Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 118 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 118 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (1)

"Congratulations, you have completed the task again. Do you want to take a rest?"

When talking to Arnold, Jin Shu's consciousness was dissociated. She couldn't feel the existence of her body. She only felt that her eyes were in chaos, and the sounds she heard were far and near.

"I've rested long enough."

"You don't have to work so hard. It takes so long. You can take your time. You just need to complete the task before you die. As your friend said, you can feel the emotions and desires of different worlds."

"No, I'm not interested."

Although her consciousness is not very clear, Jin Shu's soul is still very clear in her bones.

She was hurt by her emotions and died with hatred. If she hadn't had a problem with her brain, she probably wouldn't touch these things again.

Arnold smiled. He knew Jin Shu and knew she would answer this way.

"Well, okay, then get ready, we will start the next round of adventure right away."

Jin Shu handed herself over calmly, feeling like dead leaves hovering on the water. She didn't have to think about anything and just let her body drift with the water.

Suddenly a violent splash of water hit her, and she completely lost consciousness.

"Mission over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

48 hours system loading successfully.

Current time flow rate ratio: 1:1, the system is open for 48 hours. "


"You disappoint me so much! I told you the answer in advance, how could you still make such a big joke!

Jin Shu, I won’t talk about you after you graduated from high school. I thought you at least had a face to look at, but now the whole Internet is laughing at you for being a bastard!What do you want to do if this matter continues?Do you really want people to think that an artist like you cannot have a positive impact on people, and then ban you completely? !

God, how could I, a top student who graduated from a prestigious university, take over an artist like you!You have let me down too much! "

As soon as Jin Shu woke up, she was scolded all over her face.

She slowly opened her eyes. The surrounding environment was a little dim. The only sound in the closed carriage was the sound of women complaining and sighing. Her ears were a little stuffy and her chest was feeling tight. When she lowered her head, she saw that it was because of the clothes she was wearing.

The white skirt was too small. It hugged her body tightly and made it difficult for her to breathe. When she lowered her eyes and looked down, she could see the beautiful rise and fall of her chest. Jin Shu unzipped the clothes without hesitation. The pressure in her lungs disappeared and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You still know how to sigh? Do you think I'm annoying? You think I'm annoying you to change your agent."

The woman next to her was wearing a hat and a mask and was talking nonstop. From just a few words, Jin Shu could probably guess why she was angry.

But her memory hasn't been transmitted yet, so silence is the best option.

When the car stopped, the woman sent Jin Shu upstairs and handed her a stack of documents before leaving.

"This is the content of tomorrow's interview. Memorize it. I don't expect you to memorize it all. At least you can remember it after reading it once, okay? Can you do such a small thing?" Jin Shu nodded.

The other party sighed tiredly, took off his mask and turned to leave.

Jin Shu was the only one left in some cramped and messy rooms. It could be seen that although the house was small, it was in a good location and should be quite valuable.

Jin Shu felt physically tired, so she lay down on the sofa in front of the TV and closed her eyes.

When he was drowsy, the memory of the original owner was transmitted.

This is a novel about the entertainment industry. The heroine Shen Mianyi was originally an avid girlfriend of a top male protagonist in the entertainment industry. In an accident while filming, she was reborn in the body of a black actress on the Internet.

The heroine was also the biggest fan of this actress. Bi actress was pretentious and green tea. She even deliberately flirted with the top male protagonist in front of the entire Internet. After being rejected by the male protagonist on the spot, she still did not repent and tried to molest the male protagonist. The heat of the Lord.

After the heroine was reborn in the body of an actress, with her cheerful personality, extraordinary eloquence and incredible luck, she quickly gained a reputation among the most popular women on the Internet, and her resources exploded, and she won the top spot in a variety show collaboration. The male protagonist has a crush on her.

The relationship between the two is progressing rapidly, and their careers are making rapid progress.

As for the original owner, he is the actress’ friend who was reborn by the heroine.

Both of them, without exception, are black on the entire internet.

One was scolded for being pretentious and shameless, and the other was a low-educated and uneducated person.

Because the original owner looks brighter and more beautiful, even if Jiuluoyu is blacklisted by the entire Internet, he still has some resources at hand. Before that, the original owner also helped his friends. If he had any variety show resources, he would also ask investors to give them to his friends. Also save a spot.

But what the original owner didn't know was that his good friend had already had his heart changed.

In a variety show that was just aired last month, the heroine, who was ridiculed by the entire network for her poor professional ability, directly counterattacked and became the variety show MVP by relying on her incredible luck.

In competitive sports, she cleverly used game loopholes to exploit game NPCs to help herself complete tasks effortlessly and won No. 1.

In the quiz, the heroine answered all the questions perfectly and smoothly with the help of the golden finger she obtained after her rebirth.

As an invited guest, there is no possibility of success in successfully trampling the original owner of the resident guest to the ground.

As the actress's best friend, the original owner was still silly about her friend's performance at first, but soon she couldn't be happy anymore.

Because the top male protagonist is also one of the invited guests to participate in the show, the original host Jin Shu has always secretly liked the top male protagonist, and her female star friends know this better than anyone else.

The original owner of the popular CP group knew that it was just a prank. The actress' friend had a male artist she liked, and the two were already in an ambiguous stage, and they were ready to break the window and announce their relationship at any time.

But in the variety show, my friend deliberately interacted with the top male protagonist through the game again and again, and even confessed his love generously in front of the camera. In the end, the two of them completed the task at the same time, and the friend directly kissed the top male protagonist before the camera turned around. The male protagonist takes a bite.

The original owner who saw this scene completely collapsed.

Forget about being robbed of the limelight and being stepped on. We are all friends and it is right for each other to achieve success.

But even though the other party knew that he liked the top male protagonist, he still interacted closely with him repeatedly, and even deliberately told some jokes in front of him several times that only the two of them knew.

At this time, the original owner couldn't hold it any longer.

Because the original owner only had low academic qualifications, but it was not a brain problem. She had seen her friend's recent dramatic changes, and she slowly realized that her friend seemed to have been replaced by another complete stranger.

This discovery made the original owner unable to resist digging deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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