my world double door.

Chapter 476 1-way push

Chapter 476 Pushing all the way



Kunpeng roared, the real dragon roared, and the powerful Kunpeng magical powers were released without hesitation. However, after the battle, Kunpeng's strength was only one-third of what it was. Facing the full-force burst, it seemed that he was not as strong as he was in his prime. However, the real dragon in full condition was defeated in the clash of magical powers in a short time.

"Taking advantage of the monster's misfortune is shameful and despicable!"

Kunpeng, who was captured by Xiaolong at the cost of all his energy, roared angrily, but was greeted with a sneer from Xiaolong.

"What a despicable thing to say. Do you think the enemy will wait for you to recover to your peak condition before attacking you? Stop talking nonsense and stay put."

The little dragon looked at it with disdainful sneer, sealed it casually, and then put it into his own space magic treasure. Then his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the East China Sea dragons who had just had time to retreat to the bottom of the sea in an instant.

"Long? Where are you from?"

Seeing the arrival of his fellow dragons, the real dragon of the East China Sea, who had just fought a battle with the quasi-divine beast Kunpeng, raised his eyebrows and asked without too much vigilance.

There are constant battles between the geniuses, but in fact, it is basically the geniuses of different races fighting each other.

After all, the geniuses of the same clan had already fought each other countless times before coming to the Xuanhuang world, so there was naturally no need for them to fight again here.

While all the geniuses in the world are here, the right thing to do is to seize the time to fight with the geniuses of different races, feel their different powers, and achieve transformation.

Obviously, only the collision between different races can make living beings more likely to transform.

The true dragon that turned back was a top-level prodigy among the East China Sea dragon clan. He was very familiar with all the dragons that came to the Xuanhuang Realm to participate in the Pride Battle, but he assured that this was the first time he had seen this true dragon with such a powerful aura.

So, naturally there is this question.

"Me? From the human world."

Hearing the other party's question, the little dragon who was chasing after him immediately smiled, and then immediately activated the terrible dragon magic power on his body, and looked at the real dragon in front of him with a smile: "My dear brother, I would like to borrow your magic power to see it, just for learning and improvement, is it okay?"

The real dragon of the East China Sea who just fought a great battle: “………………”

"If you don't say anything, that means you agree."

Xiaolong's face was filled with joy, and his powerful aura was revealed, as he hovered over them: "Brother Long, please give me some advice."


Half a day later, the second prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace reappeared from the sea water with a speechless expression and swam towards the Dragon King Palace on the seabed.

Xiaolong looked at the huge Dragon Palace that was looming in the underwater world with a smile. The aura of the palace was no weaker than the Great Wall of the human race and the border of the demon race. He moved and quickly disappeared from the spot.

"Show me your magical powers."

"I'm giving you a choice that doesn't require you to pay for your Yuan Blood and Creation Fluid. Don't be ungrateful."

Not long after, the little dragon appeared in a hidden valley. Then it moved and took the initiative to enter its own space magic treasure, hooked its finger at the Kunpeng who was suppressed in it and said.

Kunpeng was silent for a moment, and the next moment, lines of yin and yang magical powers appeared faintly on its body.

As a quasi-divine beast, it naturally has many magical powers.

But what it never expected was that in just half a day, Xiaolong released it from the Lingbao world, then unsealed it, and its figure disappeared from the spot.

Kunpeng glanced around and made sure that Xiaolong was not following him in the dark. He immediately activated his magical powers and flew towards the border of the demon clan.

It was not until he reached the border that Kunpeng finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat cross-legged to recover from his injuries.

Three days later, Kunpeng's cultivation was completely restored, but when he recalled the previous battle with the second prince of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, his expression was still a little gloomy.

But then confusion came again.

Why did that despicable dragon that suddenly appeared at the end not want the essence blood and the liquid of creation, but instead wanted to rely on its magical powers?

As a quasi-divine beast of the demon race, the magical information contained in its blood is more extensive, more core, and more crucial.

Even if it reveals all the magical powers that it can show to other creatures, there are still many core magical powers that cannot be revealed. Even if it gets them, they are just for show. What's the use?
Besides, what can you see in just half a day?
"Could it be that he is practicing some special method?"

Kunpeng pondered secretly in his heart, and suddenly thought of a word: the sea embraces all rivers.

Kunpeng was puzzled, but as he was thinking about it, he suddenly froze.

"Gather the ways of all living beings and transcend my way?"


The Xuanhuang world, which was already turbulent due to the gathering of geniuses, has become even more turbulent recently.

A real dragon, who fought from a pure-blooded genius all the way to the end and defeated the quasi-divine beast Kunpeng and the new second prince of the dragon clan by sneak attack, suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

He fought and killed all the way and never lost a single time. Even though the last two victories were achieved by sneak attacks, they were still wins.

As this dragon defeated more and more talented creatures who challenged it, its battles in various areas became well known. What made the creatures astonished was that this dragon was getting stronger with continuous fighting.

At the beginning, it was only slightly better than the pure-blooded creatures in the battle, but now it can defeat the top pure-blooded geniuses, and even defeated two quasi-divine beast-level genius creatures!

The gap between the two is unbelievable.

What followed were a number of speculations, but the most reliable and widely accepted one among the many speculations was: it possessed the talent of a god of war!

Only a god of war can become more courageous in battle! "After defeating all the beasts along the way, it has reached the point where it can defeat the quasi-divine beasts. With such talent, its invincibility should have reached its peak. Do you think it can eventually challenge all the quasi-divine beasts and become the greatest genius of all time?"

“Although it sounds a bit outrageous, why do I feel it is reasonable?”

The creatures in the Xuanhuang world were talking about it. The appearance of this dragon brought a new wave to the turbulent Xuanhuang world.

However, what no living creature knew was that while this dragon was fighting with the two quasi-divine beasts that had returned in a draw, there was a figure that they had forgotten about who was attacking in secret one after another, using all kinds of magical powers with unparalleled talent, causing the eternal number one genius of each race to return with defeat.

In the valley, the real dragon that became stronger and stronger in battle appeared in front of a handsome man. Next to him was a human cultivator who exuded a strong aura. The three of them sat and talked.

"After all, I have already learned the magical powers of Kunpeng and the dragon clan. Even if it is a different Kunpeng or a real dragon, their magical powers will not be of much use to me."

“However, there is no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same. After all, they are different individuals, and the magical powers that each one possesses are somewhat different. This also allows me to learn some more magical powers of Kunpeng and True Dragon.”

Li Yang communicated his thoughts to Xiaolong: "Now is the time for you to directly attack those quasi-divine beast-level geniuses. First, you must not miss any of the quasi-divine beast-level geniuses from the monster, dragon, human, and demon races."

Only the four major races, namely humans, demons, monsters and dragons, can possess geniuses of this level. The strongest geniuses of other races are at most at the level of top-level pure-blooded holy beasts.

Thanks to their tactics, although Xiaolong burst out with extraordinary fighting power, he did not scare away a single enemy. He successfully collected the magical powers of all the genius creatures from pure-blooded geniuses to quasi-divine beasts.

Otherwise, according to a normal challenge, if Xiaolong revealed his full strength first, I am afraid that none of the weaker geniuses would dare to fight him.

If I run away without even meeting him, then it would be much more difficult to collect all the magical powers.

"Okay, no problem, I'll take care of it."

Xiaolong smiled brightly upon hearing that, and spoke confidently while patting his chest.

It does have this strength. Even those so-called greatest geniuses of all time, if they have not cultivated transcendental powers, are no match for it, let alone these quasi-divine beasts?

So, it is quite confident.

"Go ahead. I have also secretly collected the magical powers inherited by the greatest geniuses of all time. If you encounter them challenging you again, don't use your magical powers. Take their blood and creation fluid instead."

Li Yang nodded and spoke. Each race has treasures like Yuanxue and Yuancai Liquid. This is to ensure that the geniuses of each race can obtain balanced resources after defeating other races. Therefore, Li Yang is not afraid that Xiaolong will challenge the genius who has the same resources as him.

"Okay, Master, I'm going."

Xiaolong nodded happily, leaped up, and transformed into a ten-thousand-foot-tall real dragon, hiding his body to search for the shapes of those quasi-divine beasts.

Li Yang followed behind, feeling Xiaolong's movements while taking out the nine-headed wolf bone with a smile. He flipped his hand again and the nine-story mysterious tower appeared in his palm.

Each of the two treasures exudes divine light. The divine light of the Nine-Headed Heavenly Wolf Bone, which is the incarnation of a Taoist treasure, is in some sense superior. However, the mysterious aura of the Nine-Layered Mysterious Pagoda makes people feel extraordinary at first glance. It is obviously an extraordinary treasure.

Looking at these two treasures, Li Yang felt quite emotional. When he defeated the three-headed Sun-Eating Wolf just now, he had thought about refining the Nine-Headed Heavenly Wolf Bone into the Nine-Layered Mysterious Pagoda. However, he did not expect that after he had comprehended the Nine-Headed Heavenly Wolf Bone, Mo Guangyin had comprehended it, and then the three elders had comprehended it. After the three elders had comprehended it, those true female disciples comprehended it together.

He had been comprehending until now, and finally everyone had their own Great Sun Divine Power. Then he was able to take it out. However, when he looked at it again, a different idea of ​​refining emerged in his mind.

"It is better not to move the Great Sun Divine Power Pattern inside the Nine-Headed Heavenly Wolf's bones. Just treat it as a new function of the Nine-Layered Mysterious Pagoda."

Li Yang was thinking in his mind and looking towards the top of the pagoda. There had always been a missing orb there, but now he had an idea about it.

He immediately activated his magical powers, using the power of his magical powers to refine the Nine-headed Heavenly Wolf Bones back to the state of original material. He then stripped out the Great Sun Magical Power contained in its core and carefully maintained it in its original state. He then used his magical powers to guide the essence of the Great Sun Magical Power contained in the Nine-headed Heavenly Wolf Bones and refined it into the top of the pagoda. He immediately felt a touch of divine light on the top of the pagoda and a smile appeared on his face.

Immediately after his thought moved again, the materials of the Nine-Headed Heavenly Wolf Bone, which belonged to the Taoist treasure of the Divine Transformation, also flowed into the Nine-Storied Mysterious Pagoda, further increasing the foundation of the Nine-Storied Mysterious Pagoda.

But if you look closely, you'll find that the improvement of the Nine-story Mysterious Tower is actually not that great.

After all - when Li Yang was plundering those geniuses' magical powers, he did not let go of their treasures and personal resources.

He has searched through countless various kinds of trump cards at the level of the Divine Transformation Dao Treasures. Those that are worth comprehending are lining up to be comprehended by people in his camp, and those that are not worth comprehending have all been practiced into the Nine-Layered Mysterious Tower.

To some extent, the Nine-Layered Mysterious Tower is now overnourished. Once he breaks through to the God Transformation stage, it will transform into a top-level God Transformation Taoist treasure.

"By then, the nine layers will become nine realms, and it can be called the Nine Realms Mysterious Tower, or the Nine Realms Tower."

Li Yang's heart moved secretly, feeling that the Nine-Layered Mysterious Tower had increased in foundation and even hard power, he took it back into his body with satisfaction, then moved his body and followed Xiaolong to the location of the other quasi-divine beasts.

"Son, I can't help you much if I stay by your side. It's better for you to go into the world and practice."

Mo Guangyin, who was following beside him, had already been numb. Now seeing that the power of the Saint Son's innate magic weapon had been further improved, he suddenly spoke to Li Yang.

"That's good. It must have been hard work for the Grand Elder."

Upon hearing this, Li Yang looked at the cheap supreme elder and spoke with a smile. Mo Guangyin shook his head repeatedly. What hardship could it be for him?

I just followed Li Yang and was shocked and numbed by his various incredible powers.

His heart was secretly moved, but Mo Guangyin was also very happy as he felt his strength increase. He smiled and clasped his fists to Li Yang, then entered the space magic weapon he carried with him.

After Mo Guangyin went in, Li Yang nodded with satisfaction and followed the little dragon freely, watching it fighting with the geniuses at the quasi-divine beast level.



After leaving, Xiaolong found the demon son of the demon clan first, and used his dragon clan magical powers to violently collide with the three-meter-tall, strong and fair Netherworld demon. In the fierce battle, he finally defeated it with a slight advantage, and as usual, he obtained some wider demon clan inheritance from its body.

Li Yang had obtained a lot of demonic powers from the bodies of demon geniuses of various levels before. This time, it only took him half a day to digest its extra powers. Then he and Xiaolong rushed towards the next target.

In this way, Xiaolong pushed forward all the way, defeating one quasi-divine beast-level genius creature after another.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, there were bursts of dragon roars. Amid the excitement of creatures of all races, Xiaolong defeated all the quasi-divine beasts along the way and became the strongest fighter since the gathering of geniuses!
(End of this chapter)

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