Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 115 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Chapter 115 The male and female protagonist died in the 80s (41)

In addition, he also won the first prize in the National Mathematics League, and I heard that he had been admitted to the highest university in advance.

In the eyes of most students in the school, Jin Shu is already a legendary existence.

Everyone defaulted to her being No. 1 and a genius, so when it was reported that Jin Shu's company had opened a branch abroad, everyone just marveled briefly, and then calmed down, thinking it was reasonable.

The huge gap made Jin Yin feel anxious.

Her store's business is good, after all, she is led by Mrs. Chu, and what she is best at is finding inspiration from foreign haute couture, so the clothes she designs are also sought after by many people.

But this alone is not enough.

Jin Yin also wants to set up her own company.

This was stopped by Chu Dong without hesitation.

"I asked you to do it for fun, but are you serious about setting up a company? Our Chu family's ready-made enterprise can't let go of a great god like you?"

Of course Jin Yin didn't listen to him.

In her opinion, Chu Dong said this just because he wanted to continue to use her free labor force as a slave.

After all, many of Chu's new products are produced by her, and the sales are good. Now that she wants to start a new business, Chu is naturally panicked.

This is exactly what Jin Yin wants to see.

Chu's is nothing. With the development of the times, Chu's ready-made clothing has long been unable to keep up with the trend. It has changed from a luxury product to a slow-moving product that can be seen everywhere now.

Old-fashioned styles, useless marketing, backward management systems, and with the influx of a large number of foreign clothing brands, Chu's has already sunk.

This can be seen from the changes in the Chu family's house.

From a villa to a foreign-style building, the number of servants and nannies was cut in half, and there was only one car left, exclusively for Chu's father's use.

When Chu was dying, he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and reuse Jin Yin's design.

The slight improvement in sales made Jin Yin's status in the Chu family rise, but not long after the sales improved, Jin Yin started a new business and secretly registered a company.

When Chu Dong found out, he became furious and rushed to Zhao's house angrily. He fought with Jin Yin in front of Liao Lin and Zhao Huaijing.

With confidence, Jin Yin will no longer endure in silence.

Chu Dong was scratched with blood marks on his face, and before leaving, he said harsh words.

"I'll kill you sooner or later! Just wait!"

Liao Lin cried and wanted to call the police, but Jin Yin stopped him.

"There's no need to call the police. I have a share of the Chu family. You don't have to worry about Chu Dong and I until you get my share."

"Don't you care about waiting for him to hit you again?"

"What happened to him when he hit me? He even knew how to give me money when he hit me. What about you?!"

"I think you've gone crazy!"

Liao Lin completely collapsed.

"Your father and I won't care whether you live or die from now on!"

"Oh, then don't ask me to control you from now on."

Just in time, I was just waiting for Liao Lin's words to get rid of two useless burdens to me, and I would have less money for retirement in the future.

Anyway, she has rented a house outside, and when the company makes money, she will buy herself a bigger house.At the Linjiang Business Expo, all enterprises in the city were invited to participate.

Jin Yin also got the invitation letter.

That night she dressed up and arrived at the expo. After taking her seat, she suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away.

It was Lu Xu. He was sitting at the head of the table, chatting and laughing with the foreigner beside him.

Why is he here?

Jin Shu brought it?
What about Jin Shu?

Jin Yin searched around but didn't see Jin Shu's figure.

Just when she was wondering, a familiar laughter came to her ears. She turned her head sharply, and a woman in a long black dress came into view.

The woman held a red wine glass in her hand and was chatting and laughing with a boss across from her. Her black hair was tied up high, revealing a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

Perhaps because Jin Yin's gaze was too intense, Zhou Yanzhu, who was chatting with others, noticed it and turned around. The moment she saw her face, Jin Yin almost had the cup in her hand.

The Zhou Yanzhu in front of her is confident, generous, young, delicate, and her whole body is filled with the aura of wealth. The originally scorched and tired face is now delicate and smooth, and the whole person seems to have returned to youth. If Jin Yin hadn't been too familiar with Zhou Yanzhu, otherwise She may even suspect that she has recognized the wrong person.

"You... how did you..."

Zhou Yanzhu came over holding a cup, her smile unchanged.

"How did you kid learn to drink? Did you come alone?"

"Um...you, who did you come with?"

"Oh, Shushu went on a business trip abroad. I came to attend the meeting on her behalf. I had no choice but to do it. Everyone at home was too busy. I was the only one who had nothing to do all day long, so I came here shamelessly."

Idle all day long...

The smile on Zhou Yanzhu's face never disappeared from the beginning to the end when she spoke. The calm and self-confidence emanating from her bones is inseparable from her superior living conditions and strong family background.

She can still see the appearance of the country woman she once was. Jin Yin looked at her and thought of Liao Lin's half-thick hair and haggard face, and she suddenly felt a tightness in her chest.

She had so much to say, but now facing Zhou Yanzhu, she couldn't say anything.

"What's wrong? Do you think I've changed too much and you can't recognize me?"

Jin Yin stiffened her neck and nodded slowly.

"Hahaha... A lot of people have said this. Last year, Shushu took me abroad to see the world. The beauty hospitals abroad are so amazing. I only did skin management for half a year, and the changes have been so big!
Hahahahaha, I told you not to do it, not to do it. That kid Jin Shu bought the beauty salon directly. Hey... He also gave it to me and made me the boss. How can I manage this? You said, bite the bullet and go ahead. chant.

Hahahaha, Yin Yin, when will you take your mother to play abroad and go to my shop for beauty treatment? "

Jin Yin stood there blankly. Zhou Yanzhu, who was opposite her, had been talking, but she could not hear anything clearly. All that was left in her ears were bursts of pleasant laughter. The laughter gradually became harsh, like a knife cutting her. Ears hurt.

"Mom, when you see me, can you stop talking about others?"

Zhou Yanzhu looked at her, then smiled helplessly.

"Then who should we talk about? If I don't talk about my daughter, who else can I talk about?"

Jin Yin lowered her head and subconsciously bit her lips, her whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Zhou Yanzhu loved her the most before, but now when he talks to her, she is like a guest, and there is alienation in both words. It seems that there is an invisible wall between the two of them. Zhou Yanzhu is aloof inside the wall, and she is outside the wall. Like a poor beggar.

"Sure enough, a rich girl is definitely better than a poor girl like me. Ms. Zhou Yanzhu, my mother is not the kind of person who admires foreign things. Foreign countries are so good. From now on, you should stay abroad and avoid returning to our country."

(End of this chapter)

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