flesh body and surging energy and blood, under Li Yang's powerful physical attack, the demons that surged up were as fragile as pieces of paper, and his bodies were torn apart crazily.


The terrifying genetic power was running wildly, and each demon was smashed to pieces by Li Yang with a ferocious face, waving his hands, and the heat vision combined with the [Thunder Eye] was released in his eyes, killing a large number instantly.

In just a moment, a large number of demons were killed by Li Yang. At the same time, under the attack of the magic array, the remaining demons were finally wiped out.

But the next moment, the suddenly surging demons suddenly disappeared, followed by a creature with double horns on its head, scarlet eyes, and a faint blue body suddenly appeared.

"What a strong taste of life, delicious, Jie~!"

The newly appeared demon monster looked at Li Yang beside him, his eyes burst out with bright red light, and then suddenly pounced on Li Yang.

"Fuck you!"

Li Yang grinned, his physical strength exploded, and he hit the charging demon hard with a [Destruction] combat skill, instantly sending it flying backwards, and the demon's expression changed.

"You can actually suppress me, how is this possible!"

The demon's expression was in disbelief, but as it spoke, Li Yang had already stepped forward in an instant, raised his fists, and continued to attack its body fiercely.

The demon's expression changed wildly, and the next moment it roared to the sky, and it fought crazily with Li Yang. However, its power was obviously at a great disadvantage to Li Yang, and it was seriously injured in just a moment.

"Oh, Moore, you can't even defeat a human being. It's a waste that it has been twenty-five years since you were born in the abyss!"

Suddenly, another demon appeared. The other demon looked at the demon being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Li Yang. Not only did he not have the consciousness to support him, but he spoke lightly. As he spoke, the other demon suddenly dodged away from Ai Xi. The magic circle gathered by you attacks.


The heat vision in Li Yang's eyes suddenly exploded, killing the demon in front of him, and then he looked at the second demon who was dodging the magic circle in shock and grinned: "You demons are such a good opponent. .”

He likes to give them one by one!


After the words fell, Li Yang's figure suddenly pierced the air, tearing the air apart at extremely fast speeds, and appeared in front of the second demon with sound barriers. This demon wanted to dodge, but Li Yang's [Psychic Step] The three skills of [Thunder Sound] and [Thunder Speed] were used together, but they couldn't avoid Li Yang's attack at all, and they could only fight with Li Yang with a wild look on their faces and roars.



During the battle, the demons screamed again and again, and their crazy outbursts made everyone behind them feel the heavy cold demonic energy, but in the end they died under Li Yang's powerful attack.

"The demons are not that scary, aren't they?"

Li Yang killed the demon that he pinned to the ground and severely injured with a heat gaze. Then he shook off the blue blood stained on his body, chuckled and turned back to speak.


Leslie, a beautiful girl from the Elf tribe, looked at Li Yang who turned back to look at her, and couldn't help but swallowed.


Princess Aaliya on the side took a deep breath and looked at Li Yang with disbelief: "You killed two real demons!"

"Real devil?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, and while controlling his genes to quickly absorb the energy in the air to restore his own consumption, he frowned and returned to the magic circle: "Don't you feel how strong it is?"

Aixia raised her eyebrows and was about to say something when suddenly a group of demons suddenly appeared from the entrance, and then a thick cold energy attack hit Li Yang hard.


At the critical moment, Li Yang stepped forward and instantly transferred out of his original position. However, what he didn't expect was that an attack predicted his movement at the same time and hit him hard.

At this moment, Li Yang suddenly used the defensive combat skill [Mountain Rock] to meet the attack. He was stunned by the powerful force, and then he saw dozens of powerful demons killing him crazily. Come.

"I'm going to your mother!"


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(End of this chapter)

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