my world double door

Chapter 283: 7 tables of mahjong

Chapter 283 Sitting at seven tables of mahjong

The time has arrived at the beginning of October 2025 unknowingly. The sun is shining outside the house and the temperature is still very hot.

Chen Na, who celebrated her seventeenth birthday today, was lying on top of her sister Chen Qian. Even though the air conditioner was turned on at home, she was still covered in sweat. The glistening sweat reflected slightly on her white skin. Her washed hair was messy around her sister's body. Akira, closing his eyes tightly and opening his mouth to release hot air to relieve fatigue.

The sister Chen Qian beneath her tilted her head back and rested her head on Dai Yueming's shoulder, panting constantly, with sweat also covering her forehead.

Dai Yueming at the bottom looked slumped on the sofa, half-covering his eyes with his palms and motionless.


The air-conditioned wind blew left and right, and the three women were also swaying on the sofa. There was more and more sweat-like material on Chen Na's delicate body.

It turned out to be Li Yang's saliva.

"Li Yang, brother Li Yang, let's hold a birthday party for Nana tonight, okay, okay..."

Chen Na's body was stiff for a long time and then relaxed. She closed her eyes tightly and opened them again. She took a breath, raised her arms with difficulty to hold Li Yang's neck, and asked.

It happened that Li Yang came back on her seventeenth birthday, and she wanted to have a grand birthday.

Hearing this, Li Yang smiled, lifted up Chen Na's little head and kissed her lips hard, and then asked with a smile: "So, what kind of birthday does Nana want?"

"Do you want Brother Li Yang to invite your friends to congratulate you, or to come with some other people from society, or to call all your sisters, and some other people who are related to you?"

Li Yang asked softly, then buried his head and kissed Chen Na.

"Brother Li Yang can just call the sisters over and call some other people who have some connections. There is no need to call too many people."

Chen Na hugged Li Yang's arms to stabilize her body and responded in a low voice. As soon as she finished responding, she felt a stiffness in her sister's body.

"I, there are a lot of people there. Let me think about it. Let's bring some tables over. Then you can play mahjong, eat snacks, and play games. After the banquet is over, you can play together in the swimming pool. , how about watching a movie?"

Li Yang used his soul to communicate this time. He was not willing to let go of Chen Na's beauty, and he did a simple calculation while answering: "You and your sister Chen Qian, sister Yue Ming, your sister Peng Feifei and a table of mahjong. "

"You, Sister Lin Shiyu, are at the same table as Sister Xu Yuan, Sister Zhou Li, and Sister Zhao Mengyi."

"Sister Yanyan, who is one month older than you, sister Yunyun, who is one year younger than you, and sister Yu Xiaohua, let's sit at the same table with Fang Fen."

"Cao Xue, Chen Xiaolan and two of your sister Peng Feifei's roommates are at the same table."

"Your sister Peng Feifei has one roommate left, and she and my sister Li Ling will share the same table with three roommates."

"Oh, by the way, you also have four wives and sisters. They just happen to share the table."

"A little bitch named Zhao Meimei can sit at the same table as her three roommates."

"Zuo Yanting and her sister Zuo Yanfen are having some difficulties. Then sit at the same table with your sisters' other friends."

"There are a total of eight mahjong tables at home, and including other guests outside, there may be more than ten mahjong tables."

Li Yang said while calculating, Chen Na couldn't help but open her eyes in surprise: "Ah~oh~it turns out there are so many sisters, there are actually some younger than me."

"It's not much smaller, it's okay, it's okay."

Li Yang's smiling voice sounded in their ears: "Now that I have decided, I will ask someone to make arrangements."

"Oh oh oh~ um~ good~"

Chen Na nodded in agreement. While agreeing, she couldn't help but feel a little strange: How did brother Li Yang manage to speak so clearly while eating?

"I can't stand it anymore. Brother Li Yang, I'm so sore. Wait for me to lie down on the sofa..."




Shenzhen University of Science and Technology.

"Students, can anyone answer this question?"

The female teacher in red clothes on the podium pointed to the topic on the whiteboard with a smile on her face, and spoke to the students below in a gentle tone. Although she was asking, it could be seen from the position where her eyes fell on Peng Feifei that she Who is the person who is really looking forward to answering the question?

The students around her looked calm. Since Peng Feifei was asked to talk in a friendly manner by every teacher three months ago, Peng Feifei has been basically the focus of the teacher's attention in every subsequent class.

This is certainly a differentiated treatment, but you don't have to worry about the teacher asking you to answer questions in's cool.

"Um, teacher, I have something to do. I may have to go out with my roommates."

Peng Feifei was about to answer when her phone suddenly received a message. She lowered her head and raised her eyebrows, then looked at the teacher and said awkwardly. "Oh, go ahead, go ahead, but what's the matter?"

Zhang Yuanyuan was stunned, a flash of brilliance flashed in her beautiful expression, and asked curiously. She is tall and plump, and her makeup is very appropriate. She feels very beautiful, natural, fashionable, friendly and beautiful. When Shi bowed slightly and asked, not only was there no objectionable feeling, but it made people feel cute and cute.

Peng Feifei pursed her lips, first asked her three roommates to go back and clean up, and then ran to the teacher and whispered: "My boyfriend has a little sister celebrating her birthday, and he wants to call all the sisters over to play together. Teacher, do you want to go?"

"Ah, can I go too, is this appropriate?"

Hearing Peng Feifei's words, Zhang Yuanyuan couldn't help blinking her beautiful eyes, with a bit of embarrassment in her voice.

"It's okay, teacher. It's a good fit. My boyfriend has reserved an extra spot. Besides, you're so beautiful, so my boyfriend will definitely like you."

A hint of cunning flashed across Peng Feifei's delicate face, and she spoke in a low voice with a smile. After hearing this, Zhang Yuanyuan hurriedly turned around like a deer, then looked at Peng Feifei with a blushing face, nodded, and then tidied up. In this state, he looked at the students below with a smile: "Let's all study this topic. We will study by ourselves for the rest of the time. We can finish class when the bell rings."

After saying that, Zhang Yuanyuan looked back at Peng Feifei with some embarrassment, calmed down slightly, took Peng Feifei's hand, turned around and walked out of the classroom with her, leaving behind a classroom of students looking at each other.



Linhai City, the headquarters of Haohan Xingyu Group, in the office, Lin Shiyu, who was wearing formal clothes, had just woken up from her lunch break and was drinking hot water to refresh herself. Suddenly her phone vibrated and she received a message. She picked it up and looked at it, her eyebrows raised. pick.

"Mr. Lin, do you want the meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon to be held as normal?"

The office door was pushed open. Lin Shiyu looked up at the female secretary who walked in, and shook her head: "It won't open. The meeting is cancelled. Related matters are awaiting notification."

After saying that, Lin Shiyu stood up directly from her seat. A pair of high-end stockings on her high heels wrapped her long legs round. The black business hip skirt on her hips and the tight-fitting suit on her upper body made her figure light and attractive.

She walked up to the grooming mirror and looked at her own image. She was quite satisfied. The secretary who walked into the office was stunned for a moment and then hurriedly went to prepare.

Lin Shiyu moved her slender legs and walked out of the office just in time to see Xu Yuan from the next office walking out with her. The two looked at each other and smiled, then left the company together.

"Oh, I really don't know what tricks my husband wants to play again."

After leaving the company, Xu Yuan, who was too lazy to drive, sat in the passenger seat of Lin Shiyu's car, pursed her lips and couldn't help but mutter.

"Don't think too much, isn't it my little sister Chen Na's birthday? My husband will call us over to celebrate, no problem."

Hearing Xu Yuan's words, Lin Shiyu showed a smile on her face, started the car and spoke softly.

"With my husband's temperament, you believe this."

Xu Yuan rolled her eyes, then pursed her lips and clasped her hands together nervously: "The key is, Zhou Li is here too. It's a little embarrassing no matter how you think about it..."

"It's okay, my husband is very considerate."

Seeing Xu Yuan's reaction, Lin Shiyu chuckled lightly, and Xu Yuan couldn't help but complain: "It's because he is kind to others."

"Hahaha, when I meet my husband, I don't know how well-behaved, obedient, and considerate you are going to be."

Lin Shiyu laughed and then spoke teasingly.

"No way, it's annoying. I don't like my husband."

Xu Yuan opened her mouth to argue, and rushed to the airport amidst laughter and chatter, and directly found the special plane Li Yang had prepared for them. However, what the two of them did not expect was that as soon as they arrived on the special plane, they saw a noble, exquisite and beautiful person. The angry woman followed them to the plane.

"Hi, are they Mr. Li's two little wives? I am Zhao Mengyi, and I am your sister."

Seeing the stunned expressions on the faces of Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu, Zhao Mengyi, who was wearing a pure white slim dress, smoothed her hair and said with a smile: "My husband asked me to go back with you, please take care of me on the way. "

"Ah, okay, okay."

Lin Shiyu and Xu Yuan knew that the other would not have been able to get on the plane without a reason, so when they heard what Zhao Mengyi said, they were just stunned for a moment before nodding with a smile and speaking.

Zhao Mengyi sat next to the two women with a pleasant temperament, chatting with them with a smile on her face. As they chatted, they talked about their past events with Li Yang.

Lin Shiyu talked about how she and Li Yang became roommates at that time, how she took him to run business in the company and directed him to work.

Xu Yuan talked about how she got along with Li Yang in high school, and interesting things in high school. When it was Zhao Mengyi's turn, she was stunned: "Oh, he...he saw me for the first time, picked me up, and On..."




(End of this chapter)

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