my world double door.

Chapter 306 Crazy breakthrough, beautiful life

Chapter 306 Crazy breakthrough, beautiful life

"I want you to have my breath all over your body."

In the Mansion of Life, the temperature in the master bedroom seemed to have increased a lot. Li Yang lay down and whispered in Aixia's ear, then kissed her on the face.

Aisha's beautiful lips opened, her eyes closed and she felt...

"Ah, can it be done here too?"

"Here, no, it can't be done..."


There is a difference between a perfect physique and an ordinary physique. It seems that a person made of water has become an adjective on Ai Xia. He kissed Ai Xia's whole body, who was moaning repeatedly, and everything he felt was Comfortable and refreshing taste without any unpleasant taste.

This feeling is really great.

Over and over again.

After being kissed five times all over her body, Ai Xia's whole body was flushed. With a rosy face, she pushed her fresh and clean hair back against the bed, bit her lips lightly, put her hands together in front of her and pressed down on her. Li Yang, who was fixed in one place and was immersed in the kiss, felt that his whole body was weak.

Her head kept shaking and her toes curled tightly. It wasn't until she couldn't bear it anymore that she saw Li Yang finally raised his head, put her delicate legs on his shoulders and leaned forward until he pressed her shoulders. Then he kissed her lips hard.


Aixia's legs were pulled, and she felt Li Yang's hands still touching them. While her lips were blocked, she couldn't help but let out a soft hum.

This full feeling made her instantly unable to resist.

Aisia is worthy of being the son of the perfect water element.


When he came to the magical world this time, Li Yang's main purpose was to take back the two wives of the elves. Although there was an accident on the way and he took back an extra Raphael, this did not hinder the final goal.

Now, with Aisia in his pocket, there is nothing to worry about. All he can do is play comfortably, so naturally he is not in a hurry.

In this way, half a year after Li Yang entered the mansion, the Elf Queen tentatively sent a message to Li Yang through the mansion's magic circle.

[Son-in-law, do you have time to come to the palace with Aisia to discuss some spiritual matters? 】

In the master bedroom of the House of Life, Aisia's beautiful hair was shaking, and her whole body was sunken on the soft quilt. At this moment, she heard the words of the Elf Queen coming from the formation. She couldn't help biting her lip, and the next moment her figure fell heavily. Once trapped,

"I'm not free now. I'll see you when I'm free."

Li Yang's head came to Ai Xia, whose mouth was open and her body was tense and motionless. He smiled and responded. As soon as he finished speaking, Ai Xia immediately pursed her mouth and relaxed it, but the next moment Li Yang was Yang blocked her mouth.

[The Elf Palace welcomes you]

The Elf Queen's voice sounded in her ears again, and Aisia, who was being pressed tightly and shaking back and forth, rolled her beautiful eyes.




Good times are always short-lived. Leslie's six months and Raphael's four months both felt fleeting.

Now that we have arrived at Axia, the main target this time, time passes even faster.

The strong recovery power and fighting power brought by his perfect physique made Li Yang feel excited and excited.

One year and eight months passed by accident.

And after one year and eight months passed, the beautiful Aisia finally passed out happily, but just three seconds after she passed out, she was nourished by the water element power pouring into her body and woke up.


Waves of water magic swept across, and Aixia's cultivation level steadily increased. Her body, soul, and water magic all reached the super peak level.

She didn't know when gold was placed around her. She subconsciously ran the [Immortal Cultivation Method] to absorb the immortal power in it. Driven by the surging power, her aura was rising steadily. In her stunned look, , spirit, body, and magic power, all broke through to the early stage of immortality together!

'After being played by Li Yang for a year, I broke through to the early stage of immortality! '

Aisia was in disbelief, but the next moment, a surge of power came from around her. When she turned around, her eyes widened even more. An even stronger aura of immortality emerged from Li Yang's body!


On the bed, Li Yang and Ai Xiya were naked, and their beautiful bodies were surrounded by gold and top-notch mechas in the apocalyptic world.

The immortal energy in the gold was absorbed by the [Immortal Cultivation Method] and flowed from the gold into Li Yang's body. The originally golden gold instantly turned into scrap metal.

A large amount of immortal energy was divided into three streams and continuously poured into Li Yang's body.

An influx of soul power swept into Li Yang's spiritual space. The soul cultivation level, which had absorbed the powerful immortal energy before marrying Ai Xia, was rising like a spring.

Twelve transformations, thirteen transformations, soul power increased by one hundred and twenty percent, one hundred and thirty percent...

The surging soul power crazily absorbed and refined the immortal energy, breaking through to the early stage of immortality almost instantly, rising crazily all the way, breaking through to the middle stage of immortality, and still remaining unabated, heading towards the late stage of immortality.


The faint sound of thunder roared through the body, and the surrounding mechas condensed a large amount of thunder and lightning in their fixed areas, causing the emergence of thunder magic power, which was absorbed into Li Yang's body crazily.

His thunder magic and pure physical cultivation reached the ninth transformation with the help of the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] after the fierce confrontation with Luofel. Now, under the terrifying blessing brought by the perfect qualification for the first time, it has increased crazily. .

The tenth transformation was achieved in an instant, and the eleventh transformation was only in the blink of an eye. The energy of the surrounding mechas was running crazily to the extreme, and the thunder elements were constantly being attracted and then disappeared, and the magic power of thunder surged up at a terrifying speed. .

The mass increased by one hundred percent, one hundred and ten percent... During the process of absorbing the elements of Rolling Thunder, the mass increased crazily, and it was undergoing successive transformations driven by the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra].

The magic power of thunder surged endlessly, and along with the absorption of immortality, it passed through the eleventh transformation, and the momentum slowed down only after the twelfth transformation!


The terrifying physical energy and blood created by the sixth-level extreme gene potion and nine extraordinary transformations surged like waves. Driven by the crazy influx of spiritual power from heaven and earth, the tenth transformation and the eleventh transformation were quickly completed.

The level of qi and blood increased by 100%, increased by 110%... The qi and blood continued to become condensed, and then condensed, until the eleventh transformation was complete, the invisible qi and blood actually became as substantial as sand and stone. .

However, this is still not over. The golden immortal energy billowing around him pours into the body, continuing to stimulate the energy and blood to undergo a deeper transformation.


Like the waves of a grand prize, the rolling power of blood surged endlessly in Li Yang's powerful and terrifying body. Like ocean waves surging, the divine light in Li Yang's eyes kept blooming.

The immortal energy penetrates deeply into the body, and the genetic essence modified by the sixth-level genetic medicine in the body undergoes a profound and benign transformation under the influence of the immortal energy.

Earth-shaking changes have occurred as a result of these deep-seated benign transformations.

Like the turbulent waves of the sea, the power of the magnetic field surrounding the body continued to surge up and down, until at a certain moment, the power of the magnetic field increased by three times!

With a faint red light flashing in his eyes, Li Yang clearly felt that the power of heat vision had become more powerful. In addition, the ability to mount and even the sixth sense had undergone a deeper and benign transformation!

The immortal energy that penetrated deeply into the body had a strong and obvious promotion effect on the power of the genetic potion for the first time!


The power of immortality is still surging, and the improvement and transformation brought about by the existence of perfect aptitude and innate body is very turbulent. After entering the eleventh transformation, Li Yang's body continues to absorb immortality crazily. Qi.

Piles after piles of gold turned into scrap iron, and the immortal energy inside them was absorbed into Li Yang's body, pushing his body through twelve transformations before it ended.


Drops of foundation-building spiritual liquid continuously condensed out of the dantian, and the calm mana lake rose like spring water, and in a short time, the entire dantian was submerged.

The [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing], which is always running crazily, immediately triggers all the mana to feed back to the most fundamental source of vitality in the body, that is, the origin of the human body and the foundation of life - life source!

The underlying life essence power was nourished by the foundation-building magic power that filled his dantian. Li Yang felt that he suddenly became more energetic and his breath became longer.

Dantian Xuman's mana decreased rapidly like an ebbing tide until it completely disappeared. After the life energy in the dark was fully nourished, the strange numb feeling disappeared.

A drop of brand-new foundation-building mana condensed out, and its quality was six times that before returning to the original state. At the same time, Li Yang's slow-growing soul and the thunder magic power in his body reached the level of twelve transformations of the body, and once again gained stamina. Continue to grow one section.

One dollar for quenching!

Normally, within a hundred days after a monk returns to his original state, the monk's energy and spirit will be reborn and even stronger, but Li Yang, under the terrifying improvement of the lingering lingering influence of the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing], instantly reversed this process on the day of his breakthrough. Fill it up!

But this has not stopped yet, the mana continues to grow after the one yuan is quenched, until the Dantian is full for the second time, and then disappears quickly.

Two life-returning elements!

 Asking for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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