Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 112 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Chapter 112 The male and female protagonist died in the 80s (38)

Their marriage was a mess, and Jin Yin was unwilling to spend her life like this due to the huge difference between fantasy and reality.

In the end, she chose to escape and followed a foreign businessman to a big city. In the end, she was deceived by the foreign businessman and lost everything. Finally, she returned to the countryside in disgrace. By then, Lu Xu was no longer in the village.

No one knows where he went.

Jin Yin was sure that he had become a tramp. At that time, he might have been living on the streets, or he might have died in a foreign country. In short, marrying him was the worst decision Jin Yin had ever made. She regretted it and imagined countless times what would happen in her life. If she could do it over again, she would never waste her life in that small place again.

God is wise, she was really reborn, and she actually knew her true identity!
Jin Yin was still frightened. She was impatient and ecstatic to find her biological parents. After successfully recognizing her parents, she immediately escaped from the place of suffering in her previous life.

Life in the city is really wonderful. She sits in a clean classroom and is surrounded by children from wealthy families in the big city. She has unlimited opportunities. No matter what, she will never go back to the life she had before.

When she dreamed back at midnight, she also thought of the man Lu Xu.

He was a complete liar and she hated him to the core.

But one thing she couldn't deny even if she was reborn, was that Lu Xu was a very charming man. He was humorous, cheerful and sunny, and his bewildering face made him a famously handsome boy from all over the country.

Jin Yin was confused by his face.

I was once confused, but now when I watch it two years later, I am still confused for a moment.

Lu Xu, why is he here?Why are you with Jin Shu?
Where did he get this outfit?From Jin Shu?

Is it possible that he is now dependent on Jin Shu for support?

Or was Jin Shu also deceived by this cunning man?

There are only two possibilities. Depending on the situation, Jin Shu has a high probability of being deceived.

Jin Yin sneered in her heart.

Hasn't Jin Shu been sought after as a genius? Now the genius is about to be deceived. Does she know it?
"Yin Yin, look, Jin Shu seems to be dating someone."

"Well, maybe."

"That guy is really good-looking, like a movie star, but she's still in school. Isn't it too early to start dating now?"

"We don't have anything to do with you and I, let's just talk about it. I think that man is not bad, he's so good-looking."

Why stop her? These two were meant to be a couple. Her whole life was ruined by Lu Xu in her last life. What's wrong with having someone else torture her in this life?
But she didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't rush home after class, but stood aside and watched silently.

When Jin Shu turned around and left, and Lu Xu was the only one left under the light, the man's tall and straight figure resembled green pines and bamboos, and his harmless face, with smooth outlines and delicate features.

After a long time, Jin Yin still couldn't help but keep her eyes on him.

It would be great if he wasn't a liar, it would be even better if he came from a superior family like Chu Dong.

Unfortunately, Jin Yin knows better than anyone that except for this face and body, he has nothing else.

"Lu Xu."

Jin Yin took the initiative to step forward, trying to control her inner emotions and maintain superficial calm.

Lu Xu was smoking when he heard someone talking behind him. He pinched his cigarette and turned around slowly.

Jin Yin looked at his face and her heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

"do you remember me?"

"Well, is something wrong?"

Jin Yin smiled, raised her chin and straightened her body, maintaining the temperament and dignity of a local.

She reminded herself that no matter how gorgeously the Lu Xu in front of her packaged herself, he was just a pauper with a beautiful appearance but a ruined appearance. She didn't have any illusions, and she didn't need to give him much affection.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I saw you standing here just after class, waiting for someone? Are you free? My store is next to you. We used to be friends. We can sit down and chat."

Jin Yin knew that Lu Xu liked her, otherwise the two of them would not have become a family smoothly in their previous life.

"No, there's no time." Seeing Lu Xu turn around and leave, Jin Yin chased after him and stood in front of him to stop him.

"Are you blaming me for leaving without saying goodbye? I wrote you a letter, did you receive it?"


"Then you should know what I think after reading the content."

"I didn't open it because I thought it was troublesome. Do you have anything else to do? Don't let others misunderstand me, Mr. Black Man."

After speaking, Lu Xu strode forward again.

Jin Yin was stunned for a few seconds, then subconsciously followed him and asked him.

"You didn't see it? You lied to me, and you're still blaming me. If I didn't come to town, I would marry you."

Lu Xu curled his lips and smiled.

"Yes, it doesn't matter whoever marries me. If it's not you, it could be someone else. I just lacked someone to marry me at that time."

Lu Xu didn't hide it at all and told the facts straightforwardly.

“My grandma was about to pass away at that time, and her only wish was to see me get married, so I needed a marriage partner.

I don’t force things on others, and I certainly won’t force them on you. "

"Then you are... married now?"

"Not at all."

I had no choice but to fall in love with a girl, but my grandma died before I could pursue him.

At that time, Lu Xu knew that he was not strong enough, so he left the village after settling his grandmother's affairs, and followed a friend with whom he had a good relationship at the time to work in a coastal city.

The truth was torn apart and put in front of her, and Jin Yin couldn't accept it.

She didn't want to believe that she was a dispensable person to Lu Xu.

"You lied to me?"

"What did I lie to you about?"

"You...you...have nothing, and you still lied to me and made me think you had good conditions!"

Lu Xu looked calm.

"I haven't said or done anything. You fantasize about who I am, and you find that I'm different from what you imagined, and you blame me for lying to you?

Ha, what a joke. "

Jin Yin reached out to pull his arm, but Lu Xu easily dodged it. He took long steps and had no intention of waiting for Jin Yin.

"Lu Xu, a person like you will never achieve anything in this life, so you want to live a good life by currying favor with Jin Shu? What a joke, don't you know who Jin Shu is currying with to get where he is today?"

The man stopped, his eyes cold.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk indiscriminately."

Jin Yin was so frightened by his eyes that she couldn't help but tremble. Her heart felt empty and sour. When she looked at Lu Xu, she felt hatred and resentment in her heart.

"Who doesn't know that Jin Shu fawned over the boss of a clothing factory! She relies on others, and you still want to rely on her? Be careful if the boss behind you finds out, and you don't even know how you died!"

Lu Xu's face darkened, his eyes that had always hidden a smile were now cold, and his voice became extremely stiff.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will make it impossible for you to say a word in your life."

(End of this chapter)

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